Rilki Chan by Glein

Edge of the Empire

Threshold 14
Current 0
Threshold 14
Current 0
Ranged 1
Melee 1

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 0
Athletics (Br) X 1 -1S
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0 1B
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 0
Coordination (Ag) 0 1B
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 2
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 1
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 1
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0 1B-1S
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 1 1B-2S
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 2
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 1


A280-CFE (Pistol)
Ranged: Light
Stun Setting
A280-CFE (Rifle)
Ranged: Heavy
Stun Setting, Pierce 1, Accurate 1
Explorer's Knife
Vicious 1


Weapons & Armor

A280-CFE Convertible Heavy Blaster Pistol - Encum: 3
Explorer's Knife - Encum: 2
Phase 1 ARC Trooper Armor - Encum: 5(2)

Personal Gear

Military Traumapac - Encum: 1
Electrobinoculars - Encum: 1
Personal Transponder - Encum: 0
Mk. III Modular Backpack - Encum: +2
Mk. III MB Pocket (x6) - Encum: +6
"Survivalist" Mess Kit - Encum: 0
Entrenching Tool - Encum: 1
Flashfire Camp Stove - Encum: 2
Gandorthral Portable Survival Shelter - Encum: 2
Imperial Army Canteen - Encum: 1
Load Bearing Gear - Encum: +3
Datapad - Encum: 1
Utility Belt - Encum: +1
Rim Excursions Inc. Military Belt Pouch - Encum: 0
Thermal Cloak - Encum: 2
Weapon Maintenance Kit - Encum: 2

Assets & Resources

Imperial Army Field Rations (x7) - Encum: 0
Stimpack (x4) - Encum: 0

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Grit 1 EotE pg. 136 Each rank of Grit increases a character's strain threshold by one.
Shortcut 1 EotE pg. 142 During a chase, the character adds a boost dice per rank of Shortcut to checks made to catch or escape an opponent.
Stalker 1 EotE pg. 143 The character adds a boost dice per rank of Stalker to Coordination and Stealth checks.
Rapid Recovery 1 EotE pg. 141 When the character recovers strain after an encounter has concluded, [they] recover one additional strain per rank in Rapid Recovery.
Let's Ride 1 EotE pg. 138 Once per round on the character's turn, the character may mount or dismount from a vehicle or beast, or slide into the cockpit or weapon station aboard a starship, as an incidental instead of a maneuver.
Familiar Suns 1 EotE pg. 135 Once per game session the character may perform a Familiar Suns maneuver to make a Hard Knowledge (Outer Rim) or Knowledge (Core Worlds) check. If successful, the character is familiar with the type of planetary environment [they] find [themselves] in. [They] know whether the planet is likely to be inhabited and, if so, where habitation can be found. [They] also know about unusual environmental effects, hostile predators, or sources of potential profit.
Toughened 1 EotE pg. 145 The character increases [their] wound threshold by two per rank of Toughened.
Quick Strike 1 EotE pg. 141 The character adds a boost dice per rank of Quick Strike to [their] combat checks made against any target that has not yet acted in the encounter.
Forager 1 EotE pg. 135 The character removes up to two setback dice from [their] skill checks to find food, water, or shelter. Survival checks to forage take half the time.


Born in a large city, she grew up on the suburbs, spending most of her childhood in the wilderness that existed around them. She never really met her father, owing that her mother was a sex worker in a seedy part of town. Her mother tried hard, but with her coming up in years, it was getting harder and harder for her to keep working, especially with 6 children to care for, two of which were younger than Rilki.

She would get a fairly broad experience learning from the various people around their home, giving her a very multicultural upbringing, though it would be in the wilderness that she learned her calling, always exploring and learning as she did, and gaining an appriecation for those places rarely touched by civilized hands.

The fall of the Empire had made her hope that life for her and her family would improve, but very little changed other than the kind of people her mother served, now the matron of the brothel instead of merely one of it's workers. She of course, came to know the many workers, male and female alike in the brothel, building a friendship with many her age when she became a teen. Of ourse, one of the things which would lead to her being recruited for the Mystios Initiative, was when a major earthquake devestated a large part of the city, and she was noted as being amongst the forefront of rescue actions, often helping find paths amongst the rubble that would have otherwise eluded rescuers.

This would unfortunately mean that one of her siblings would came to despise her, and begin making efforts to undermine her success, though it would be limited in effect owing the lack of real authority or even sway in the populace after her actions in the rescue efforts. Despite this, she would end up joining the Initiative as one of the Junior Pathfinders, with the goal of helping pave the path that others would follow behind and start new lives.

However, on the first site, things would go badly and this Jr. Pathfinder would soon find herself trying to fill some very big shoes as she was now the full Pathfinder.


Wanderlust: There are places out there untouched by anyone out there, and I want to be one of the first to do so.
Family: I also want to be able to build a family that will be able to endure beyond my lifetime.


Addiction: While on task they can keep their focus and perform the mission, it is observed that they tend to bed surf when off duty.
Responsibility: Help ensure the success of the Mystios Initiative, and the survival and prosperity of the colonists.


