Quickflash Burning Gel
Musical Instrument (Common), Mandolin looking thing
Scanner Goggles
Breath Mask
Hairclip with concealed picks [Specialist Skulduggery Tool (1enc, 3[s] to detect, +1 Upgrade, +1 Success, +1 Adv)]
Pretty Brooch with Noise dampener [Simple Stealth Tool (1enc, 3[s] to detect, +1 Upgrade, +1 Adv)]
Stabilized Arm Braces [Simple Coordination Tool (1enc, +1 Upgrade, +1 Adv)]
Stimpack 2x
Extra Reload
Military Belt Pouch
Jedi Utility Belt
-Jedi Multi-Tool
-Aquata Breather
-Glow Rod
Mouse Droid Override Control (Mousetrap)
Very Fine, Fancy Ring (Co-Op)
Bloodstained Phase-Knife (The Art of The Hunt)
Burnt Ship Chuck [Rotunda at Risk]
Hotel Clerk Uniform [Scenic Overlook]
New Republic Civilian Battle Award [http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Alliance_Civilian_Battle_Award]
Talon Karrde is a Dramatic Little Baby (Corusaunt)
Dos Grub: Co-Op contact (Jaquline Sparrow)
Rath Daniz: "Used" Heavy Equipment Dealer
Clatters Thorne, Toydarian Droid Tech (New Market)
Elmore - Useless Rodian Smuggler (Undercover Smugglers: First Job)
Niles Colton - Pantoran Disguise Enthusiast - <Red Hair> (Scenic Overlook)
Hero of Mon Calamari
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Uncanny Senses 2x
EotE Core 145
Force Talent. The character adds [b] per rank of Uncanny Senses to his Perception checks.
Inspiring Rhetoric
EotE Core 137
The character may take the Inspiring Rhetoric action; making an Average [dd] Leadership check. For each ☼. one ally within close range recovers one strain. For each ω. one ally benefiting from Inspiring Rhetoric recovers one additional strain.
Kill with Kindness x2
EotE Core 138
Remove [s] per rank of Kill with Kindness from all Charm and Leadership checks the character attempts.
Congenial 2x
FC 32
When attempting a Charm or Negotiation check, the character may suffer a number of strain to downgrade the check a number of times equal to the strain suffered. This number cannot exceed his ranks in Congenial. When the character is the target of a Charm or Negotiation check, the character may suffer a number of strain to upgrade the difficulty of the check a number of times equal to the strain suffered. This number cannot exceed his ranks in Congenial.
Convincing Demeanor
EotE Core 133
Remove [s] per rank of Convincing Demeanor from any Deception or Skulduggery check.
Inspiring Rhetoric (Improved)
EotE Core 137
Each ally affected by Inspiring Rhetoric gains [b] all skill checks for a number of rounds equal to the character's ranks in Leaderhip; this does not stack with itself.
Disarming Smile x2
FC 32
The character can take the Disarming Smile action to make an opposed Charm check against one target within short range. If he succeeds, decrease the target’s defense (melee and ranged) by a number equal to the character’s ranks in Disarming Smile (to a minimum of 0) until the end of the encounter.
Just Kidding!
FC 33
Once per round as an incidental, when the character or any of his allies in short range generates [D] on a social skill check, the character may spend one Destiny Point to convert a single [D] generated on the check to [F]. When she does this, she must explain what she says or does to smooth things over after the verbal misstep.
Sense Danger
EotE Core 142
Once per game session, the character may remove [ss] from any one skill check.
Don’t Shoot!
FC 32
Once per session, the character can take the Don’t Shoot! action to make a Hard (ddd) Charm check If she succeeds, she cannot be the target of a combat check until the end of the encounter or until he makes a combat check. This player must explain how he talks his way out of being associated with his party’s combatants, and the GM has final say on whether his ruse succeeds.
Street Smarts
EotE Core 144
Remove [s] per rank of Street Smarts from any Streetwise or Knowledge [Underworld) checks the character attempts.
Sense Emotions
EotE Core 142
The character adds [b] to all Charm, Coercion, and Deception checks unless the target is immune to Force Powers.
Discipline as Career Skill
Smooth Talker
Just a shit talent
Works like a Charm
Force Powers
Force Rating
Influence [Mentor - Knight Usuph]
The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of other.
Special Rule (◑ use): When guiding and shaping thoughts, only ●generated from ● may be used to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear, and hatred. Only ○ generated from ○ may be used to generate positive emotions such as peace, tranquility, and friendliness. Other emotions such as confusion can be generated with ◑.
The character may spend ○ to stress the mind of one living target she is engaged with, inflicting 1 strain.
Spend ○ to increase targets affected equal to Magnitude upgrades purchased.
The user gains the ability to enhance her arguments and charisma via the Force. When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership, or Negotiation check, the user may roll an Influence power check as part of the pool. She may spend ◑ to gain ☼ or ω (his choice) per point on the check.
Suppress [Mentor - Ysalamyri]
The Force user can dampen the effects of incoming Force powers, dramatically diminishing their effects on herself and her allies.
The user may spend ◑ to add automatic (F) to Force power checks made against her or any ally within short range until the end of his next turn.
Sense [Mentor - Master Ossa]
The Force User can sense the Force interacting with the world around her.
The user may spend ◑ to sense all living things within short range (including sentient and non-sentient beings).
The user may spend ◑ to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom she is engaged.
