==== Current
XP: 835, Duty: 545, Credits: 4620, Downtime 53h
==== Creation
Character Creation - Human Soldier (Vanguard) - 333322 - 20 Duty Spent (+10xp, +2500cr) Starting 120xp - Free Recruit spec, +10xp SFL training earned - 130xp, 3000cr
Legacy Character (From Akaru, KIA, 315xp earned, 250 duty) - +240xp, +190 duty - Total 380xp, 190 duty. CR1.
==== Mission Log
Operation Duplicity: +25xp (base 20 + 5 motivation), +15 duty (base 5 + 5 duty + 5 mission report -5 lost item), +500cr (base 500), +24h. Promoted to CR2.
Operation Dread Not: +25xp (base 20 + 5), +10 duty (base 10), +500cr, +24h. CR2, 46h.
Operation Hatchet Job: +25xp (base 20 +5), +20 duty (base 15 +5), +500cr, +24h. CR2, 70h.
Operation Aerial Deployment: +25xp (20xp base, +5xp motivation), +15 duty (15 base), +500cr, +24h. CR2, 94h.
Operation Temple (Of Doom): +25xp (20xp base, +5xp motivation), +20 duty (15 base, +5 duty), +1000cr (500 base, +500 loot), +24h downtime. CR2, 270 duty, 70h.
Operation Worth: +25xp (20xp base, +5xp motivation), +20 duty (15 base, +5 duty), +600cr, +24h, CR3
Operation Pain Train: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +15 duty (+10 base, +5 duty triggered), +600cr, +24h. CR3, 39h.
Operation Broken Wings: +20xp, +10 Duty, +600cr, +24h. 57h Total
Operation Gruuba Feud: +15xp (+10xp base, +5xp motivation), +10 duty (+10 base), 600cr, +24h, CR3. 26h total.
Operation Crusades: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +25 Duty (+15 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 AAR), Promoted to CR4, +700cr, +24h. 50h total.
Operation Taco Truck: +20xp (+15xp base, +5xp motivation), +20 duty (+15 base, +5 duty triggered), +700cr, +24hr. 62h total.
Operation Forever Wander: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +25 Duty (+15 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 AAR), +700cr, +24h. 86h total.
Operation Fire Sale: +15xp (+15xp base), +25 duty (+15 duty, +5 duty triggered, +5 AAR), +700cr, +800cr looted, +24h.
Operation Gizer Shuffle II: +20xp (+15xp base, +5xp motivation), +15 duty (+10 base, +5 AAR), +700cr, +24h.
Operation Trident I: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +10 duty (+10 base), +800cr, +24h. Promoted to CR5.
Operation Stress Test: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +25 duty (+15 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin), +800cr, +24h.
Operation PO Box: +20xp (+15xp base, +5xp motivation triggered), +15 duty (+10 duty base, +5 duty triggered), +800cr, +24h.
=== GM'd Missions
Operation Troubled Stars: +20xp, +15 Duty
Operation Star Performance: +20xp, +15 Duty. Promoted to CR3
=== CR Awards
CR1 Awards - (a) Augmented Spin Barrel attachment, (b) GT-Series Construction Droid
CR2 Awards - (a) Starship Workshop, (b) Low-Gravity Workshop Upgrade
CR3 Awards - (a) Strength Enhancing System Attachment, (b) Cassion-class Combat Engineering Troop Carrier
CR4 Awards: (a) Research Records Advanced Workshop Benefit (b) Hologoggles (Education)
CR5 Awards: (a) Emergency Containment Measures Advanced Workshop Benefit, (b) Reclamation Equipment Advanced Workshop Benefit
=== Crafting/Modding
Crafting w/ Trast - 2 hours, 100cr (+500cr for 2x vibroknife), Supreme Mechanics Tool, Supreme Survival Tool, both with Supreme Craftsmanship, Safety Features, Lightweight 3, Inbuilt Weapon
Modding w/ Trast - 250cr, Augmented Spin Barrel (2 Damage mod, 1 Accurate Mod, 1 Pierce Mod), Enhanced Sighting System (1 Accurate mod)
Trast Custom Combat Armor: 1875cr, 10h. Soak 3, DEF 2, 6 HP, Sealable, Embellished Resilience
Crafting - Specialist Mechanics tool (Lightweight 7, Safety Features): -6h, -600cr. One generic specialist mechanics tool left over.
Crafting - Grenades for Maggie: -7h. Acquired 3 Grenade schematics. 2h .
Crafting - Energy Rifle: -6h, -1350cr parts, 2 regular energy rifles, 1 energy rifle with integral superior attachment, Pierce 2, Auto-fire, Accurate 1. 38h total
Crafting - Combat Armor for Maggie: -42h. 47h total.
Modding - Under-barrel grenade launcher for herself: 3x Limited Ammo +1 ([ddd], [dddd], [ddddd]) 300cr
Modding - Under-barrel grenade launcher by Trast: 2x Limited Ammo +1 ([cdddd], [ccddd]) 100cr
Crafting - Powered Melee Weapons for SCIENCE: -800cr, -38h.
Crafting - Powered Melee Weapons for Maggie: -26h.
Crafting - Precision Mechanics Instrument (I hate crafting slot machine): -16h, -1050cr
=== Buying/Selling
Shopping - Julie & Maggie: Purchase VX-A Toolkit, -14h, -1625cr.
Modding - Trast & Maniac & Julie: Attach mods to Utility Arm, Strength Enhancing System. -300cr
Crafting for Raynor: Melee - Bladed Weapon. Acquired one schematic. -17h.
Shopping: Bought Breaker Heavy Hydrospanner from Honk. Rarity 3, -250cr.
Purchase with Omin: 1800cr of Energy Rifle parts. -1530cr, -6h. 44h total.
Shopping - Group Sale - Rarity 4 blaster rifles: -17h, +2430cr. 69h total.
=== Downtime (Other)
Hours for XP: +5xp for 48h. CR2, 46h.
Hours for XP: +5xp for 48h. CR3, 15h.
Hours for XP: +5xp for 48h. CR3, 9h total.
=== Unsorted