1) In some sense, she'd always known and just called it luck. As something otherworldly and arcane - she saw holo footage of herself reacting to something before it happened.
2) Alyssa once shot a corrupt police officer on an outer rim backwater when she was sixteen. He was a awful man, sure, but he didn't need to die. She didn't need to aim for the heart quite so surely, either. Not only did he have all sorts of men with blasters and police uniforms ready to kill her for slaying one of their own, he had connections deep in the galactic underworld - and they didn't appreciate one of their prime resources on Alyssa's homeworld being taken out. Both parties wouldn't hesitate to kill her if they ever got their hands on her.
3) Working as a cook on a cargo ship smuggling illegal weapons for Imperial holdouts, Alyssa ran into a Jedi. Disapproving of shipping weapons to murderers, she helped the Jedi out on his mission and he discovered that she was force sensitive.
4) Karlos Dax, the smuggler she'd once worked for as a cook. He managed to escape arrest and has never quite forgiven her for getting his ship confiscated.
5) Alyssa was well off for her home neighbourhood, which meant that she didn't starve. When she was young, she'd steal food from the homes of people she considered stuck up jerks for her neighbours.
Born almost one year to the day of the Battle of Yavin, Alyssa's parents were members of the Rebellion. Her father was a hot-shot fighter pilot, her mother a mechanic. One can imagine how they met. During the chaos following the defeat at Hoth, Alyssa and her mother were separated from her father. Alyssa was sent to live with a family member, on backwater world like any other, and she never saw either of her parents again - they were both killed during the war.
Of course, it wasn't all doom and gloom. Though the aunt she lived with, Kala, wasn't rich, she did care for her niece. A youth running around with other slightly disreputable youths wasn't too glad, and the only crimes she'd really committed was shoplifting and a bit of graffiti, save for one accident. But we'll get back to that later.
It was during those years that she discovered her 'luck'. She could run and jump just right too often, reacted just too fast. She wouldn't have paid any attention to it, save for a freak coincidence involving a falling object and a holocamera. Alyssa couldn't maintain that there was nothing abnormal about her when confronted with video evidence that she'd reacted to something before it had happened.
Here's where that one incident comes in. Cramar Ranfaxo was a lawman getting fat and happy on bribes and "protection fees", like many on the Outer Rim. He'd beat up anybody who didn't pay, and extort anything he wanted out of the people of his district. The higher-ups didn't care - they were doing the same thing. But Cramar was crueller than them, greedier too. So when he finally went too far and shot a fleeing shopkeep in the back, Alyssa snapped.
Cramar, for all of his faults, was a good fighter. Nasty, tough, and willing to use any dirty trick ever recorded (and a few that had never been), he should have left Alyssa as just another smoking corpse on the city's mean streets. Instead, as she stared him down, hand on a cheap blaster, she somehow knew when to draw. He'd given away nothing, not a twitch, but somehow she knew. She knew, and she left him dead on the street just outside the cantina.
After that, there was no way she could stay. She managed to get onto a starship heading off the planet before the authorities could catch up to her, and then she was out of their grasp. A few years of drifting, a little bottom-barrel mercenary work, and a disastrous stint as a cook on a starship led her to the NJO.
It's probably worth expanding on that last one. Fresh out of credits and desperate for work, Alyssa signed on to the crew of the cargo ship 'Sizeable Fortune' as a cook. She had no idea what the ship was carrying at that time, and she didn't care. That is until she made their new mechanic as someone who could use the Force (though at that time, she still just called it Luck). She took an interest in him, and eventually, she discovered him as a Jedi.
At blaster point, he explained what the Sizeable Fortune was really carrying. Weapons for Imperial holdouts, fighting on past the peace treaty with bombs and kamikaze cargo shuttles. Suffice it to say that she helped the Jedi out, and in the course of that, he discovered Alyssa was force sensitive. Karlos Dax, the captain of the Sizeable Fortune and a smuggler of some renown, has never quite forgiven either of them for getting his ship confiscated.
Help the Helpless: In a galaxy full of momentous events and desperate struggle, it is all too easy to forget the poor, the weak, and the downtrodden. The character seeks to give voice to the voiceless, and help those who cannot help themselves.
1. Alyssa took the life of man who was undeniably evil, yet posed no current threat. She could have brought him to justice via many different ways, instead she choose the quick, easy way. She shot him dead with barely a blink.
She doesn't want to be the kind of person who'd do that, who'd take a life even when there were many other options. Even when it probably wasn't the best option. Yet somehow, deep inside her, she knows she'd take the same road again.
2. Alyssa's fallen into all sorts of wrong crowds over the years, and she wants to prove to herself that this time, it's different. That the Jedi really are who they say they are - but there's always that little voice inside her head, telling her otherwise. Sometimes it tells her that the Jedi aren't really too different from the police back home. Sometimes it tells her they only act if the important, rich people say it's okay.
She wonders whether they'd have acted back on her homeworld.
Compassion/Hatred - 76
Also 10 Obligation: Bounty (Pollix). 5 Obligation: Dutybound (Deputised Sector Ranger)
A lean mirialan women, short and athletic. She has relatively short black hair, bright green skin, and multiple tattoos. Some of them are traditional, some of them are not.
Blinded by a dark jedi in a duel atop a rain-swept ziggurat, she now wears a white cloth tied around her face to hide her eyes.