Beginnings - Down and Out
Attitude Towards the Force - One with the Force
Reason for Adventure - Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Born in 100 BBY I was raised at the pinnacle of Pod Racing dreaming from an early age of racing. Growing up in the servitudes of Rendo the Hutt crime was no stranger to me. I started boosting Land speeders and speeder bikes before I could look over the dash. Amazing enough Lady luck was on my side because no matter what, I survived with very few crashes under my belt. As I got older I started street racing in every city we would visit in the Core Worlds. It didn’t matter Underground arenas or topside races with the local’s. Getting bored with just racing I started driving at much higher stakes, from smuggling to robberies to basically anything that would boost my adrenaline rush. Again, always getting away thinking that Lady Luck was on my side and my partner. It wasn’t long into my till I was flying much bigger rigs, starships and even Pod Racers!
One day a Jedi master approached me and showed me the ways of the force and after spending sometime with him I realized it was Lady Luck it was the Force that was with me. I ran away with him leaving the Hutt's and breaking the Servitude of my people. Unfortunately for me the Jedi Council deemed me too old and my past was too tainted to become a Padawan. Feeling betrayed, lost and yet FREE for once in my life I fled. I started to learn more about my relationship with the force and learned how to bend it to my favor. Taking on scores and racing under many different aliases. But, it didn’t take long for Rendo the Hutt to find me as my punishment they froze me in Carbonite, where I layed until a year ago. Rendo the Hutt that I was bond too was murdered and the murders freed all of his slaves including me. Little did I know they were a small rebel cell know as "Phantom 5", there ended up being more loot than they expected I volunteered my help to fly one of Rendo's many freighters back to their base. Being a Klatoonian I am a service bound race and after seeing my skills they recruited me. Bringing me in to the fold this is where my adventure begins. . .