Silas Darma by Ryan3DJR

Mandalorian Human
Sharpshooter | Gunner | Mercenary Gunner
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 14
Current 16
Threshold 14
Current 0
Ranged 1
Melee 1

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 3
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 1
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 1
Piloting: Space (Ag) 1
Resilience (Br) X 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 2
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Model 4 "Thunderhead" Scattergun
Ranged: Heavy
Blast 5 | Knockdown | Vicious 1
SKZ Sporting Blaster Rifle
Ranged: Heavy
Stun Setting
Frag Grenade
Ranged: Light
Blast 6 | Limited Ammo 1
Stun Grenade
Ranged: Light
Blast 8 | Disorient 3 | Limited Ammo 1 | Stun Damage
DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle
Ranged: Heavy
Accurate 2, Auto Fire, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2


Weapons & Armor

Model 4 "Thunderhead" Scattergun [700c] [4E]
SKZ Sporting Blaster Rifle [600c] [3E]
Frag Grenade x4 [50c] [1E]
Stun Grenade x0 [75c] [1E]

Nomad Greatcoat [100c] [1/0E]
Mandalorian Armor [6000c] [6/3E]

Personal Gear

Stimpack x1 [25c]

Comlink [25c] [0E]
Breath Mask [25c] [1E]
Entrenching Tool [20c] [1E]
Binders [25c] [0E]
Extra Reload [25c] [2E]
Macrobinoculars [75c] [1E]

Synthrope [5c] [1E]
Stimcaf Powder [3c] [0E]
Medpak [400]

Carrying Capacity
Utility Belt [25c]
Military Pack [60c]
Loadbearing Gear [100c]

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions

1x 1p
2x 2p


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Sniper's Shot 1 Before making a non-thrown ranged attack, may perform a Sniper Shot manuever to increase the weapon's range by 1 range band per rank in Sniper Shot. Upgrade the difficulty of the attack by 1 per range band increase
Dedication 2 Gain +1 to a single characteristic, +2 Agility
True Aim 6 Once per round, may perform a True Aim manuever to gain benefits of aiming and upgrade combat check once per rank of True Aim
Lethal Blows 1 Add +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury results inflicted on opponents.
Grit 1 Gain +1 ST
Debilitating Shot 1 Upon successful attack with a starship or vehicle weapon, may spend 2adv to reduce the max speed of the target by 1 until the end of the next round
Overwhelm Defenses 1 Upon unsuccessful attack with a starship or vehicle weapon, may spend 2adv per rank of overwhelm defenses. Reduce the defense in the targeted zone by 1 for every 2adv spent.
Exhaust Port 1 Before attacking a starship or vehicle, the character may spend 1 DP to ignore the effects of the massive rule for the attack
Second Wind 1 Once per encounter, may use Second Wind incidental to heal strain equal to ranks in Second Wind.
Confidence 1 May decrease difficulty of discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 per rank of Confidence.
Command 1 Add b per rank of command when making Leadership checks. Affected targets add b to discipline checks for next 24 hours.


Silas Darma is a Mandalorian who enlisted in the Rebellion soon after coming of age. He considers it his life's goal to destroy the Empire and liberate his homeworld from Imperial occupation. To do this, he has focused on his personal ability to wage war against the Empire, particularly using heavy weapons and explosives. Due to his career path in the military and his particular skillset, he was often part of a team of specialists who operated behind enemy lines, or as part of a team of shock troops.

The Imperial occupation and oppression of Mandalore and its people has impacted his life, and in part determined the way he was raised; before, when Mandalore was a neutral planet that espoused and practiced pacifism, many individual mandalorians tended to maintain weapons and equipment, and train themselves and their family. After the end of the clone wars, with their ancient enemy exterminated and the Empire doing what it does best, this pacifism faded away. Those that could fight made ready to, should the worst happen, and trained their children to do the same. When and how they could do so was severely restricted, but as all mandalorians will, they made do with what they had. Silas has fought and bled and gotten back up in spit in the face of hunger and pain and hopeless fights, and this mentality, this refusal to give up has led him through conflict after conflict.

