Felicity Wells by bengalninja

Medic, Recruit, Force Sensitive Emergent, Seer
Force and Destiny

Threshold 13
Current 3
Threshold 14
Current 2
Ranged 4
Melee 3

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1
Charm (Pr) X 0
Coercion (Will) X 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 5
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 3
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 1
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 3
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 3
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 1


Heavy Blaster Pistol
Ranged: Light
Stun Setting, Paired Weapons, Grappling Attachment
Dragon Eye Reaper
Ranged: Light
Stun Setting, Paired Weapons, Wrist Mounted
Builders Energy Bow
Ranged: Heavy
Pierce 4, Unwieldy 3


Weapons & Armor

Heavy Blaster Pistol (Paired, Built-in, Grappling Attachment)
Dragon Eye Reaper Pistol (Paired, Arm Mounted)
Deflective Armor (Repulsor Pack) (Modded +1 Handling)
Cortosis Shield
Builders Energy Bow

Personal Gear

ECM-298 Medical Backpack
Stimpack x10
Nullcaine x4
Surveyors Bag
Slicer Gear
Earbud Commlink
Antishock Blanket
Military Belt Pouch
IRAPS Cerebral Stabilizer
Scanner Goggles
Cybernetic Arm
Forensics Kit

Implant Armor
Cybernetic Arm
Cybernetic Brain Implant
Cybernetic Eyes

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Surgeon 2 When making a medicine check to heal wounds, heal 1 extra wound per rank of Surgeon.
Stimpack Specialization 2 Stimpacks heal 1 extra wound per rank of stimpack specialization.
Bacta Specialist 1 Patients recover 1 additional wound per rank of bacta specialist when they recover wounds from bacta tanks or long term care.
Grit 2 +1 Strain Threshold
Natural Doctor 1 Once per session, may reroll any one medicine check.
Dedication 1 +1 Intelligence
Sleight of Mind 1 Add boost to all stealth checks unless opposition is immune to force powers.
Indistinguishable 1 Upgrade checks to recognize character by 1 per rank of indistinguishable.
Touch of Fate 1 Once per session, add 2 boost die to any 1 check.
Force Rating 3 Force Rating +1
Balance 1 When recovering strain at the end of an encounter, may add their FR to the roll, and use light pips to recover strain.
Dedication 1 +1 Agility
It's Not That Bad 1 Once per session, when a character would take a crit, make a hard medicine check. If suuccesful, they do not recieve the crit.
Uncanny Reactions 2 Add boost per rank of uncanny Reactiona to all vigilance checks.
Keen Eyes 1 Remove setbackk per rank of keen Eyes from perception and vigilance checks. Time to search an area is reduced by half.
Rapid Reactions 2 Spend a number of strain to add success equal to strain spent to initiative checks. Strain suffered can not exceed ranks in rapid reaction.
Sense Danger 1 Once per session, may remove any 2 setbacks from a check.
The Force is My Ally 1 Once per session, may perform two strain to make a force power action as a maneuver.
Natural Mystic 1 Once per session, may reroll any one force power check.

Force Powers

Force Rating
Spend pip to make all terrain within short range of the character difficult / normal terrain until the end of their next turn.
Upgrade Effect
Strength Spend pip to allow a number of targets equal to strength upgrades purchased able to ignore the effects of this power.
Control Spend two pips to create a corrosive atmosphere in a small area within the affected area.
Duration Once this power has been activated, commmit FD to sustain the effects for as long as FS remains commited.
Control Spend pip to give all characters within short range of the user concealment.
Range Spend two pips to increase this powers range band by one.
Control This power can affect firm terrain, such as packed earth, stone, or ice.
Control Spend 2 pips to make a small patch of terrain impossible to pass.
Heal / Harm
Heal: Force User may spend
to heal a target within the powers range equal to intellect.

