Varik grew up on Corellia and was quite taken with swoop races and podracing from a young age. As a teenager, he idolized Boles Roor both as a racer and as a musician, and he became a fan of the Besalisk swoop racer Buster "Flash" Dorgon when he came roaring onto the scene a few years ago. He always wanted to make them go faster, farther, smoother, and better. Growing up, he began his career by tinkering with various bits and pieces around the house (cobbling together his own high-def speaker system) before working his way through a trade school and finding a job with a racing team. While still in school, he married Cally (a graphic designer), and they now have three kids, a boy and two girls. He loves music, the heavier the better, and has his whole life. When he works, he is often either blasting the music from his custom speaker setup or wearing headphones, often singing along. He and a few friends started an amateur band out of the team's garage. He plays their percussion instruments and sings the backup vocals, making use of his deep bass voice.
He doesn't really pay attention to galactic politics, and never really has. He's only really concerned with his family's well-being, swoop bikes, and music.
Ambition: Expertise
When I finish my project, I can sell it to Buster "Flash" Dorgon, the Besalisk swoop racer. If people see how good it is, that'll be my ticket to the resources I need to become the best swoop bike craftsman around.
Innovation: Waste Not, Want Not
Nonono, I still need that. -- Why? It still works doesn't it? -- Oh, well I can fix that. -- It'll be useful someday. -- Well, tell me this then. Have you ever discarded something and ended up needing it a few days later?
Hobby: Garage Band
Great fan of glimmik, heavy isotope, and Mandalorian "veman beskar" music, and of Boles Roor, the Sneevel former podracer who went on to have a highly successful career as a glimmik singer. He and a few friends have an amateur band that borrows heavily from these genres and they often perform out of the team's garage. He plays their percussion instruments and sings the backup vocals.
+5 1,000 Credits
Family (10): His wife Cally is a graphic designer and has collaborated with the swoop racing team at times to provide artwork of various sorts for their posters, swoops, uniforms, and anything else they may need. Their son (Zeak) is 7 and has inherited his father's love of mechanics, even if he is to young to do much about it. They have two daughters (Dela and Rissy) age 11. Rissy is fascinated with the races and swoops and loves to help her father in his work. Dela is less interested in the races, but does love music, just not her dad's sort of music.
Varik works hard to provide for them, trying to make enough money to significantly improve their situation. They live comfortably enough, but this area isn't safe and he knows this very well. Why else do you think he carries blast knuckles or brass knuckles wherever he goes?
Team Duty:
[Duty] (7):
Age: 32
Height: 6'4
Build: Sturdy
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Black
Homeworld: Corellia
Wears perpetually greasy coveralls and has protective goggles either perched on top of his head or covering his eyes. Also carries a custom tool-toting harness for when he needs to transport his more cumbersome tools to locations outside the team's garage.