How did you discover your force sensitivity?
It took several hunts for Krss to realize that it wasn't normal to see flashes of events just before they happened. The others just thought he was gifted with extraordinary reflexes. Only when he told his family about did he learn that this was a gift of his.
Describe a moment where you fell prey to your moral weakness or experienced a tragedy/horror that still haunts you.
Many times when hunting with his family, Krss could not see how their prey was worthy of points in the Scorekeeper's eyes. One particular hunt, he came upon the quarry first, an elderly, injured Wookiee, exhausted to the point of helplessness. Krss could not understand how slaying them at that point would be worthy of any points, and so he tried to help them, get them to safety rather than participate in pointless slaughter. His brother Gryssk caught them, and slew the Wookiee in front of him, berating his brother's weakness. Overcome with grief and anger, he slew his brother to avenge what he saw as an innocent. Only after his rage had cooled did he realize what he had done.
How did you come to join the NJO?
After returning the his family, he was disgusted that his brother was seen as worthy quarry, and that he was congratualted for the points he had accumulated during the hunt. He left his family to hunt things he saw as worthy. Beasts that could fight back and even kill him, people who had harmed others he'd come across. In reality he threw himself into the dangerous hunts so that he may eventually see his brother again, before the Scorekeeper, where there could be no misunderstanding. A Jedi Knight was hunting the same criminals as him during one of these excursions. Recognizing what he was, and what he was doing, the Knight took him under their wing.
Name one NPC your character has a strong connection with. This could be a family member, a friend, a work contact, or a bitter rival.
Sirus Vyren, a student Krss rescued from a gang's kidnapping attempt during his travels, seems to have never forgotten him. For a time, Sirus and his family sheltered Krss, the one time since leaving his own family he had someplace to call home. Sirus still keeps in touch with Krss, mostly discussing various theories and experiments he's looking to perform. Krss often finds himself in over his head, but offers whatever advice and encouragement he can in their exchanges.
Describe a moment in your life where you demonstrated your moral strength despite adversity.
Graves for prey are frowned upon among Trandoshan. But ever since what happened to Gryssk, Krss takes the time with every sentient life he hunts, to give them a proper burial, fulfill a last request, ensure they die with honor. While he cannot forgive the actions of those he hunts, he struggles to ever feel hatred for anyone anymore.
Belief: Religion (Scorekeeper)
Krss still adhere to the religion of his people, believing the life of a Jedi will offer him a way to earn many points in her honor while assuaging his conscience.
Morality Value: 48
Strength: Love
Krss has yet to find someone in the galaxy who was no redeeming qualities. He finds himself clinging to the bright spots he finds, as he hopes others do for him.
Weakness: Vengeance
Actions should have consequences, and too often does Krss find himself the one who delivers them on behalf of those he sees as helpless.
Obligation: Bounty (10)
The lifestyle and hunts Krss chose to pursue often earned the ire of those who made careers profiting off misery. And unfortunately, those people have the resources to put a price on his head. Krss has learned the hard way how to survive alone when there's a decent amount of credits offered for your life.
7"0 tall, young adult Trandoshan male. Looks around 200 pounds, but built lean. Mottled green hide and dark yellow eyes. Claws are dark green and look well maintained, and sharpened to a point.