Grew up on a big cargo vessel that operated in Hutt space which took on underworld contracts regularly. Never knew parents, but not uncommon in the world I grew up in. Having grown up in squalor, have a soft side to the needy and downtrodden.
Best Friend for life was captured on a solo mission, and to earn his freedom sent me on a run that was a set up from the start. Only managed to escape as the day prior had upgraded my legs to a new model. From this interaction has trust issues, and constantly checking over my shoulder for the gang that is now after me.
The Weak/Charity Rolled 7
The character fights for the underdog, disliking bullies and totalitarianism He'll put the interests of those in need before his own and may donate time or money to aid the less fortunate
Smugglers: Rolled 68- Notoriety : Staying out of Hutt spaces an old colleague has tarnished my name.
15 Total Obligation (+5 on top of base for extra 1000 credits)
If a Smuggler has the Notoriety Obligation, then he will be unable to travel incognito, as his face or name may be recognized This makes any jobs he takes on harder, if not impossible, to complete. This Obligation is only likely to apply in certain sectors, and the extent of its influence determines the size of the Obligation. The Smuggler's own behavior might have caused this, or another party may have maliciously spread information about him. If the latter, the Obligation could be reduced by tracking down the person responsible and stopping him. if the former, the Smuggler may have to avoid the affected area long enough that the locals forget him, or he might significantly change his appearance or name to avoid recognition
6ft 4 now with robotic legs, originally 6ft
Red/Brown Fur under clothing but very covered up
Face mask is worn as is the custom in Gank society, but dons a cowboy hat as well.