Middle Class Struggles
Sometimes a character comes from modest, but comfortable conditions prior to entering a life of adventure. This broad category could include anything from a skilled technician, minor political official, professional soldier, or any other lifestyle that typically involves hard work—but with the pay to make it worthwhile.
Born Engineer
Some characters take to tinkering as children or adolescents, displaying a prodigious skill with technology at a young age.
Modification: The character loves to extend the usefulness of a device or program by boosting its abilities or giving it new functions. A character with this Motivation often adds new parts or code to the original item, ceaselessly fiddling with it even after its function is what most would consider optimal. Some individuals turn modifications into an art form — whether literally artistic, or metaphorically so — through clever use of technology.
Criminal (5)
The character has a criminal record or is accused of a crime (rightly or wrongly), most likely for using technology illegally or providing the means for another to do so. Though the PC is not currently in custody, there are outstanding warrants for the PC's arrest. The PC might seek to settle this Obligation by paying ongoing legal costs or fines, burying evidence, or convincingly demonstrating innocence in the matter.
Obsession (10)
The PC has an unhealthy obsession with technology, droids, or computers that constantly interferes with efforts to live a normal life. Whether it is repairing a prized droid, designing the next great piece of cybernetic technology, or inventing a device that defines the era, the character has a continual need to pursue this interest. Accomplishing significant tasks to further this goal helps to reduce the character's Obligation.
Special Abilities: Twi'leks begin the game with one rank in either Charm or Deception. They still may not train Charm or Deception above rank 2 during character creation.
When making skill checks, Twi'leks may remove 1 Setback Die imposed due to arid or hot environmental conditions.