Conflicts he made himself a part of when he finally came of age. He found passage off-world, his family bid him goodbye and wished him luck in finding worthy victories and an even more worthy defeat- should it ever come to that. As a parting gift, they gave him the armor he wears today, armor that has saved his life countless times. He found a resistance cell, and they made use of his skills for a time before he was requested by their higher ups, and he became a part of the Alliance proper. This proved to be the moment when his career with the Alliance would flourish and then settle into what it is today.


The complete and utter destruction of the Empire. He cares not for who comes after, so long as they leave Mandalore in peace.

He wouldn't be adverse to finding someone to settle down with; he fights for the future of Mandalore itself, and he considers himself part of Mandalore- he fights for his own future, and he would like to make the best of it.


Silas considers it his duty- as expressed both by himself and his superiors- that the best way to utilize him is in direct confrontations with the Empire. Especially when he's to be fighting their best and brightest.


Silas Darma stands tall at 6'3, and weighs 260lbs (118kg), His armor is covered by a thick furred cloak most of the time, made of the hide of a large predatory animal. He's not as muscular as others in the party may be, but he's of above average strength.

His mandalorian armor is a typical example of the armor, with no extra modifications or accoutrements. It is made of beskar, which is said to be resistant to lightsabers, but the times when he might possibly test that theory for himself is long past.

His armor is painted a dull charcoal grey, but this is an additional layer applied after the armor was forged.

Other Notes

Silas lives his life and makes his decisions based upon the Resol'anre- or the six actions. Interpretations vary from individual to individual, but core tenants are common, as are commonly held taboo. Silas may consider a ship crew Aliit- or clan- until they part ways, but not all mandalorians would share this outlook. They do not consider it an unacceptable view. However, all mandalorians consider declarations such as 'all people are the same, and as such all are mando'a' to be strictly false, and behavior supporting the concept worthy of not only contempt, but prevention and/or punishment.

Ba'jur (Education)
Whenever the need arises, he will teach other mandalorians skills they must know, be they combat, educational, or simply correcting deficiencies in skillsets. He does this without concern for past grievances or bad blood; all mandalorians are kin, and to refuse to render aid is unacceptable, barring giving aid to enemies or those with no honor.

Beskar'gam (Armor)
At all times- or as much as possible if the choice is taken from him- he must wear Mandalorian armor, traditional appearance or not, so long as he overtly and obviously appears to be mandalorian. This is typically expressed via a T shaped visor and an icon in the center of the chest.

Ara'nov (Self Defense)
At no point should a mandalorian individual allow themselves to be attacked, defending ones self is a necessary part of life, and imperative to maintaining the reputation of not only the individual, but of the clan and the mandalorian people as a whole. Defeat is acceptable, but refusing to fight when attacked is not.

Aliit (Clan)
When there is time and opportunity available, a true mandalorian will help the clan better itself, help prepare against future troubles, regardless of what those troubles might be. How this is done is under no strict doctrine. A skilled fighter may assist the clan in combat training, a skilled negotiator may help supply the clan with essential materials or luxuries, those with abilities to teach may spend time teaching those of lesser skill what they must know to better aid themselves such that they can solve problems on their own. What exactly might be done is up to the individual, but it should be done.

Mando'a (Language)
When conversing with other mandalorians, Mando'a is the preferable language to speak. It is also a vital part of the culture, and naming of ships, weapons, vehicles, or any other named items should be named using the language. Galactic basic can be spoken should there be concepts more easily expressed in basic than in mando'a, or there are others who need to be part of a conversation that aren't mandalorian, but official business or orders given are given in mando'a. All children are taught the language, and adult individuals who integrate into the culture are expected to learn the language to the point of fluency.

Silas works for the betterment of the nation, fighting the empire where and when he can. There is no current Mand'alor, and until there is, there will be no call to rally to an army that he must obey. He will act as he sees fit, when he sees fit until such a time comes that there is one to command him. He also considers all previous declarations of

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