Veth Nosara is from an affluent family in the core worlds. As a boy, Veth always dreamed of helping others. He proved adept at science and medicine, and went to a prestigious medical academy on Commenor. As his time in the academy drew to a close, he was stationed aboard an Imperial medical vessel on a research mission. While traveling, the ship was attacked by pirates, and the small stormtrooper complement was overwhelmed. The civilians escaped on a lifeboat with 2 wounded troopers, but Veth was only able to keep one alive. Following this, he resolved to join the Stormtrooper Corps as a medic in honor of the brave men who fought to save him, and joined immediately after graduation - before he became a doctor.
His first posting was on a backwater world on the edge of the Empire, and he was exposed to the hellscape of war, fighting insurgents - but he was instilled with even more of a drive to help his fellow soldiers. After the lead doctor of the base was killed in a siege attempt, Veth distinguished himself by quickly taking charge of triage, helping stabilize the wounded. Shortly thereafter, his squad was called out to participate in a disastrous counterattack that resulted in a massive loss of life, with Veth barely making it out alive, and the survivors were extracted from the planet. From there, Veth participated in many combat and peacekeeping missions, doing his best to stay out of the line of fire, though he received a commendation for a firefight in which he took down a charging Gammorrean with a Travannian Speargun while attempting medical care on a downed trooper during a botched assignment against a crime lord, earning him the nickname of "Pierce". More recently, he has been assigned to an FOB near Bacrana, operating against regional uprisings and pirate activity.
Veth is known for being the moral center of any squad he is assigned to. He is an effective asset to any squad he is assigned to, and is loyal to a fault. Not a religious man himself, he still takes it upon himself to be a chaplain of sorts to him squadmates, often administering last rites to dying men. Somewhat quiet and introspective, he believes that despite the harm the Empire has done, he has a duty to protect those he fights alongside. His trademark biting sarcasm wars with his more melancholic side, sometimes making him appear manic-depressive, though he's always levelheaded under pressure.
Duty: 10 - Personnel: Veth is driven by a desire to help and heal, and believes that every trooper is worth saving.
Veth is a 32 year-old human male, of average build, standing at around 5'11". He has brown hair, a neatly trimmed reddish beard, and brown eyes. He carries himself with a somewhat unassuming demeanor, but is quick with a sarcastic quip or a snarky comment. Beneath it all is a caring center, and he will use humor to defuse tensions when healing.