Effect: Spend ◑ The Force user senses the current thoughts of one living target with whom she is engaged.
1. How did you discover your force sensitivity?
She has always known something about the force, just the little the Jedi order had told her mother's family, passed down. Enough to know that it was dangerous to explore it too far, she has always tried to resist the call of the power inside of her for fear of bringing about the same fate as her mother. Not only for her own sake, but she knew if anything were to happen to her, it would break her father.
2. Describe a moment where you fell prey to your moral weakness or experienced a tragedy/horror that still haunts you.
Myri's mother was identified as a force sensitive child by the old Jedi order during the clone wars. She was young and hadn't been brought to the temple by the fall of the Republic, her family kept this quiet and she eventually grew up and married Kazre, having a single child. Early in Myri's life imperials came in the night and took her mother away. Her father had a good guess they were hunting down those with the force and they had noticed the same tendencies in their daughter. He sold all they had, bought a junk ship and headed for the outer rim to escape imperial notice.
3. How did you come to join the NJO?
Myri knew of the order since it's inception from her family's contacts across the rim. Fearing it was too good to be true, they bided their time waiting for it to fall or . The Order has been around long enough that it finally seemed safe to join. Her father hopes the order will better be able to protect his daughter. Myri hopes they will be able to turn this curse she has run from and which took her mother into something able to help people.
4. Name one NPC your character has a strong connection with. This could be a family member, a friend, a work contact, or a bitter rival.
Myri has traveled around with her farther, Kazre Farthen since she was little, raised and protected by him, always looked over his shoulder hoping the empire or it's remnants didn't come for his daughter, while managing to make enough money to keep living and moving.
Myri has lived most of her life on her family's small freighter, trading goods from one rim world to another. Joining the New Jedi Order is the first time she's ever really been away from her father. While she thinks she has seem much in her travels and knows all about the world, her father did his best to shelter her from the worst aspects of the Galaxy.
Obligation: Responsibility: 8
Myri needs to succeed at using the force for good in the Galaxy. If she is unable to to help, then all of her parent's sacrifices will be for nothing, the force will have been truly a curse for the family rather than a blessing.
Obligation: Debt: 0
Clatters Thorne, Toydarian Droid Tech, aboard the trade ship The New Market gets a favor.
Morality: 74
Mercy: Myri cannot help but give others a second chance. She never strikes first, and provides every opportunity for an opponent to back down.
Naïveté: Cunning Foes take advantage of Myri’s generosity, trying her patience as they try to get away with as much as they can. Myri’s inability to identify false contrition sometimes lets crafty villains off the hook.
Of about average height, most people would describe both her build and her face as "strong." There's something about her that seems to fill up the room.
Age: 24
Other Notes
Mouse Trap: +15 XP (5 base, 10 bonus for lone wolf) / Morality -2 Sicced droids on Orem, +1 Helped Orem and game Orem inspiring speech
Checking out the Co-Op: +15 XP (5 base, 10 bonus)
Philvum Shortage: +15 XP (5 base, 10 bonus) / Morality -2 Gregor gave info damning miner to the Verpine after Myri promised to not act on it. +1 Justice same act
Undercover Smugglers: First Job +15 XP (10 base, 5xp minor breakthrough(ending violence with words)) +2 Peacekeeper, +1 Justice (turned over info on Purists)
Rotunda at Risk 1 +15 XP
The Art of The Hunt +25 XP (+20 Base, +5 Minor Breakthrough Myri will never follow an unjust leader again) Morality: -1 Mechanical, +2 Heroic Intervention, +3 Heroic Sacrifice +1 Counsel
Rotunda at Risk 2 +15 XP +1 Morality
No Coincidences: +15 XP +2 Morality (Counsel, Heroic Intervention)
Welcome Back: +15 XP +4 Morality
Scenic Overlook +15 xp -1 Morality (Minor Breakthrough (Myri has come up against the limits of her own ability and better appreciates what a team can do to help each other)
Wily Wilken +10 xp +2 Morality
Restraint +15 xp +1 Morality (peaceful warrior) +400cr (helping quartermaster)
B&E +20 xp (Minor Breakthrough (The cost of vengeance is too high)) -9 Conflict (The Death of a Drall, The Worthington Child, Death and Slaughter), +7 Harmony (Counsel, Heroic Intervention, Peacekeeper, Peaceful Warrior)
Wily Wilken: +15 xp +3 harmony (Intervention) -3 conflict (an unknown reason, good thing no one died) +1800 cr
Hunt for the Claim Jumpers +15 xp, +2 harmony (justice), +1300 cr
What is Rightfully Mine: 10 xp +4 Morality (+2 Justice (Dealt with gang) +1 Peacekeeper (Turn in Disruptor to order) +1 Peaceful Warrior (Tried to get people to surrender))
Spinning out of control: 15 xp
Undercover Smugglers 2: 25xp 20 base +5 xp (leadin' ain't easy) -1 Morality Mechanical +1 Favor From Co-Op
The End of the Beginning: 10xp +2 Harmony
The Beginning of the Middle: 20 XP, +2 harmony +5 Minor Breakthrough(Visualized her Ideal Self)
The Resistance: 30xp (+20xp base, +10 xp Major Breakthrough (Got to make a difference)) +2000CR +2 morality (Saving the day and Counsel to Kryll) -2 Obligation: Responsibility
Star Wars: Empire at War: 25xp - 15xp + 10xp needs to save her mother) 1 morality (doing good stuff to minimize losses)