==== Current
XP: 1310, Duty: 920, Credits: 14925, Downtime 5h
==== Creation
Human Commander (Figurehead) - 223333 - 20 Duty Spent (+15xp, +1000cr) Starting 125xp - +10xp Recruit Bonus, +10xp SFL training earned - 145xp, 1500cr
==== Mission Log
Operation Who Lives: +60XP, +50 Duty, +300cr, +24h downtime. CR0, 24h downtime.
Operation Snowfall I: +70XP, +25 Duty, +300cr, +24h downtime. CR0, 48h downtime.
Operation Snowfall II: +80XP, +20 Duty, +300cr, +24h downtime. CR0, 72h downtime
Operation Housebroken: +40XP, +10 Duty, +3150cr, +24h downtime. CR1, 66 downtime.
Operation Amber Union: +20XP, +25 Duty, +400cr, +24h downtime. CR1, 90 downtime.
Operation Fete: +25XP (Motivation), +25 Duty (Duty, Positive Spin), +400cr. CR1, 104 downtime.
Operation Monastery: +25XP (Motivation), +15 Duty (Base), +400cr, +2500cr bounty. CR1, 128 downtime.
Operation Blind Date: +20xp (base 20), +15 duty (base 5 + 5 duty + 5 positive spin), +500cr, +24h. 33 hours, CR2.
Operation No Name: +20xp, +20 Duty (+5 Triggered Duty, +5 Positive Spin), 500cr, +24h. CR2, 32.5h.
Operation Jade Iris: +20xp (15xp base, +5xp Motivation), +5 duty, +500cr, +24h.
Operation Surprise Party: +25xp (20xp base, +5 Motivation), +30 duty (15 base, +5 duty trigger, +5 positive spin, +5 mission report), 500cr, +24h.
Operation Stormy Night: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +15 Duty (+5 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin), +1800cr (+600 base, +1200cr). Promoted to CR3, +24h.
Operation Planetoid Psychology: +25xp (+20xp base +5xp motivation), +30 duty (+15 duty + 5 duty triggered +5 AAR), 600cr, +24h.
Operation Smoked Gouda: 20xp (15xp base + 5xp motivation), 10 duty (10 base), 600cr, 24h. 52h Total.
Operation Sacramento Nights: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +20 duty (+15 base, +5 AAR), +600cr, +24h. 76h total. Add "Ambassador" specialization.
Operation Malachite Lance: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +25 duty (+15 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin), +600cr, +24h. 52h total.
Operation Stab in the Dark: +20xp (20xp base), +25 Duty (15 base + 5 motivation triggered + 5 Positive Spin), +700cr, +24h. CR4
Operation Puppet Master: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +15 duty (+15 base), +700cr, +24h downtime, CR4.
Operation Elron: +25xp (+25xp base, +5 motivation), +25 duty (+10 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin, +5 AAR), +700cr, +24h. CR4
Operation Intrigue at Court: +20xp (+20xp base), +25 duty (+15 duty, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin), +700cr, +24h. 68h total.
Operation Snoop: +20xp (+20xp base), +20 duty (+10 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin) , +800cr, +24h. Promoted to CR5. Total 68h.
Operation Dinah Party: +25xp (+20xp base, +5 motivation), +10 duty (+10 base), +800cr, +24h. CR5, 45h total.
Operation Owners Owned: +20xp (+20xp base), +20 duty (+10 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin), +800cr, +24h. CR5, 69h total.
Operation Emancipation Arsenal: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +15 duty (+10 base, +5 AAR), +800cr, +24h. CR5, 87h total.
Operation Iron Sights: +20xp (+15xp base, +5xp motivation ), +20 duty (+15 duty base, +5 AAR), +800cr, +24h.
Operation Cake Day: +20xp, +5 duty, +100cr.
Operation Clover War: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +15 duty (+10 duty base, +5 AAR), +900cr, +24h. Promoted to CR6.
Operation Iron Plating: +15xp (+15xp base), +10 duty (+10xp), +900cr, +24h.
Operation Jasper Calling: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +15 duty (+15 base), +900cr, +24h.
Operation Semester at Sea: +20xp (+20xp base), +10 duty (+10 duty base), +900cr, +24h.
Operation Mute Shyamaladingdong: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +10 duty (+10 base), +900cr, +24h.
Operation Uninvited: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +15 duty (+15 base), +900cr, +24h downtime.
Operation Steel Whispers: +20xp (+20xp base), +20duty (+10 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin), +900cr, +24h downtime.
Operation Taldot Pilgrimage: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +20 duty (+15 base, +5 AAR), 1000cr, +24h. Promoted to CR7.
Operation Spice of Life: +25xp (+20xp, +5xp motivation triggered), +20 duty (+10 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin), +1500cr (+1000cr pay, +500cr loot), +24h. CR7.
Operation Now You See Me: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation triggered), +15 duty (+15 duty base), +1000cr, +24h.
Operation Steel Faces: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +15 duty (+5 duty base, +5 motivation, +5 positive spin), +1000cr, +24h.
Operation Black Bridges: +10xp (+10xp base), +15 duty (+5 duty base, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin), +1000cr, +24h.
Operation Huttball Sidelines: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation triggered), +10 duty (+10 duty base), +1000cr, +24h.
Operation ISD: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation), +20 duty (+10 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin), +1100cr, +24h.
Operation Huttball Sidelines II: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation triggered), +25 duty (+15 duty base, +5 duty triggered, +5 positive spin), +1100cr, +24h.
