Grew up in poor country town, went to school but was interested in business and dealing the little things like sweets and fizzy drinks and biscuits. CoreSec careers lesson got me hooked on the CoreSec lifestyle with there fantastic marketing and big names acting. As soon as I could I applied for a job. Denied. Applied again. Denied. Applied again and go a job! In computer admin. Bottom of the pecking order.
Offered some side cash from Barry, who was my work friend Evankors brother. Eventually over the years it got into a big side hustle, repo courier and logistics (Self named). I was mid-level, in charge of some ‘youngens’ who did the small courier work. I took bigger jobs. Travelling across Corellian in my --------.
I got fired from CorSec for attendance and doing deals in the work place. Dodgy geezer.
Started a new full-time role at PoorTek. This was a more computer engineering role in a crappy security firm. Cyber security with 200-year-old hardware (Made me alright at computers).
Ended up seeing Barry in a bar and hearing about one big job with my old side hustle friends Fin and Lin. I would get a bigger ship and a crew to go into repo courier logistics full time! Travel the galaxy! Make loads of dosh! I was ready to move up.
Then, it all fell apart. A normal repo, or so it seemed just on a slightly larger scale.
We had just set off on one of our normal routes that I could do with my eyes closed. The yacht was was in good condition. We were set up as a merchant ship doing it's normal route delivering parts for a reactor. Barry Fin and Lin had got the crate, which seemed to have something living inside it. It all felt smooth. It was just going to be a little bit of a long trip to______. When we were all asleep and the ship was on auto pilot our security alarm went off. We jumped up went up to the main deck.
A Purrgil! We were gob smacked. No one we new had ever seen one. We just couldn't move as we were in shock. The scale of it. It was coming straight at us, WACK! Alarms, ship parts, shouting. We wanted it. Or at least a part of it! So, we gave chase. Shooting our measy ship blasters which were slowing it down. Hot on it's tail. Barry was very excited. Fin and Lin were screaming. They new how much this would get us on top of or delivery. Suddenly. 50 ships out of hyperspace. Space animal welfare. Surrounded. The Purrgil slowley vanished into the distance. We were boarded by the army of SAW soilders. Of course the Purrgil was a one of a kind colour that has 24hour surveillance. I hid the crate with the delivery right down on one of the engine bays just before we got manhandled and taken away.
Court came. No one said anything. We were tight. 5 years each. Then just before we were taken away I was called up for a second sentenceing. Another 5 years! They found the crate. It wasn't an animal but a Corusca gem vibrating in its security cell.
This arrest will show Phillippe how to really live, through adventure.
Wanted to get out of the mundane life and become one of the wealthiest Couriers on the plant. Big dreams, or so he thinks.
I have a debt to Barrys courier link who owned the Corusca gem. A descendant of Arend Shen called _______ who I now owed whatever was in that blasted crate. Or at least the cost of it. or my life.
Internal Security
PC decivers know there own kind. PC with duty focus on protecting companies from moles, double agents and traitors. Making sure companies and, sdtrong holds, safe houses are undetecketed. Ensuring supply liinesfor these locations mainatin top secret.
Light green skin, brown almond-shaped eyes, tiny tuffed of brown hair on the back of his head, large facial jowls, comically small round ears. Weird for a sullustan, no facial hair. 1.8 meters. Tall for a Sullustan.