Mira Quan'tak by MichelV69

Pirate, Droids
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 16
Current 0
Threshold 12
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 1
Athletics (Br) X 1
Charm (Pr) X 0
Coercion (Will) X 2
Computers (Int) X 3
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) X 1
Discipline (Will) X 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 3
Medicine (Int) 1
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 1
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) X 3
Stealth (Ag) X 1
Streetwise (Cun) X 1
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 2
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Pistol (fully modded)
Ranged: Light
Damage 9, Crit 3, Pierce 2, Accuracy 3 medium range autofire, stun setting
Vibro Knife w/ Serrated Edge
Pierce-2, Vicious -2, Poison Reservoir 5 uses


Weapons & Armor

Blaster pistol
Padded armor
Droid Disabler (see below)

Personal Gear

Dress Uniform
Scanner Goggles
Tool Kit
Security Sweeper
Slicer Gear
restraining bolts (5)
Protective Goggles
Climb Suit

Assets & Resources

Astromech R2-D7
K9 Specialty Dog Chassis
I-Z3 Air Recon Droid
A-10 - Gunship Drone

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Racial Effects Add setback to all charm checks, but add setback to all incoming social checks
Black Market Contacts Pirate Universal When purchasing illegal goods, -1 rarity +50% cost per rank
Toughened x3 Pirate Universal, Sleeper Agent - Spy +2 Wounds per rank
Design Flaw x2 Droid Specialist - Engineer Person-scale weapon attacks vs droids gain Advantage per rank of Design Flaw
Speaks Binary Droid Specialist - Engineer When directing NPC droids, may grant 1 Boost per rank
Hidden Storage Droid Specialist - Engineer Gain hidden storage in vehicles or equipment that holds items with total Encumberance equal to ranks
Combat Programming Droid Specialist - Engineer Once per encounter make a 3P Computers check while repairing or working on a droid. For the remainder of the encounter, the droid gains 1 rank in two different combat skills.
Greased Palms Pirate Universal Before making a social check, may spend up to 50Cr per rank of Greased Palms to upgrade the ability check once for every 50Cr spent.
Gearhead Droid Specialist - Engineer Remove 1K (setback) per rank of Gearhead from all Mechanics checks. Halve the credit costs to add mods to attachements.
Quick Draw Pirate Universal Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or item as an incidental.
Fearsome Rep x2 Pirate Universal Add automatic 1B to the results of Coercion checks equal to the ranks in Fearsome Rep.
Codebreaker x2 Sleeper Agent - Spy Remove 1K per rank of Codebreaker from checks to break or decrypt communications. Decrease difficulty of checks to break codees or decrypt communications by 1.
Well Rounded Sleeper Agent - Spy Choose any two skills; they become career skills.
Cunning Persona Sleeper Agent - Spy The Character may suffer 2 Strain to make a Charm check with Cunning instead to Presence
Bypass Security x2 Sleeper Agent - Spy Remove 1K per rank of Bypass Security from checks made to disable a security device or open a locked door.
Creative Killer Sleeper Agent - Spy Reduce the Crit Rating of improvised weapons by 2, to a minimum of 1.
Knows the Ropes Pirate Universal Add 1B to checks made to escape from restraints equal to ranks in Knowledge (Underworld). Spend Triumph to free all other allies within Short Range.
Commanding Presence Pirate Universal Remove 1K per rank of Commanding Presence from all Leadership and Cool checks.
Convincing Demeanor x2 Sleeper Agent - Spy Remove 1K per rank of Convincing Demeanor from all Deception or Skullduggery
Intimidating Pirate Universal May suffer a number of Strain up to ranks in Intimidating to downgrade the difficulty of Coercion checks or upgrade the difficulty when targeted by Coercion checks by an equal number.
Analyze Data Sleeper Agent - Spy Once pers session after capturing enemy data, the character may take the Analyze Data action making a 2P Knowledge (Warfare) checking.
Street Smarts Pirate Universal Remove 1K per rank of Street Smarts from all Streewise of Knowledge (Underworld) checks.
Machine Mender Droid Specialist - Engineer When making a Mechanics check to help a character heal Wounds, the target heals 1 additional Wound per rank of Machine Mender
Double-Talk Pirate Universal The character may spend ADV or TRI from a successful Charm or Deception check to disorrient a number of opponents within Short range equal to his/ her Presense for the remainder of the round and the next two.
Intense Presence Pirate Universal May spend a Destiny Point to recover Strain equal to Presence Rating.
Inside Person Sleeper Agent - Spy Once per session, may spend Destiny Point to establish she has been undercover in an identified enemy base or large vehicle. For the remainder of the session , add automatic 2 ADV to checks she or her allies make that are associated with the location.
Altered Deal Pirate -Universal Once per session, make take the Altered Deal action; make 3p Coercion check to radically change a previously made deal or bargain to the characters advantage.




Tech Procurement (6) Rank 3


Other Notes

Characterization Notes: "Southern Belle" accent. Collects brightly colored scarves; a scarf for every occasion and color palette.


Encumbrance: 1
Hard Points: 1
Rarity: 5
Price: 1,050
Type: Energy Weapon
Categories: Ranged
Damage: 12
Range: Short
Critical: ωωω
Skill: Ranged - Light
Qualities: Concussive 1, Ion, Limited Ammo

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