Fimrati Vailyippin by Glein

Female Twi'Lek
Bounty Hunter
Assassin, Performer, Force Sensitive (Emergent)->Shadow, Commando
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 17
Current 10
Threshold 13
Current 13
Ranged 1
Melee 1

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 1 1B
Charm (Pr) X 3 1B -1S
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 1
Coordination (Ag) X 1 4B
Deception (Cun) X 2 1B -1S
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0 -1S
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 1 1B
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 0
Resilience (Br) X 0 1B
Skulduggery (Cun) X 2 -1S
Stealth (Ag) X 1 4B
Streetwise (Cun) X 2 -1S
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1 1B
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) X 0
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 3
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 1 -1S
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


Glunok FYR Assault Carbine (Custom)
Ranged: Heavy
Auto-fire, Accurate 2, Silenced
Slugthrower Pistol
Ranged: Light
Bola Carbine [Slugthrower]
Ranged: Heavy
Accurate 1, Ensnare, Limited Ammo 1, Silenced
Rati Special [Shoto (Ghostfire Crystal) Lightsaber]
Accurate 1, Breach 1, Sunder


Weapons & Armor

Assault Carbine (Slug) | Encum: 4
Pistol (Slug) | Encum: 1
Bola Carbine (Slug) | Encum: 3
Second Skin Armour | Encum: 2
Utility Belt | Encum: +1
Backpack | Encum: +4
Lightsaber | Encum: 1

Personal Gear

Commlink (Earbud)
Ration Packs (x6)
Extra Reload (x2)
Stimpack (x3)
Imperial Army Canteen

