D4-14X by DJWolverine99

Slicer/ Commando/ Sharpshooter
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 17
Current 1
Threshold 14
Current 0
Ranged 1
Melee 1

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) X 3
Computers (Int) X 5
Cool (Pr) X 2
Coordination (Ag) X 4
Deception (Cun) X 1
Discipline (Will) 1
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 4
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 1
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1
Skulduggery (Cun) X 2
Stealth (Ag) X 6
Streetwise (Int) 0
Survival (Int) X 2
Vigilance (Will) 2
Brawl (Br) X 4
Gunnery (Ag) 4
Lightsaber (Ag) 0
Melee (Br) X 6
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 6
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 5
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


The Reaper's Quill (C-10 dragoneye reaper)
Ranged: Light
Filed front sight; Quick draw +1 difficulty beyond short range, electronic sight system aim as an incidental at short range, blaster suppressor two black to hear shot reduces range by 1 band. laser sight add one success,custom grip -1 black die
Light talons
defensive 2, accurate 1,pierce 4, vicious 3, deflection 1, sunder 1.
fire caller
Ranged: Light
blast 2, burn 2, Vicious 3
Diplomatic Immunity (Thunder head scattergun)
Ranged: Light
Blast 5, vicious, knockdown, pistol grip, custom grip, superior, suppressor, electronic sight system.
rip cord thrower
Cortosis, disorient 4, concussion 2, stun damage, deflection 2, sunder, viscious 2


Weapons & Armor

Curtiss of Infinite darkness armor 3 threat or a despare shorts armor stealth capabilites for the encounter.
integrated parrying vibro kn

Personal Gear

slicer gear
1 repair kit
Medallion from the clan
Integrated communicator
grappling hook left arm range short
integrated multi optics
88-r nightscreamer speeder
(Unregistered gear)
Micro droid listener/ remote hacking drone medium range.
Long range infrabinoculars
498 Calling cards

Price for holoface 850 credits
Price for working tekko 3000 credits

Light Saber uses gaurd shoto stats.

Assets & Resources

cybernetic arm +1 brawn +1 agility
cybernetic legs +1 agility
cybernetic brain +1 intelligence

Fluffy affection +15
Sanoe rapport +15

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Counter espionage 1
Remove setback (count3r espionage) 2
Add a boost got 1
Turn agent 1 Spend a triumph and turn an enemy agent into a double agent.
Reduce cost 1


D4-14X is a V2 commando droid that never left the factory before the clone wars ended he was stuck in a state shut down waiting for his activation phrase to be spoken. Eventually some scavengers entered the facility and while they were searching a young teen around 13 Named Nali found D4-14X and spoke his activation phrase on accident. D4-14x was perplexed by why there was a small twi lek child in front of him and began to question the child. While he was distracted another scavenger snuck up behind him and placed a restraining bolt on him making him inert. While Inert Nali poked around in D4-14X's brain and gave him a blank slate of personality. Eventually Nali wrote in a quick witted and slightly snarky personality for D1-14X who she now called Lax due to the last three digits of his designation. Lax learned a lot from the scavengers and from Nali and became her friend a few year passed Nali turned 15 and Lax was her stead fast friend and bodyguard. Then one day the camp was raided by storm troopers and Lax's normal soft blue light eyes went red and he fought them to the last but in his blind rage he destroyed the camp and when he regained control from his base programing he saw Nali being dragged onto a shuttle and saw it leave the planet. Lax has used his slicing skills Nali and the others taught him to work his way across the Galaxy as he searches for her and the others that were taken.


Fight the programing: D4-14x wants to be more than the tool of war he was built to be. He wants to make choices and live the life he wants to have but programing is strong at mentions of the republic, clones or jedi's he has to fight to not succumb to his programming and keep his current personality.

