While on patrol on some unnamed moon, his platoon was ambushed by a group of deserters. The surprise was complete and his unit was in chaos until with a burst of clarity he could feel the movements of his men like they were extensions of himself. That clarity allowed him to rally his troops and defeat the ambush, and raised questions he’d have rather not considered.
During his time as an acolyte, Imrin was sent on a solo mission to recover the personal effects of a Jedi Knight who had died in obscurity long ago. The village was a poverty-stricken backwater beset by pirates. Imrin almost left them to their fate, judging that they would never be able to resist even with him. Realizing that this would dishonor the Jedi who called it home, he rallied the people and led a fierce battle in its defense.
Certain members of Imperial Command agree with Pallaleon on the Jedi and NR. Some of these have kept watch for Force Sensitives and encouraged them to seek training with the NJO to ensure the Imperial Remnant has a voice in the new order.
Colonel Waxillium Holt was CO of Imrin’s regiment during the peacekeeping campaigns, and when Imrin began to show signs of sensitivity directed him to service in the NJO in the Empire’s name.
Imrin was one of two sensitive officers slated to join the NJO at the same time. The other, Paulus Maximus, was a former squadmate and good friend. In transit, Imrin discovered more about his friend’s “feelings” about aliens and the NR than he wanted to. He pulled some strings and got Paulus reassigned. He would later join Lorne’s Reborn.
Code: Imperial - 8
While he is on indefinite leave from the Imperial Military, he remains a soldier in that organization. He is subject to its authority and will not accept actions taken against it.
Discernment/Prejudice - 57
Imrin has an intuitive feel for people and how they work. He is slow to trust, and generally approaches new people as potential enemies rather than friends. This can often cause him to form incorrect first impressions and hold them as fact.
Captain Imrin Kost is an officer in the Imperial Remnant’s Army. Son of Imperial collaborators from Concord Dawn, he is often mistaken for a Mandalorian but rejects that creed. When the Empire fell, his family retreated alongside the diminishing Remnant and Imrin signed up as soon as he was able to defend an Empire many thought already dead.
An exceptional Cadet and ambitious Lieutenant, Imrin rose rapidly through the ranks to Captain. He served in Bastion’s campaigns to firmly establish the Remnant’s peacetime borders after the treaty. He is a firm Bastion loyalist and considers the Reborn to be traitors and even worse than Rebels.
Imrin is a tall human male with brown skin and dark hair done high and tight. An army walker jockey most of his career, he is not as strong as a Stormtrooper and relies on his keen analytical mind in combat. He wields a lightsaber in his offhand and a blaster in the other.
Unusual for a Jedi, Imrin is married. Unusual for an Imperial, he is married to a non-human. Xera Kost (nee Graves) was a Xabrak mercenary serving variably with or against the Empire during the peacekeeping campaigns. How they met and eventually married is a story that Imrin has yet to get drunk enough to tell. She and their daughter are settled on a borderworld and are a source of constant stress to Imrin as the Imperial Civil War unfolds.