Harm: Force user may spend
to deal damage to a target within range equal to Intellect.
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude May spend two pips to affect another target within this powers range.
Control Heal / Harm additional wounds equal to ranks in medicine.
Range May spend 1 pip to extend this powers range band by 1
Range May spend 1 pip to extend this powers range band by 1
Strength May spend 1 pip to increase wounds healed by 1
Mastery Heal: May spend 4 pips to restore a target to life who died after the end of the users last turn.

Harm: When this power kills a target, may restore a target to life who died this encounter. Both the user and the target take 7 conflict.
Magnitude May spend two pips to affect another target within this powers range.
Magnitude May spend two pips to affect another target within this powers range.
The Force user may spend one pip to gain insight into events in their future.
Upgrade Effect
Strength May spend 1 pip to pick out 1 specific detail.
The Bigger They Are
Once per game sessions, as an action, the character may spend two destiny points, nominate one starship, vehicle, or living creature of silhouette two or smaller that he can see, and make a hard knowledge warfare check. If it succeeds, for the next 3 rounds, he and other friendly characters within medium range may ignore the targets armor (or soak) when inflicting damage on the target with non starship / vehicle weapons.
Upgrade Effect
Silhouette Increase the silhouette that can be affected by 1.
Reduce Difficult Reduce the difficulty of the check to average.
Destiny Reduce the destiny point cost from 2 to 1.
Duration The Bigger They Are lasts for 2 additional rounds.


Felicity was a small girl on the planet of Cryanokin when her mother was killed. The Empire had found out that she was a Jedi, and threatened Felicity if her mother didn't give herself up. She was brought into be tested for midichlorians, but the test came back with low levels, so she was allowed to go home. Unbeknownst to her, there was an error, and her results had been switched with someone elses. She grew up with her father, who was the chief of police on Cryanokin. Eventually, after learning she was also Force Sensitive, she grew close to Viate, though after he left Cryanokin, they didn't see each other for a while. Her father's death in the line of duty spurred her to leave Cryanokin, eventually landing on the planet Daalang where she opened up a bar. Meeting with Viate once more and growing closer, she was in despair when she learned of his death. She blamed the Force for planting ideas of heroics in his head, and cut herself off. She worked with the rebels since then, deciding to become a medic to honor Viate's original wish of helping people, and eventually landed in the New Republic. She met an individual named Markus Lightstrider, who had been injured in a crash. She nursed him back to health, and they became acquaintances, but they had parted ways for a bit. Now, Felicity works as a specialist for the New Republic, and hopes to climb the ranks so she can put her intelligence to good use.


Motivation: MORALE
While the troop know their cause to be just, the hopeless odds stacked against them can be demoralizing. This PC knows that to have any hope of victory, the freedom fighters have to keep their spirits up, and works to help with this via well-timed jokes or inspirational gestures.



Felicity is a smaller sized Mirialan, with shoulder length black hair. She has a fierce look in her eyes, a deep blue that almost looks purple in the right lighting.

Other Notes

30 XP - Intelligence +1
40 XP - Intelligence +1
5 XP - Surgeon
10 XP - Bacta Specialist
10 XP - Stimpack Specialization
5 XP - Stimpack Specialization
10 XP - Surgeon
15 XP - Grit
20 XP - Natural Doctor
25 XP Dedication (+1 Int)
20 XP Force Sensitive Emergent
5 XP Indistinguishable
10 XP Sleight of Mind
15 XP Grit
20 XP Touch of Fate
25 XP Force Rating +1

250 Credits - Antishock Blanket
450 Credits - ECM-598 Medical Backpack
700 Credits - Heavy Blaster Pistol
75 Credits - Earbud Commlink
75 Credits - Datapad
200 Credits - Stimpack x20
50 Credits - Surveryors Bag
40 Credits - Med Aid Patch x2
100 Credits - Nullcaine x4
500 Credits - Padded Armor

-10 Duty - 2500 Credits

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