Weapons & Armor
A/KT Mountaineer Armor - 2 boost to climbing/repelling checks. (Jury Rigged Defense, 2/2 hardpoints, VX hands-free weapon system)
DE-10 - Reduce difficulty of combat checks at long and extreme range by 1. Do not add 1 setback dice due to minor repairs needed. Add 1 boost dice to checks for repairing the blaster. (2/2 hardpoints, X440 Blaster Actuating Module +1 setback, laser sight +1 advantage)
APS-9 "Vrelt" Autopistol
Nightstinger - Use a maneuver to switch to stealth mode. Locating the shooter by tracing the blaster bolt or spotting a muzzle blast is effectively impossible. For the remainder of the encounter, weapon is Slow-Firing 2. (Tinkerer +1 hardpoint 4/5 hardpoints, Model 40 Marksman Scope -1 difficulty at long and extreme, 243X Augmented Spin Barrel +1 setback on mechanics, Superior quality customization +1 advantage, VX hands-free weapon system)
Personal Gear
Biofeedback Regulator - Increase cybernetic cap by 2, this implant doesn't count towards the implant cap.
(1/7) Cybernetic Brain Implant - This implant grants a +1 to the Intellect characteristic. It also has a built-in comlink and computer access link.
(2/7) Q-22 Retinal Tracker - Add 1 automatic advantage result to Gunnery and Ranged (Heavy) checks.
(3/7) Surge Override Switch - As an action, make an Average (2 difficulty) Discipline check. Success allows re-activation of implants that have been overloaded by the Ion or Overcharge effects, suffering 2 strain per implant. The override switch cannot be disabled by external means.
(4/7) Cybernetic Right Arm VI - +1 to the Agility characteristic.
(5/7) Cybernetic Legs II - +1 to the Brawn characteristic.
(6/7) Implanted Cyberjack - Suffer 2 strain to decrease difficulty of a Computers check to disable a security device or slice into a computer system by 1.
(7/7) Implant Armor - Provides Soak +1.