Kerat was once like any other Jawa on Tatooine scavenging droids, fixing them up just enough for them to be salable and then selling them right away. In the process of growing into his culture he was put to work on a droid that had data banks containing great amounts of technician learning material and took great interest in it. Storing the information secretly and learning about the outside world made him generally smarter than others of his species. He eventually ran away to explore the outside world and study droids. Looking for ways to increase his droid prowess he discovers an experimental serum in the slums of Tatooine, buying it from a seedy merchant in hindsight was a bad idea but he did so anyway and was disappointed to find that it had not increased hit intellect by much and only caused his eyes to turn a shade of green, distinguishing him from other Jawas.
In his travels he stops by at Nar Shaddaa to look for droids. He finds a very old assassin droid scavenging in a junk shop owners pile. He manages to sneak him out and get him operational, believing to need him for translation in his future endeavors.
Making his way to the world of Eriadu in search of droids, he stumbles upon a notice for a job put out by Pareja for a dangerous smuggling job, unluckily for him he miscalculated the amount of credits needed to get to this planet and ended up having only 6 left, leaving this job as his only option to earn money quickly.
Technological Fascination: The character loves to work with a specific type of machine. sometimes to the point of excluding all others, be it firearms, star ships, droids, or some other, more esoteric branch of technology. The character seeks out new information and the latest news pertaining to this area of fascination, and knows the intricacies of various models and minute differences between them. The character might have favorite models, but this singular obsession is not usually limited to one specific object or design.
Obsession: 20
The PC has an unhealthy obsession with technology, droids, or computers that constantly interferes with efforts to live a normal life. Whether it is repairing a prized droid, designing the next great piece of cybernetic technology, or invention a device that defines the era, the character has a continual need to pursue this interest, Accomplishing significant tasks to further this coal helps to reduce the character's obligation
Male Jawa
20 years old
1 meter tall
Jawa scrawny build, Silouhette 0
Black hair
Green Eyes