Manowaar Stalleone is a champion podracer twice-over, having won two of podracing's most difficult and prestigious races. He was yet to win all three of the "Triple Crown" courses however, as the result of a betrayal by one of the PCs! And now, Manowaar has become obsessed with winning the missing jewel in his racing crown.
+5 XP Betrayal: This Obligation can work in one of two ways: either the character is the target of a deep and personal betrayal, or the character is the one who betrayed others. Whether it's as simple as a betrayed confidence or broken promise or as serious as treason or mutiny, the betrayal eats away at the character and affects their everyday life. The target of the betrayal may seek answers, compensation, or simply revenge.
+5 XP Obsession: The PC has some unhealthy obsession that tends to interfere in their life, whether with a celebrity, a region, a political movement, a cultural icon, or some other facet of society or life. They must pursue this, possibly to the detriment of their health, finances, or well-being. A character with this Obligation tends to get along well with others that share their interest, but is looked at with pity, amusement, or even a bit of fear from others who don't understand.