Zabrak add an automatic advantage to all Coercion checks they make.
Force Powers
Force Rating
When making an Athletics (Br) check, Nemba may use force pips as successes or advantages.
Semat's twin brother is Hamad. She has Selective Mutism. In social situations, she finds it nearly impossible to speak due to extreme anxiety, mostly when adults are around. She feels comfortable enough with [one PC] to whisper responses to them. When she's back in the dorm, she is able to speak normally so long as no adults are around. Regardless of this inhibition, she excels at [insert focus area here].
Semat is fascinated by the cosmos. She loves learning about the nature of the galaxy and how spacefaring society travels through it. She hopes to discover new aspects of the galaxy.
Morality: 71
Emotional Strength: Caution
Semat possesses commendable prudence, willing to always look before she leaps into a new situation. Her forward-thinking ways may have save her companions from dangerous situations on numerous occasions.
Emotional Weakness: Fear
The line between caution and fear is a thin one. Sometimes Semat spends too much concerned about the potential problems of a situation to act in that situation at all. At other times, her caution causes her to flee when danger presents itself, though bolder action might reap real rewards.
Semat stands at just under 5 ft. tall. She has dark brown skin, five small horns along the crown of her forehead, black hair with tight curls, and bright golden-yellow eyes. She wears light brown Jedi tunic and pants. She can usually be found fidgeting with a complex mechanical puzzle, designed to assist those with extreme anxiety. When in the dorm, she is exuberant and playful. Outside of the dorm, especially when adults are present, she tends to be shy and can come off cold to those who don't know her. She also will whisper to her brother or closest friend instead of responding directly to adults.