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Distracting Behavior 3 Far Horizon's pg.32 The character may make a Distracting Behavior maneuver and suffer a number of strain no greater than his ranks in Cunning. If he does so, an equal number of adversaries or NPCs he is engaged with suffer [Threat] on checks they make until the beginning of the character's next turn. The range of this maneuver increases by one band per rank of Distracting Behavior. The character selects who is affected by Distracting Behavior and can choose to have this talent not affect NPC allies. It may be that he explains his tactics to the NPCs beforehand, or that they know him well enough to be used to his antics.
Stalker 4 EotE Core pg.143 The character adds [Boost] per rank of Stalker to all Coordination and Stealth checks.
Dodge 3 EotE Core pg.135 When targeted by combat check, may perform a Dodge incidental to suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks of Dodge, then upgrade the difficulty of the check by that number.
Lethal Blows 3 EotE Core pg.138 Add +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury results inflicted on opponents
Quick Draw 1 EotE Core pg.141 Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental
Convincing Demeanor 1 EotE Core pg.133 Remove [Setback] per rank of Convincing Demeanor from Deception or Skulduggery checks.
Quick Strike 1 EotE Core pg.141 Add [Boost] per rank of Quick Strike to combat checks against targets that have not acted yet this encounter.
Dedication 2 EotE Core pg.134 Each rank permanently increases a single characteristic of the player's choice by one point. This cannot bring a characteristic above six.
Kill With Kindness 1 EotE Core pg.138 Remove [Setback] per rank of Kill with Kindness from all Charm and Leadership checks the character attempts.
Congenial 1 Far Horizon's pg.32 When attempting a Charm or Negotiation check, the character may suffer a number of strain to downgrade the difficulty of the check a number of times equal to the strain suffered. This number cannot exceed his ranks in Congenial. When the character is the target of a Charm or Negotiation check, the character may suffer a number of strain to upgrade the difficulty of the check a number of times equal to the strain suffered. This number cannot exceed his ranks in Congenial.
Uncanny Senses 1 FaD Core pg.153 Add [Boost] per rank to all perception checks.
Indistinguishable 2 FaD Core pg.145 Opposing charactes upgrade the difficulty of any checks made to identify this character once per rank.
Sleight of Mind 2 FaD Core pg.152 Add [Boost] per rank of Sleight of Mind to stealth checks unless opposing character is immune to force powers.
Toughened 3 EotE Core pg.145 The character increases his wound threshold by two per rank of Toughened.
Uncanny Reactions 1 FaD Core pg.153 Add [Boost] per rank to all vigilance checks.
Sense Danger 1 FaD Core pg.151 Once per game session, the character may remove 2 [Setback] from any one skill check.
Touch of Fate 1 FaD Core pg.153 Once per game session, the character may add 2 [Boost] from any one skill check.
Force Rating 1 FaD Core pg.143 Each rank permnantly increases the characters force rating by 1.
Natural Athlete 1 Far Horizon's pg.33 Once per game session, the character may reroll any one Athletics or Coordination check.
Second Wind 1 EotE Core pg.142 Once per encounter, the character may use a Second Wind incidental to recover an amount of strain equal to his ranks in Second Wind.
Smooth Talker 2 EotE Core pg.142 When a character acquires this talent, he chooses one skill: Charm, Coercion, Negotiation, or Deception. When making checks with that skill, he may spend [Boost] to gain additional success equal to his ranks in Smooth Talker.
Jump Up 2 EotE Core pg.138 Once per round on the character's turn, the character may stand up from prone or a seated position as an Incidental.
Precise Aim 2 EotE Core pg.141 Once per round on the character's turn, the character may perform a Precise Aim maneuver before attempting a combat check and suffer a number of strain. The number of strain cannot exceed his ranks in Precise Aim. He then decreases the target's defense (ranged and melee) by one per strain suffered for that combat check.
Anatomy Lessons 1 EotE Core pg.132 After a successful attack with a non-starship/vehicle weapon, the character may spend one Destiny Point to add damage equal to his Intellect to one hit of the attack.
Master of Shadows 1 EotE Core pg.138 Once per round, the character may voluntarily suffer two strain to decrease the difficulty of the next Stealth or Skulduggery check by one, to a minimum of Easy [Threat]
Sniper Shot 1 EotE Core pg.142 Once per round before making a non-thrown ranged attack, the character may perform a maneuver to attempt a Sniper Shot. Sniper Shot increases the maximum range of his ranged weapon up to one range band per rank. For each rank beyond the normal maximum of the weapon, upgrade the difficulty of the check by one (this is in addition to the increased difficulty of the shot due to longer range).
Deadly Accuracy 1 EotE Core pg.134 Each time the character gains a rank of Deadly Accuracy, he must choose one combat skill. The character may add his basic training ranks in that combat skill as additional damage to one hit of a successful attack made with that skill with non-starship/vehicle weapons. He cannot choose the same combat skill twice.
Street Smarts 1 EotE Core pg.144 Remove [Setback] per rank of Street Smarts from any Streetwise or Knowledge (Underworld) checks the character attempts.
Physical Training 1 AoR Core pg.154 The character adds [Boost] per rank of Physical Training to his Athletics and Resiliance checks.
Durable 1 EotE Core pg.135 The character may reduce a Critical Injury result he suffers by 10 per rank of Durable, to a minimum of one.
Well Rounded 1 EotE Core pg.145 The character chooses any two skills. They permanently become career skills.
Shroud 1 FaD Core pg.151 Force talent. Once per session, the character may spend one Destiny Point to make [themselves] undetectable via the Force (through abilities such as the Sense power) and to make [their] own Force powers unnoticeable for the remainder of the encounter. What this entails exactly is up to the player and the GM, and the GM may rule that some actions (such as lifting an X-wing with one's mind) are too obvious to be ignored. However, abilities such as manipulating control panels, lifting small objects, or using Force powers to affect someone physically or mentally go unnoticed, or the effects are attributed to something else.
Mental Fortress 1 FaD Core pg.147 The character may spend one Destiny Point to ignore the effects of ongoing Critical Injuries on any Intellect- or Cunning-related checks until the end of the encounter. [They] still suffer from the injury itself.


"Once a slave, always a slave." This was a line heard by Fimrati for too many years in her life. Especially with her being the toy of some Hutt to play with. Born in 27 BBY, Fimrati grew up during the Clone Wars, and watched both the Republic and Confederacy seek to make allies of the Hutts, including her Master. And while there was a small glimmer of hope with the Confederacy's defeat, the formation of the Galactic Empire dashed it.

With the Empire established, her efforts turned from simply hoping that she could be freed by governmental decree to seeking either a means to escape or a means to break free.

