Operation Broken Fang (2020-04-22) : 20xp, 15 Duty, 300cr, 24 hrs.
-10xp : Toughened 10xp,
#Starting XP
+195xp : Race 175xp, SFL 15xp, Duty (10) 5xp + 1000cr.
#Total Spent :
#Characteristics :
-180xp : 90xp Brawl, -50xp Agility, 20xp Intelligence, 20xp Willpower.
#Starting Skills :
Career :
Athletics +1, Discipline +1, Piloting (Planetary) +1, Resilience +1, Vigilance +1, Brawl +0, Melee +1, Ranged (Light) +0.
Coercion +1, Resilience +1, Survival +0, Melee +1.
Race : See Talents.
#Paid Talents :
-15xp : 5xp Toughened, 10xp Feral Strength.
Free Armor :
SoroSuub P-14 Hazardous Industry Suit : Special Modification 48
Def 0, Soak 2, Price 1000cr, Encum 4/7, HP 0/2, R4, Special : Counts as a breath mask. Adds [] [] to Resilience checks to resist heat, cold, radiation and other hostile enviconmental conditions. Wearer does not suffer the effects of Burn or Disorient item qualities. When wearer suffers strain in order to take an extra maneuver, he suffers 1 additional strain.
Free Weapon :
Activv1 Riot Shield : Far Horizons 42
Melee, Dmg +0, Crit 6, Range Engaged, Enc 5, Hp 0/1, Price 300cr, Rar 4, Special : Cumbersome 3, Defensive 2, Deflection 2, Disorient 1.
Notes : Shield is used with one hand, leaving the other hand free to wield pistols and one-hand melee weapons.
Starting Credits : Base 1500cr
Spent : 1475/1500
Paid Weapon :
Combat Knife : 25cr E1 R1
Melee, Dmg +1, Crit 3, Range Engaged, Enc 1, HP 0/0, Price 25cr, Rar 1.
Multi-Tool Hand : 650cr, E0, R6
Gear :
Verpine Headband : 500cr, E1, R6
Load-Bearing Gear : 100cr R3 (E+3)
Utility Belt : 25cr R0 (E+1)
Military Belt Pouch : 10cr E0 R0
MK.III Modular Backpack : 165cr R1 (E+8)
--- To be Requisitioned : ---
Concealed Recorder : 175cr, E0, R3
Datapad : 75cr, E1, R1
Emergency Repair Patch : 25cr, E0, R1
Fusion Cutter : 175cr, E2, R2
Holo-Messenger : 250cr, E0, R4
Scanner Goggles : 150cr, E0, R3
Taggeco "Shockhold" Hardened Comlink : 450cr, E3, R4
---------- Descriptions : ----------
Concealed Recorder : 175cr, E0, R3 - Desperate Allies 50
A surreptitiously captured moment can be turned into evidence that wins wars, topples governments, or simply persuades a certain person to remain silent. Many corporations and investigative groups have produced a wide range of specialized recorders that can be effectively hidden. Although usually made to capture fullcolor holos and audio, sometimes such devices capture flat-screen images or audio only, depending on the needs of the user. These miniature recording devices can be installed in an innocuous item, such as a light fixture or chronometer, and left to record until retrieved by the operator. Simple programming optimizes data storage, pausing recording when no activity is detected.
Add ■■to a character’s Perception checks to find a concealed recorder on a person’s body.
Datapad : 75cr, E1, R1 - AoR Core 196
The ubiquitous datapad can be found in even the most remote galactic locale. A powerful combination of communications device, holo messenger, handheld computer, and personal database, datapads combine a number of common electronics in one easy-to-use package. Most have touch screens, but some use holographic imaging devices to project their data, and all can be connected to the galactic HoloNet. All datapads can be encrypted, and many have emergency data destructs that wipe their memory if they are lost or stolen.
Emergency Repair Patch : 25cr, E0, R1 - AoR 197
Used to perform temporary emergency repairs to keep machinery running until proper repairs can be done, nearly every mechanic in the galaxy keeps one or two of these handy patches on hand. Composed of a semi-flexible durasteel disk coated on one side with insulation and edged with auto-activating thermal welds, emergency repair patches come in a variety of sizes. From small enough to cover a blaster bolt hole, to meter-long sheets used to patch holes in starship hulls, emergency repair patches are as varied as they are versatile. They are designed to be quickly applied over a hole or tear in a ship's hull, droid's chassis, or machine's casing, keeping the vulnerable interior works of the machine safe and shoring up structural integrity. Emergency repair patches are one-use items that can be utilized to gain the normal bonus for having the right tools for a job at hand. Likewise, droids can use them to heal wounds similar to the way an organic being employs a stimpack. Using an emergency repair patch requires a character to spend a maneuver. When applied to droids, emergency repair patches heal 3 wounds, and up to five can be used in a single day. Using a sixth emergency repair patch has no effect, as by that point the droid is so patched and jury-rigged together that further patches would be useless. It takes one day for a droid's self-repair routines, or some actual repairs, to restore its body to enough functionality to be able to take any benefit from emergency repair patches. See page 233 for more information.
