A Rutian Twi'lek, originally from the Tann Province ("Tann") on the home planet of Ryloth.
The Cea Clan residence was near the Syndulla residence. Ro did not know Cham'Syndulla's daughter Hera personally, but her older brothers (Ramma'Cea and Dunur'Cea) were close school friends with Hera.
She grew up as a member of the Free Ryloth Movement against the Empire, but since Ro was younger during the original occupation, she was mainly a foot soldier.
When Ryloth became a Galactic Empire protectorate, and after her entire extended family was killed in the battle, Ro escaped off-world. The Cea kalikori, a family tree sort of artifact, is her most treasured possession, and Ro is grateful she was able to grab it when making her escape.
Ro speaks Twi’leki fluently.
Ro considers herself a freedom fighter, and even though return to her home planet is now a lost cause, she finds herself strongly drawn to the Resistance.