Born Rihv Korshar on the forest world of Arbooine, Rivekk grew up as the seventh child in a family of fungus farmers, whose role it was to cultivate the enormous mushrooms grown on the exterior of the tree-city. Although a remote world on the Outer-Rim, travellers, traders and spacers alike occasionally found their way to Arbooine. Young Rivh quickly became fascinated with their stories; grand tales of adventure, danger, excitement and the strange worlds that laid beyond the dense canopy of Quolas city.
At the age of fourteen, Rivh managed to sneak aboard a passing freighter and soon stowed himself away in the cargo bay, eager and giddy with excitement. He was quickly discovered and soon found himself at the wrong end of a blaster. The ship he had hidden aboard was in-fact a pirate vessel, operated by the Crimson Skulls. Due to his age, Rivh was not immediately killed, and was instead put to work and eventually became a sort of amusement to the crew.
Several moons later, the Bloody Raven docked on Nar Shaddaa, where Rivh was sold as a 'curiosity' to a local 'collector' of various alien species'. His stay was cut short however, when said 'collector' received a visit from a Wookiee Bounty Hunter (Wruppa) hired by one of the local Cartels. The Bounty Hunter freed Rivh, and introduced him to a potential employer. Rivh was offered a job. To him, this was a fresh start, a new chance at life.
Since then, Rivh (now known as Rivekk), has spent the past few years in service to the Blood Feathers and has found himself becoming decently well-known among the local criminal elements -- partly due to his appearance, the other part due to his skill with a heavy blaster and imposing figure.
Now becoming disenfranchised with Nar Shaddaa, Rivekk dreams of leaving the cold city-planet and once again traveling the galaxy, though his current debts make this difficult. However, he may have just found a way out after all...
Discovery - "Anywhere But Here!"
Since a young chick, Rivekk has wanted to explore the galaxy and discover new and exciting things, places and people.
He feels trapped on Nar Shaddaa and desperately wants to escape, yet faces much difficulty due to the things tying him down. Even if he did escape, would he truly be free?
Cause - Crime
The character supports the idea of black markets, mercenaries, and other groups that fall outside of the law The character need not be a criminal himself. but may give aid to other criminals, especially if they are family members, childhood friends. or if corruption is deeply embedded in the character's originating culture.
Debt - 20
Rivekk owes a substantial debt to the Blood Feathers, as they have provided him with training, weapons, gear, safety, food, etc in return for his service to them over the past few years.
Age: 20
Height: 1.9m
Build: Athletic
Eyes: Red
Rivekk has emerald Green feathers with dark blue and purple shades laced throughout. Four-eyed big bird. Four face feathers.