Operation Huttball Glory I: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation triggered), +25duty (+15 duty base, +5 duty triggered, +5 duty positive spin), +3725cr (1100cr base, +3500 winner purse, -875 credits spent), +24h.
Operation Backup Singers: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation triggered), +10 duty (+10 duty base), +1100cr, +24h.
Operation Huttball Glory II: +25xp (+20xp base, +5xp motivation triggered), +25 duty (+15 base, +5 duty triggered, +5 duty positive spin), +1200cr, +24h.
=== GM'd Missions
Mission GM - Spring Training: +20xp, +10 duty
=== CR Awards
CR1 Awards: (a) YT-1300, (B)Luxury Passenger Compartments.
CR2 Awards: (A) Consular-class Light Assault Cruiser, (B) Holo-Tank attachment
CR3 Awards: (a) Theater Command and Control System, (b) AA-70 Command and Observation Speeder
CR4 Awards: (a) Advanced Targeting Array, (b) TC3 Attachment)
CR5 Awards: (a) Diplomatic Authorization. (b) Optical Camouflage System
CR6 Awards: (a) Hologoggles (Deception). (b) Holographic Disguise Matrix
CR7 Awards: (a) unused, (b) unused
CR8 Awards: (a) unused, (b) unused
CR9 Awards: (a) unused, (b) unused
=== Crafting/Modding
Mod - Trast & Maggie: 1 increase defense by 1 mod. -50cr.
Mod - Trast & Maggie: 1 increase soak by 1 mod, 1 increase difficulty to detect attachment to hard mod. -100cr.
Mod - Maniac & Maggie: -1500cr. Applied one mod to Holo-Tank for free with earned adv/tri on one roll.
Mod - Trast & Maggie: TCCS - Remove Setback, Add Adv, Add Adv -1500cr
Iriri Crafting - Combat Staff - 14h, 30cr
Failed Mod Check - Weighted Head (Additional Damage Failed)
Iriri Mod - Weighted Head - Add Damage, Add Concussive
Mods (Trast) - Advanced Targeting Array: Upgrade Gunnery, True Aim, Sniper Shot
Crafting (w Julie) - Grenades: 7h, -365cr.
Crafting - Julie making Combat Armor for Maggie: -42h, -3750cr. 2x plain armor, 1x: int attach (superior), extra soak, ranged defense, extra hard point, sealable, lightweight
Modding - Maniac modding for Maggie's armor attachments: -250cr.
Crafting - Julie making Customizable Armor for Maggie: -4h, -100cr. 1x plain armor, 1x: extra hard point 2, sealable, lightweight 2, special embellishment [leadership].
Crafting - Julie making Powered Melee Weapons for Maggie: -26h, -600cr. 1x plain powered weapon, 1x: extra hard point, defensive 1, concussive 1, ensnare 1, two-handed.
Modding - Julie for Balanced Hilt, Stun Pulse Emitter: -400cr, failed Disorient 1 mod on Stun Pulse Emitter (5d check).
Crafting - Trast making Specialist Leadership Tool for Maggie: -1h, -400cr. Lightweight 7, Safety Features, Inbuild Weapon, Supreme Craftsmanship.
Carfting - Maggie making Backstopped Business ID: -25h, -xxxcr. Business backstop.
Modding - Julie for OCS Stealth Skill, Master of Shadows Talent: -200cr
=== Buying/Selling
Travel to Gizer, Acquire 3 bottles Whyren's Reserve, 1 case Corellian Whiskey. 730cr, -6h downtime. CR1, 42h downtime.
Purchase: Second Skin Armor -2000cr, Onboard Amenities Unit -750cr.
Travel to Avenelle, Help Samuel Buy Stuff. -9h downtime. CR1, 81h downtime.
Purchase - Cascader: -13 hours. 19 hours, CR2
Selling Trip - Raynor & Maggie: -24h, sold armor, +2100cr.
Shopping Trip: Rom & Maggie - Uyter, -10.5h. 8.5h available.
Shopping Trip - Julie & Maggie: -14h, purchase VX-A toolkit, 1625cr
Maggie Shopping: -12h
Maggie Shopping Again: -8h
Shopping - Buy Rarity 8 [Adj. Rarity 6] on Lantilles for Garium: -6h, 10% discount.
Shopping - Maggie on personal shopping spree: -10h, -5125cr
Shopping - Maggie and TC-6 selling spare powered melee weapon: -1h, +500cr.
=== Downtime (Other)
Radiation Signal Investigation, Arrange Facilities (Convert downtime to Duty): +0XP, +5 Duty, +0cr, -24h downtime. CR1, 48h downtime.
Hours For Duty: -96 hours. 32 hours, CR2
Hours for Duty: -48h, +10 duty.
Downtime: Trade downtime for XP: +5xp, -48h. 28h total.
Downtime: Trade downtime for duty: +10 duty, -48h. 4h total.
Downtime: Trade downtime for XP: +5xp, -48h. 21h total.
Downtime: Trade downtime for XP: +5xp, -48h. 21h total.
Downtime - XP for hours: +5xp, -48h. 7h total.
News Article - Galactic Record Cake: +5 duty
Downtime - XP for hours: +5xp, -48h. 7h total.
Downtime - XP for hours: +5xp, -48h. 31h total.
Downtime - Duty for hours: +25 duty, -120h. 53h total.
Downtime - XP for hours: +5xp, -48h. 5h total
Downtime - XP for duty: +15 duty, -72h. 5h total.
=== Unsorted