More then a Droid: D4-14X is searching for Nali and the others that were taken half a year ago. Lax wants to be the friend that Nali thought he was and helped him become.

obligation value 10


Priority 1 Protect Nali
Priority 2 Protect Dicter and Jamila
Priority 3 Protect the family
Priority 4 Survive
Priority 5 Live


D4-14X is a standard V2 commando droids that has light blue lights for eyes and gradient brown paint camo covering most of him in placed the normal gunmetal of his frame is visible normally covered in a tattered sand brown shall that covers almost all of his body he keeps the large hood up to hide the fact he is a droid. In light brown almost white paint on his right breastplate his designation D4-14X is painted like a nametag. Occasionally curses in Ryl.
height 6' 8"

Other Notes

Jake Eeth Vurk
Mat Dr Clorak Pu Caminoen Pr0 99 Dr Pu's droid
Theo Rin Pantorin
Tom cpt. Meda

Kalak Var sand raider communicator

Home planet Bactoid armor workshops planet K743:AQB9948

Custom grip
light flame projector
grappling hook

House Benelex

Shilmar hotel owner

Jekrow defector leader nicktoe

rosseta curator B2 battle droid

black ships of Arcanis; Arcanis is a planet in the sector of arcanis and it its farily close to Tatooine thrown world or reaha a pseudo government and home to a imperial officer academy ships are modified Vindicator heavy cruisers there re a lot of them hard to track do to sensor scrambling coating all crew is not recognized by any other part of the imperial military stylized I symbol over an imperial.

Dilven Hidemar former mayor crazy vengeful dick kicked out when Gore gave him a large sail barge after a crate dragon named herman

Harriet the Krate Dragon gave us a pearl

insue sheriff's sister

jula night bringer zabrack

the defenistratior murder droid

kendo sphen twileek dualist

grimtackt quiet human with lots of swords and melee weapons grade A Jackass Grimtackt got away is part of the ISB in some way

phantom and fable nogri assassins

black kristan gladiator works for jaba

riddle rain and raven Verpine snipers

cave troopers lead by commander iron arms storm trooper legion

sarkin drakar silent giant mora doggo

teecha torsgard tugrutin trapper

Dr vorgan
lady coredela

C.O.M.P.N.O.R overarching org over the ISB

Black ships linked to C.O.M.P.N.O.R

Grainy picture of a group of people dead or dying captian. Clear view of an armored figure, and a fuzzy tall imposing regal figure in very nice clothing looks very out of place nubian style dress nonhuman race is a pale twi'lek familiar scar.

Holes in early memory not major first year if conciousness. Memories around time messaged to hide the hole..

Yiyar salvage corp backtracked from spy 3 voices talking about salvaging.

Master com security AI for the wheel

Imp task force moonlight specialist with Nali

familiar voice asking for help very garbled. most likely Riam

Zazo hired goons met him 4 levels down ally way near gearstore Zazuum likes frilly tied suits

Tri droids full fighter Norbit
Floating head sterling

Entinis Tremayne has Nali's parents that is his leverage. Nali is fighting him wants her freedom. Commity chair of compnor huge big wig. Received implants after surviving a bombing components purposefully made to be noticeable like a scar. Works very hard on public image. Imp navy that know him are terrified of him. Nickname "The Demon of Compnor" possible head torturer. Listed as involved in establishing of imp bases. Other nickname "Castlemaker." Operational facilities with efficiency ratings classified info. Internal documentation tracking imp agents. Aspirations exceed current role. Decade old document only header and final note. Project Krytos. Recent operation Hanging Garden approved same date imp Lieutenant lipdurva daughter of a sector moff made a plea to the Emporor himself.

Get the dreamer involved no further information.

Laithe second in command on salukami

Woman in command of Salukami Desqui Kasruv

Clone squad

Valance hired on arcanis by Nali on a black and red Gladius.

Derg and crew ship the bloody fang.

Jabar Guum leader of the union of rage.
Y may guide to worldport.
Leader of the order of defiance raiding party Kozix let

Members of the Revenat's Tithe
Assult specialist Arc
Long range specialist Verpine
Melee specialist Sarlack

Valance captured by the rebels.

Admiral Radiss

Hk-47 controls the station air pressure is dropping. Project seedling is located somewhere.

Dr Pu making odd purchases possibly high grade lab equipment or high grade bio hazard Containers. WMD level.

Soup can bomb.

Justelv Ricacul astronav chief officer on The Interrogator.

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