When hit by Melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry (4 total)
Reflect (2)
When hit by Ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect (4 total)
Toughned (1)
+2 Wound Threshold per rank
Improved Parry
When generating Despair or 3 Threats when Parrying, do base damage of a Melee, Lightsaber or Brawl attack
Force Powers
Force Rating
Spend L/D to sense all living things within short range
Upgrade the pool twice
One going effect may be triggered one additional time per round
Control: Upgrade Difficulty
Commit 1 force die & once per round when attack targets you upgrade the difficulty of the attack once
**Corr Strax Duty: Personnel:** More than machines, credits, or information, the people of the Alliance are the most important and vital assets there are, and the Player Character knows this. He is devoted to seeing to their safety, well-being, and capacity for success. No one should ever be left behind; the most successful missions might not achieve every goal, but they are successful nonetheless when no one dies.
**Corr Strax Motivation: The Force:** A Player Character with a Motivation from this type is driven by a set of beliefs (the Way of Lord Malor) that form how he sees the galaxy and his role in it. He serves the Republic because his beliefs support the goals of the Republic or are absolutely in contradiction with those of the Empire. He might not need to spread his beliefs to others, but he will epitomize those beliefs in word and deed, and he hopes that his beliefs will have a hand in building what will arise after the Empire falls.
**Corr Strax Lightsaber:** Damage 6, Crit 2, Breach 1 (Ignore one point of Armor), Sunder (Damages opposing weapon one step) !r yyyypp
**Corr Strax Reflect:** When hit by Ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect (4 total).
**Corr Strax Improved Parry:** Parry: When hit by Melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect (4 total). Improved Parry: When Parrying a hit that generates 1 Despair or 3 Threats, deal base damage with a Lightsaber, Melee or Brawl weapon after the the original attack resolves.