AGE: 26
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.6 Meters
WEIGHT: 76kg
SKIN COLOR: White (Tanned)

Other Notes

Campaign 1
---Experience Gain---
Start: [Gained: 200xp+10xp]: Agility 3 (30)| Presence 2 (20) | Perception 1 (5) | Perception 2 (10) | Survival 1 (5) | Piloting: Planetary 1 (5) | Piloting: Space 1 (5) | Ranged: Light 1 (10) | Ranged: Heavy 1 (10) | Ranged: Heavy 2 (15) | Knowledge: Xenology 1 (5) | Grit 1 (5) | Shortcut 1 (5) | Stalker 1 (5) | Rapid Recovery 1 (5) | Let's Ride 1 (10) | Familiar Suns 1 (15) | Toughened 1 (20) | Forager 1 (10) | Quick Strike 1 (10) | Athletics 1 (5)
Session 0.5: [Gained: 20xp]:

---Credit Gain---
Start/Session #: [Gained 500cr+14cr]:

A280-CFE Convertible Heavy Blaster Pistol
Designed in the time of the Republic and based off the A280, this BlasTech weapon is sold as a heavy blaster pistol. However, it comes with a couple accessories that allows the weapon to become a serviceable sniper rifle.
Skill | Dam | Crit | Range | Encum | HP | Price | Rarity | Special
Ranged - Light | 8 | 3 | Medium | 3 | 1 | 1700(R) | 7 | Stun Setting
A maneuver may change the CFE from pistol to rifle mode (or vice-versa). While it is in rifle mode, range becomes Long, gains Accurate 1 and Pierce 1, but must be fired with Ranged (Heavy) skill.
Explorer's Knife
This knife is a simple combat knife, designed for use in the wild and useful for surviving in hostile environments.
Skill | Dam | Crit | Range | Encum | HP | Price | Rarity | Special
Melee | +1 | 3 | Engaged | 2 | 0 | 100 | 3 | Vicious 1
Add 1 boost die to Survival checks.
Phase 1 ARC Trooper Armor
Defense | Soak | Price | Encum | HP | Rarity
1 | 2 | (R) 6000 | 5 | 0/4 | 7
The systems built into this armour remove 1 setback dice from all Perception checks made by the wearer and provide all the benefits of a hardened comlink. Increase wearer's encumbrance threshold by 3.
-Custom Fit-
Standard sizes of armor allow for most to use the equipment without issue, but a few adjustments, the outfit may be optimized for a single user - to feel like a second skin.
Price | HP Required | Rarity
400 | 1 | 3
Remove 1 setback die from Athletics and Stealth checks while wearing the armor.
-Passive Foliage Suit-
This is simply a set of lines which cover the armour to which leaves from the environment can be attached to provide camouflage.
Price | HP Required | Rarity
75 | 1 | 2
Add 1 setback die to attempts to detect concealed individual.
-Repulsor Pack-
Lacking the range and power of a true jetpack, this modification is a safer and reliable form of personal flight. Maxing out at 35km/h speeds, the small repulsorlift engines are mounted to the torso and legs, making the limbs especially important in flight.
Price | HP Required | Rarity
2500 | 2 | 4
Function as Speed 1, Handling -1, System Strain threshold 2 vehicle with maximum altitude of 75 metres. Uses Coordination to pilot.
Military Traumapac
This smaller medpac is optimized to be carried by combat which are likely to receive critical wounds, yet lacks the necessary tools for prolonged medical care.
Price | Encum | Rarity
50 | 1 | 3
May use a medical check to remove critical injuries without penalty from others.
These are macrobinoculars with a set of optical enhancements, such as thermal imaging and the ability to record data observed.
Price | Encum | Rarity
250 | 1 | 1
They allow vision in low light or extremely bright conditions. Magnifies targets up to 10 kilometres away. Thus remove one setback die imposed by such conditions or distance.
Personal Transponder
This device is built to track individuals at range.
Price | Encum | Rarity
100 | 0 | 4
Tracking the transponder requires an average (2 difficulty) Computers check. +2 difficulty at each range band beyond Close (at a planetary scale).
Thermal Cloak
These are fabrics worn as a blanket which may protect from extreme warmth or cold.
Price | Encum | Rarity
200 | 2 | 1
This item allows an individual to remove 2 setback dice from checks about handling the cold or the heat of a hostile environment.
Rim Excursions Inc. Military Belt Pouch
This pouch, attached to one's belt, is designed for quick and easy access - to be used in the midst of battle where each second is valuable.
Price | Encum | Rarity
10 | 0 | 0
Hold 2 items with encumbrance 0. May be drawn as an incidental.
Weapon Maintenance Kit
This kit is specialised to certain type of weapon (such as blasters or slugthrowers), allowing the owner to make repairs and modifications with greater ease.
Price | Encum | Rarity
450 | 2 | 3
Add 2 boost dice to mechanics checks for repairing, maintaining and modifying the specific class of weapon.

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