Zendaru was raised by rather prestigious slavers, her mother a ruthless and conniving aristocrat that toyed with their plethora of slaves, her name was Neda. Her father was more so the one to actually obtain the slaves, even when it was ruled illegal by the Republic. Zendaru herself had always been more of a soft child, befriending a twi'lek mother and child; Taya and Mesi.
Already setting plans despite her attachment to the pair to seeing them to off-world. Her father caught wind of the idea, chasing after them and as he came close to ceasing their plot, Zendaru with a wave of panic thrust her hands forward and sent her father careening out of the docking bay and slamming into his entourage that followed. Since then she has been with the council after they learned of her aptitude, while not quite as young as desired she wasn't far beyond the threshold.
Freedom - She wishes to see any planet that still exercises slavery to cease their operations and to free the oppressed. She has seen how people are treated like fodder and it disgusts her.