Arc Trooper Alpha-72 of the Special Operations Brigade of the Galactic Army of the Republic is an Alpha-Class Advanced Recon Commando. During "Warm-up" training shortly after being taken out of stasis, Ranger broke his leg in a standard live fire training drill designed to get the Arc ready to be deployed ASAP. Ranger's battle buddy, Coal, was deployed without him. After he had fully recovered Ranger was locked back into stasis until he was needed again. He was never deployed for the rest of the clone wars, and not long after, his stasis chamber was stolen from Kamino by a Bounty Hunter - enter plot points/ merge into campaign.
Justice: Ranger has a strong, unshakable sense of right and wrong, and he sees the injustices of Imperial rule throughout the galaxy. He is committed to seeing justice brought back to the galaxy, and he wishes those who have betrayed it to receive the punishment they deserve.
30 Obligation for Credits
(Bounty? and beef with the bounty hunter?)
Clean Shaven, Bald. Tattoo of fiery embers on bicep. Muscular, athletic build. 6 Foot.