She would eventually find her way out from his clutches. Alas, it left the Hutt alive, and thusly able to send men after her. But Fimrati had a plan for that. It was simple. She would remain on the move, and learn how to become someone skilled enough that the Hutt either couldn't pay slave catchers enough to go after her anymore, or she could eventually scrap enough together to buy her freedom in full.

So she used her skills to get herself started as a contract killer, quickly finding she had a skill with slugthrowers that let her hone her skills enough to be able to begin building a career out of it. But she still remains a relative unknown in the field, and in some ways, that's a blessing in disguise for now.




AGE: 31
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.9 Meters
WEIGHT: 80kg

Standing a near 2 meters in height, with a lithe but solidly voluptuous build, almost akin to a dancers in fact. She is typically seen wearing sturdy boots, slim leggings with a sidearm holster on her right leg, a zip-up turtleneck with a jacket over that. Around her neck, often hidden by the turtleneck is her slave collar, though the modules to track and detonate it have been disabled, though not removed. She typically wears the turtleneck zipped up to hide this.

Over the top of this outfit she wears her harness vest, which is loaded down with slugthrower ammunition magazines, as well as her carbine on a friction harness to keep it ready but not in the way.

Other Notes

Campaign One (100 Starting XP)
Start/Session 0.5: [Gained: 35xp] Bounty Hunter - Assassin | Performer Specialization (20+10) | Agility (Skill 3) (30) (Skill) | Stalker (5) (Assassin) | Distracting Behavior (5) (Performer) | Streetwise (Skill 1&2) (5+10) | Ranged (Heavy) (Skill 3) (15) | Knowledge (Underworld) (Skill 1) (10) | Dodge (5) (Assassin) | Lethal Blows (5) (Assassin) | Quick Draw (10) (Assassin) | Convincing Demeanor (5) (Performer)
Session 1: [Gained: 30xp] Coordination (Skill 1) (5) | Quick Strike (Rank 1) (10) (Assassin) | Lethal Blow (Rank 2) (15) (Assassin)
Session 2: [Gained: 60xp] None
Session 3: [Gained: 60xp] Dodge (Rank 2) (20) (Assassin) | Dedication (Cunning) (25) (Assassin) | Kill with Kindness (5) (Performer) | Deception (Skill 1) (5) | Skullduggery (Skill 1&2) (15) | Deception (Skill 2) (10) | Charm (Skill 2) (10) | Cool (Skill 1) (10) | Distracting Behavior (Rank 2) (10) (Performer) | Congenial (Rank 1) (10) (Performer)
Session 4: [Gained: 65xp] None
Session 5: [Gained: 55xp] None
Session 6: [Gained: ##xp] Force Sensitive (Emergent) (Story) | Uncanny Senses (Rank 1) (5) (Force-Sensitive) | Indistinguishable (Rank 1) (5) (Force-Sensitive) | Sleight of Mind (Rank 1) (10) (Force-Sensitive) | Toughened (Rank 1) (10) (Force-Sensitive) | Uncanny Reactions (Rank 1) (15) (Force-Sensitive) | Sense Danger (Rank 1) (20) (Force-Sensitive) | Touch of Fate (Rank 1) (20) (Force-Sensitive) | Force Rating (+1) (25) (Force-Sensitive)
Campaign End (405 Total XP, 10 Available)
Campaign Two (900 Total XP, 505 Available)
Start: Dodge (Rank 3) (10) (Performer) | Natural Athlete (Rank 1) (15) (Performer) | Second Wind (15) (Performer) | Toughened (Rank 2) (20) (Performer) | Dedication (Presence) (25) (Performer) | Distracting Behavior (Rank 3) (15) (Performer) | Smooth Talker (Rank 1) (20) (Deception) (Performer) | Biggest Fan (25) (Performer) | Smooth Talker (Rank 2) (5) (Charm) (Performer) | Jump Up (Rank 1) (10) (Performer) | Jump Up (Rank 2) (10) (Assassin) | Precise Aim (Rank 1) (10) (Assassin) | Stalker (Rank 2) (15) (Assassin) | Anatomy Lessons (Rank 1) (15) (Assassin) | Lethal Blows (Rank 3) (20) (Assassin) | Master of Shadows (Rank 1) (25) (Assassin) | Sniper Shot (Rank 1) (20) (Assassin) | Deadly Accuracy (Rank 1) (Ranged (Heavy)) (25) (Assassin) | Stalker (Rank 4) (20) (Assassin) | Precise Aim (Rank 2) (25) (Assassin) | Commando Specialization (30+10) | Street Smarts (Rank 1) (5) (Shadow) | Toughened (Rank 3) (5) (Commando) | Physical Training (Rank 1) (10) (Commando) | Durable (Rank 1) (10) (Commando) | Charm (Skill 3) (30) | Sleight of Mind (Rank 2) (5) (Shadow) | Well Rounded (Ranged (Light) & Lightsaber) (10) (Shadow) | Shroud (Rank 1) (15) (Shadow) | Mental Fortress (Rank 1) (10) (Shadow) | Indistinguishable (Rank 2) (5) (Shadow)
Session 1: [Gained: 20xp] None
Session 2: [Gained: 30xp] Pending
Session 3: [Gained: 0xp] None
Session 4: [Gained: #xp]

