Comlink (handheld)
Utility Belt
Climbing Gear
Scanner Goggles
Assets & Resources
Stimpack (1)
Critical Injuries & Conditions
Book & Page
Resilient Metabolism
Nexus of Power 101
Devaronian physiology is naturally hardy and resistant to toxins. Members of the species add an automatic success to all Resilience checks they make.
Sleight of Mind
Force & Destiny 152
Force talent. The character adds a boost die per rank of Sleight of Mind to his Stealth checks unless the being attempting to detect the character is immune to Force powers.
Force & Destiny 142
The character removes a set back die per rank of Codebreaker from his attempts to break codes or decrypt communications. In addition, the character decreases the difficulty of his Computers and Intellect checks made to break codes or decrypt communications by one (this does not increase with additional ranks of Codebreaker).
Force & Destiny 145
The character’s appearance is so common that people have a hard time identifying distinguishing traits. Opposing characters upgrade the difficulty of any checks made to identify him once per rank of Indistinguishable.
Well Rounded
Force & Destiny 153
The character chooses any two skills. They permanently become career skills. (Discipline / Ranged Light)
Force Powers
Force Rating
The ability to influence the minds of others is not something to be taken lightly. Misuse of the ability, colloquially known as a "mind trick,” is a sure step on the path to the dark side. A powerful Force user can manipulate the minds of others to the point where he can convince them to believe things that are untrue, or calm an angry crowd. Conversely, he can rile the crowd into a murderous frenzy, or frighten a single soul into gibbering madness. This is where the danger of Influence lies.
However, Influence is not inherently evil. Many Force users have used Influence to protect the helpless or to deal with a threat in a way that avoids violence. It is much better to convince a guard to return to his post than to have to kill him.
Influence’s most basic and arguably crudest ability allows the user to inflict strain on a living target, stressing his mind until he passes out. However, upgrades allow the Force user who specializes in Influence to perform much more subtle and impressive feats.
The most basic form of Influence does not allow the Force user to guide or shape the thoughts of others. He can merely strain their mind, inflicting stress and exhaustion. The basic power has one effect that can be triggered multiple times on the same or different targets:
• The user spends a Force Point to stress the mind of one living target he is engaged with, inflicting 1 strain. The user may activate this multiple times, increasing the strain inflicted by one each time.
1 Range (Utility)
The user may spend a Force Point to increase the range at which the character can touch minds by a number of range bands equal to the number of Range upgrades purchased. The user may activate this multiple times, increasing the range by this number each time.
2 Control (Utility)
The user gains the ability to enhance his arguments and charisma via the Force. When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership, or Negotiation check, the user may roll an Influence power check as part of the pool. He may spend a Force Point to gain a success or an advantage (his choice) per point on the check.
3 Control (Offensive)
To gain the ability to alter the thoughts and emotions of a living target with whom he is engaged, the user makes an opposed Discipline check against the target as part of the pool to activate the power. The user must spend a Force Point and he must succeed on the check to force the target to adopt an emotional state such as fear, friendliness, or hatred, or to believe something untrue ("these are not the droids you are looking for”). The effect lasts for roughly five minutes, or one round in combat. If the Force user has the ability to affect multiple minds with this power (such as with the Magnitude upgrade), the Discipline check either must be opposed by the mind with the highest ranks in Discipline, or its difficulty must be set statically based on the number of minds (at the GM ’s discretion).
By opening his mind, a Force user can commune with the world around him. He senses the endless movement of the Living Force, seeing beyond what his eyes allow. The actions of those around him are laid bare, as if the Force user had a bird’s eye view of his surroundings, allowing him to anticipate attacks and better strike blows of his own, or even spot ambushes and lurking foes. Alternatively, he can sense the thoughts of others. Even a Jedi cannot read someone’s mind completely, but a Force-sensitive being can detect his target’s feelings and emotions, and even sense surface thoughts.
Unlike many other Force powers, Sense has a basic power that can be used in two very different ways. Users can rely on Sense to augment their defensive (and eventually offensive) abilities, or they can invest in the ability to read the emotions and feelings of others. They can even read their surface thoughts, which can be particularly valuable in a wide variety of situations.
Sense’s basic power allows the Force user to sense the living Force interacting with the world around him. This allows him to perceive life and read emotions. The basic power has two ways to spend Force points:
• The user may spend a Force point to sense all living things within short range of himself (including animals and sentient beings). The user may not activate this multiple times.
• The user may spend a Force point to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom he is engaged. The user may not activate this multiple times.
1 Control (Defensive)
The user gains the ability to sense danger the moment before it strikes, allowing him to anticipate attacks and avoid incoming blows. This power gains the ongoing effect: Commit a Force Dice. Once per round, when an attack targets the Force user, he upgrades the difficulty of the pool once. The user may not activate this multiple times.
The Poor and Hungry
On some worlds, resources are so scarce that everyone must constantly scramble to obtain the basic necessities of life. From early childhood, individuals are expected to contribute in a meaningful way to increase their family’s odds of survival. On worlds where resources are more readily available, there still exist subcultures where families live in desperation, constantly in search of their next meal.
Individuals who live in constant want may be able to accept this situation as the norm, readily learning to make do with the assets that are available and living this way for the rest of their lives. Alternatively, some become obsessed with material possessions, spending all of their time focused on obtaining more. Characters with either outlook often work carefully to plan and manage their resources. When someone isn’t sure where the next meal may be coming from, it helps encourage them to be cautious in their actions. Of course, some characters with this background may be exceptionally cavalier in their endeavors, secure in the knowledge that they have nothing to lose.
In a galaxy where simply being a Force user can be a death sentence, the character's primary concern is survival. He's willing to do what it takes to make sure he lives another day.
Strength: Justice
The character strives for just and deliberate actions in his life, and in his interactions with others. He attempts to make the objectively right choice every time, knowing that justice is more likely to guarantee positive outcomes than sympathy or other emotional displays.
Weakness: Obsession
Sometimes, interest in something can turn to obsession if not tempered with reason. The character can slip into an obsessive state about his need to discover information, accomplish a goal, or even defeat a rival, and he may ignore all else until success is his.