Droids cannot use stimpacks. However, they benefit from repair patches in a similar fashion as stimpacks, including the limit of five per day. However, emergency repair patches only heal 3 wounds per use (although their viability does not reduce over time). Fixing a droid's Critical Injuries requires Mechanics checks with a difficulty set by the Critical Injury's severity rating.
Fusion Cutter : 175cr, E2, R2 - AoR 197
These handheld, portable cutting torches are found throughout the galaxy in numerous industrial, technical, and even artistic operations. They use small, high-powered fusion batteries to produce intense plasma or laser beams used to weld metals together and to cut them apart, depending on the needs of the user. Their beams can easily cut through durasteel, duraplast, and even armored ship hulls with ease. Field mechanics often carry them into battle for emergency repairs of vehicles, droids, and other equipment. Fusion cutters can be adjusted to produce a fine, precise beam for welds or a broad, powerful beam good for brazing and cutting. Engineering and mechanic droids can have a fusion cutter directly installed in their chassis so that they always have one at hand, and they are especially common on astromech droids.
In a pinch, a fusion cutter can be used as a close-quarters weapon, and can cause some incredibly frightful wounds. If used as a weapon, a fusion cutter has a range of engaged, deals 5 damage, has a critical rating of 3, and possesses the Breach 1, Burn 3, Sunder, and Vicious 3 weapon qualities.
Holo-Messenger : 250cr, E0, R4 - AoR 186
Small, complex devices about the size of a human hand, holo-messengers are used when a personal touch is needed in the sending of a message. Equipped with a small holographic display emitter, these devices can be used either to send a one-time recorded message or to act as a receive-and-display device for a holographic transmission. When used, the messenger projects its hologram either directly over the user's hand or anywhere he wishes (up to a meter away). Easily concealed and transported, holo-messengers are often used by various Rebel cells to send and receive secret messages.
Multi-Tool Hand : 650cr, E0, R6 - Cypher and Mask 44
In a galaxy dependent on advanced technology to hold its very fabric together, repair and maintenance of equipment is a constant task. From small precision tools used to repair droids and advanced computers to huge rolling boxes used by shipwrights in spaceports, tool kits are an essential piece of equipment. Whether general kits used for maintenance or custom-built sets for specific jobs, tool kits offer their users a wide variety of necessary tools for getting the job done. With the proper tools, there is little that a skilled and inventive technician can't accomplish if given the time and circumstances. Tool kits allow mechanics and technicians to perform most mechanical checks to repair devices, as well as to "heal" droids.
Scanner Goggles : 150cr, E0, R3 - AoR 191
Scanner goggles are a lighter, wearable version of electrobinoculars equipped with a more limited set of optical enhancements. Produced in a variety of styles, scanner goggles typically feature passive light amplification and thermal imaging, along with polarized lenses and a number of filters for different lighting situations. They are usually issued to Rebel commandos or infiltrators, as they grant many of the benefits of electrobinoculars while leaving the hands free. When worn, scanner goggles allow the wearer to see normally in dark conditions.
Taggeco "Shockhold" Hardened Comlink : 450cr, E3, R4 - Dangerous Covenant 56
This hardened comlink is one of the more popular forms of military-grade communications in the galaxy. These devices feature satellite uplink capability for planet-wide and planet-to-orbit communications capability, boosted broadcast power, and militarygrade encryption, although they are bulkier than standard comlinks. The ShockHold adds automatic [F F] to any checks made to decode and understand its transmissions, and automatic [S S] to any checks made to broadcast through a com jammer.
Verpine Headband : 500cr, E1, R6 - Strongholds of Resistance 115
Another Verpine invention is known simply as a Verpine headband. When worn, it administers small electric shocks to the sleep centers of the brain in an attempt to keep the wearer awake for extended periods of time. A character wearing a Verpine headband is not incapacitated by exceeding his strain threshold. Instead, for each strain he suffers over his threshold, he also suffers a wound, and for as long as his strain exceeds his threshold, he is disoriented.