Craving adventure, Crix is willing to go were none have gone before if it means a good journey and a handful of credits at the end. Crix's knowledge of tracking sentients and beasts alike through untamed wilds borders on the preternatural. He knows just what to look for, just where to place his feet, and just how to track a light-footed fugitive in the dark across a plain of of hard-packed clay. The chase comes naturally to Crix, and as one who derive his joy and satisfaction from the pursuit itself he has been known to prolong the hunt by taking his time and giving his targets numerous chances to rest or escape.
Survival: A code is hardly relevant if the bounty hunter is too dead to uphold it, and while this character might have other principles or oaths, the first and foremost is to survive at all costs. This PC strives to be on the winning side in any engagement
10 Magnitude Thriller Seeker
Crix lives for the thrill of the hunt. Some people are addicted to alcohol or chems, other to gambling or other seedy vices. This character, however, is a confirmed adrenaline junkie, and chooses bounties not by their challenge or price, but by how exciting or dangerous they are. Avoiding the Obligation--perhaps by being a responsible business operator and considering every job's cost benefit analysis-- results in an almost immediate case of excitement withdrawal. When inactive, the character is edgy, moody, easily distracted, and generally unpleasant to be around.
5 Magnitude Fame for 1000 Credits
Crix is slightly infamous, as all trandoshans tend to be. Renowned for his ability to track his pray through the thickest of jungles, Crix's reputation casts a long shadow. Whatever the case, it is hard for the character to move unnoticed throughout the galaxy. This makes convert operations more difficult, but also means that informants are likely to spill what they know when the PC arrives.
Lizard like humanoid.