Hailing from the icy planet Toola, L'Vratt’s selfish and aggressive nature made the seasonal task of joining hunting tribes especially difficult. It wasn’t rare for him to go through several tribes a season, leaving each one in a mixture of fear and frustration when it was clear he was no longer welcome and the threat of expulsion or “punishment” from tribe elders became eminent. He grew to prefer the offseason where he’d mingle with offworlders in Ithaqua Station, selling his trophies, and bragging about his (very embellished) hunting exploits.
It was there he struck up an unlikely rapport with the lavish Twi’lek crimelord, Sib Obassa, who’d occasionally visit the spaceport in search of exotic animal furs, tusks, and trophies. Obassa was amused by L’Vratt’s brashness and proclivity for violence and, upon learning of his status as an outcast, offered the Whiphid an opportunity to hunt for him offworld. The quarry: a rival spice dealer. L’Vratt accepted and, since then, has acted as the Twi’lek’s favored bounty hunter.
Over time, however, L'Vratt grew perhaps a bit too comfortable with his status as Obassa's right hand. In a moment of arrogance, he did not take proper precautions securing a traitorous smuggler who escaped with a heavy shipment of ryll. Furious, Obassa gave the bounty hunter one chance to redeem himself or else end up with a price on his own head.
The quarry: Dom Kanaan, an Intergalactic Banking Clan representative who recently partnered with Obassa in an off-the-books operation to smuggle spice into the Core Worlds. Though the operation was lucrative for both parties, Obassa decided the Muun had to be destroyed after learning Kanaan was also smuggling something else into the Core: Twi’lek slaves.
L'Vratt has deduced that Kanaan is likely heading to an IBC retreat on the moon Sojourn, where the Whiphid found him already dead. He took the finger of the Muun, and returned to Obassa victorious and restored his good standing.
L'Vratt continued to work for Obassa for next 20 years, bringing his boss the fingers of many who would oppose him. Recently, L'Vratt has been given the bounty of Dr. Kevin, a traveling doctor that rubbed Jabba the wrong way. The Hutts have been dealing with a Civil War, and Jabba lays a lot of this blame on Kevin. If Kevin had sterilized Rotta like he was requested to do years ago, Rotta wouldn't have the power he has today. Any bounty hunter who brings in Kevin's body will be rewarded very generously. Obassa wants this good favor from Jabba, so he has sent L'Vratt to grab the good doctor. L'Vratt infiltrated the Partisans with little trouble, and has begun to stalk his prey...
OBLIGATION: 10 (+5 for 1000 credits)
Contract: A powerful and strict contract binds the character to a specific employer. This could be a crime boss, an Imperial commander, or a wealthy corporate CEO. Whoever holds the character's contract has nearly total control over the character's future career. All bounties are furnished by the contract holder, and deviating from the terms of the contract can lead to a number of potentially harsh fines and punishments;
Tall and burly, his naturally thick and shaggy brownish-grey fur has been sheared a bit shorter than normal to better accommodate to the heat of Ryloth.
He has picked up some of his employer's vanity, wearing bronze ring-like ornaments on his tusks and decorating his body with the teeth, bones, and claws of his kills.