To Map the Sky.
1) How did you discover your force sensitivity?
The first time he took a ship through hyper on his own, Sader knew this was what he was meant to do. Duros are considers to be exceptional astrogators, Sader is considered exceptional among the Duros. Until meeting with the NJO he always put his knack down to simply his race's natural feel for and long history with hyperspace.
2) Describe a moment where you fell prey to your moral weakness or experienced a tragedy/horror that still haunts you.
Orrem Hesh was Sader's teacher and mentor on scouting and charting hyperspace lanes. He was extremely proud of Sader's abilities, but also saw his talent needed tempering with experience, while tolerant of Sader's bending of the rules and acting upon hunches, he was always the first one to tell him to double check his math and let the navicomp check his routes. Seeing this as the needless worrying of an old man Sader rarely checked his work, knowing they had never been wrong before. That was for more than two years, until the mass shadow alarm rang and the ship fell out of hyperspace right onto the edge of a Black Hole's Event Horizon. Seeing the thing he feared, as all scouts fear, would always happen Orrem didn't hesitate, he threw Sader into the escape capsule, loaded it in the launcher, then shut off every other system and manually overrode every safety, using the ship's full power to launch the escape capsule beyond the Black Hole's reach as the ship slowly tumbled inwards.
3) How did you come to join the NJO?
Sader had been searching around The Roil for several years trying to find a better bridge between the Perlemian Trade Route and the Hydian Way. Being a navigator as much by instinct as math, he's always trusted his guts. When finding his way to the order, he had in intense feeling while plotting another route through the nebula, believing he had finally found his route, he was disappointed and confused when he came out over Yavin. Searching for an answer to his feelings and deciding he should pay his respects to the Rebellion which eventually freed Duro from the Empire, he went to the surface where he met with the Masters of the Order. Seeing how much there was for him to learn here, he joined the academy.
4) Name one NPC your character has a strong connection with. This could be a family member, a friend, a work contact, or a bitter rival.
Thend Oro has been Sader's rivals almost since they hatched. Always trying to one up each other, they quarreled until it was time to go seek their careers. The peace lasted only a year as both had taken on the Duros' profession of mapping hyperspace lanes. Eventually the rivalry turned bitter and increasing sabotage attempts were made until eventually Sader was able to feed Thend a corrupted hyperspace map.
5) Describe a pivotal moment in your life where you demonstrated your moral strength despite adversity.
Several weeks passed after Thend has been fed the corrupt data and he had disappeared and not been at any of the usual meetings. Knowing he had gone too far and trying to correct his mistake, Sader loaded the corrupted hyperspace map into his navicomputer and plotted the same course he expected Thend had taken and jumped blindly after him, directly into an Ion Storm. With many of his ship's systems fried by the storm, he managed to get a signal of another derelict ship. Over then next weeks, the two of them managed to dock their ships and use the parts from both to repair one enough to get out of the storm. In the aftermath, they were able to reconcile and became, if not friends, at least respected peers.
Obligation: Sponsorship: The Consotrium
Morality: 53
It takes bravery and more than a little recklessness to launch a ship faster than light through uncharted space.
Strength: Bravery
Bravery: The character's bravery is quite remarkable. Whether facing down a charging rancor or racing into a burning building to save innocents, he is always willing to take risks to help others.
Weakness: Recklessness
Recklessness: Of course, a little thought can go a long way towards saving someone from a major mistake, which this character may find out to his sorrow on more than one occasion. Reckless behavior can leave him in dangerous situations or at the mercy of more calculating individuals.
Gray skin, Red eyes
20 Years Old 6' 2"
Uncomfortably thin