-Credits Spendatures-
Campaign 1:
Glunok FYR Assault Carbine (250cr) | Slugthrower Pistol (100cr) | Commlink (25cr) | Heavy Clothing (50cr) | Ration Pack x5 (25cr) | Extra Reload (25cr) | Utility Belt (25cr) | Mk III Flak Vest (300cr) | Backpack (50cr) | Stimpack x2 (50cr) | Commlink (Earbud) (75cr) | Respirator (25cr)
Loot - 25cr | Ration Pack | Stimpack x1 | Reload Pack x1
Campaign 2:

=Equipment Notes=
-Lightsaber Notes-
Ghostfire Crystal:
"These crystals are so transparent that they are nigh-invisible. The blade formed by this form of kyber makes no noise, is dim and may form illusory images as it is used."
Damage +6, Critical Rating +2, Breach +1, Sunder Quality. May spend 4 advantages to prevent opponent from using the Parry talent.
Hilt Masking Kit (Combat Knife Hilt):
"Open-carrying a lightsaber is typically not a good idea when the Jedi are unwelcome. It is possible however, to build a lightsaber hilt into essentially any piece of equipment and effectively mask the weapon."
HP Cost: 1
Add 2 automatic failure results to attempts to identify or find the lightsaber.

-Assault Carbine-
Glunok Fyr Assault Carbine (Customized)
"This slugthrower is produced by an obscure manufacturer, but praised for its high fire rate in the small package - however this is also where it gets its drawback, as it quickly runs out of ammunition" This model is further customized for use by Fimrati's specific style of use. Data below is current stats.
Dam: 6 | Crit: 5 | Range: Long | Encum: 4 | HP: 1/1 | Cost: 250 | Rarity: 4 | Special: Auto-fire, Accurate 2

-Slugthrower Pistol-
"This is a classical kinetic pistol, semi-automatic magazine fed or revolver-like action. They are considered antiques and are rarely used." This is an unaltered slugthrower pistol. Data below for tracking purposes.
Dam: 4 | Crit: 5 | Range: Short | Encum: 1 | HP: 0/0 | Cost: 100 | Rarity: 3 | Special: N/A

-Bola Carbine-
"Often hand-crafted by specialised weapon smiths, this energy weapon fires an unusual blaster bolt that is capable of producing a low energy net that may ensnare a target." This is a modified tool used by Fimrati for live target captures. Data below reflects modifications.
Dam: 7 | Crit: 3 | Range: Medium | Encum: 3 | HP: 3/3 | Cost: 1600 | Rarity: 6 | Special: Accurate 1, Ensnare 1, Limited Ammo 1, Silenced

Second Skin Armour:
"This specialised suit of armour is extremely thin, allowing one to wear it beneath a set of regular clothing, conferring protection without the bulky appearance."
Soak: 1 | Defense: 1 | HP: 0 | Encum 2 | Cost: 2000 | Rarity: 7
Add 2 setback dice to Perception checks to notice the armour on the wearer.

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