Ex-Bounty Hunter. Now a colonist working as a traveling Doctor in the galaxy. Back in the rebellion, I was pushed out of my home planet and changed my ways of the bounty hunter lifestyle. Although I may still look like a bounty hunter, I strive to serve the beings of the galaxy through medicine and hope.
Crime: The character supports the idea of black markets. mercenaries. and other groups that fall outside of the law. The character need not be a criminal himself, but may give aid to other criminals, especially if they are family members, childhood friends. or if corruption is deeply imbedded in the character's originating culture.
Always takes an opportunity to sweet talk the local Twi'lek's
Oath: The character has sworn some sort of oath that dictates his thoughts and actions, shaping his moral view of the world. This could be an oath to a deity, a way of living [such as the Jedi Code). or a willingness to sacrifice for the betterment of some group or cause. Whatever the case, the Oath should be both serious and make life difficult in some ways for the character. It is a personal and deep undertaking, possibly without a truly obtainable end goal in sight. Characters who do not live up to this oath face an internal and moral struggle.