Selena "Grandma" Dubem-Tello - Killed In Action by TommyVerdatre

Advocate, Padawan Survivor, Force Sensitive Exile, Commodore, Skip Tracer, Senator
Age of Rebellion

Threshold 16
Current 0
Threshold 17
Current 1
Ranged 0
Melee 1

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) X 2
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) X 4
Coercion (Will) X 6
Computers (Int) X 3
Cool (Pr) X 2
Coordination (Ag) 1
Deception (Cun) X 3
Discipline (Will) X 3
Leadership (Pr) X 3
Mechanics (Int) X 3
Medicine (Int) 0
Negotiation (Pr) X 3
Perception (Cun) X 3
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) X 1
Stealth (Ag) 2
Streetwise (Cun) 1
Survival (Cun) 1
Vigilance (Will) X 3
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 2
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 0


Diplomacy First
Ranged: Light
Superior, Accurate 4, Pierce 4
Expressed Reservation
Ranged: Heavy
Superior, Auto-fire, Accurate 1, Pierce 1, Point Blank
Retaliatory Measures
Superior, Pierce 4, Accurate 1, Vicious 1, Knockdown
The Law
Superior, Concussive 1, Disorient 2, Deflection 3, Defensive 2
An Offer you can't refuse
Ranged: Light
Limited Ammo 3, Poison (Raquor Venom)
Ranged: Light
Auto-fire, Disorient 3, Ion, Pierce 2, Accurate 1
Peace Treaty
Sunder, Accurate 1, Knockdown, Disorient 3


Weapons & Armor

"Diplomacy First" Blaster Pistol by Trast [Holstered, Enc 1, HP 4/4, DMG 11, Superior, Pierce 4, Accurate 4, Long, Crit 3] :
- 6DMG base, Customizable (+1HP), Increased range (long), Destructive (+1DMG), Pierce 2, Accurate 2
-> Blaster Actuating Module [1 HP], +1 Dmg, + ■ Ranged light checks. 2x +1 DMG Mods, 2x +1 Pierce Mods
-> Custom Grip [1 HP], - ■ for owner, + ■■ for other people using it. 1x +1 Accurate Mod
-> Electronic Sighting System [1HP], Aim as incidental at short range, -1 difficulty to spot user in low light conditions. 1x +1 Accurate Mod
-> Superior Attachement [1 HP], +1DMG, +1 automatic Advantage.

"Expressed Reservation" Blaster Rifle by Maniac [At base, Enc 3, HP 5/5, DMG 14, Superior, Auto-fire, Accurate 1, Pierce 1, Point Blank, Extreme, Crit 3] :
- 9DMG base, Customizable (+1HP), Increased range (extreme), Destructive (+1DMG), Pierce 1, Auto-fire, Lightweight 1
-> Forearm grip [1 HP] : -1 Difficulty while at engaged range. +1 Accurate mod, +1 Point Blank (T) mod.
-> Superior Attachement [1 HP], +1DMG, +1 automatic Advantage
-> Augmented Spin Barrel [2 HP] : +1 DMG. ■ to checks to Mechanics checks on maintenance. 2x +1 DMG mods, +1 Pierce mod failed, +1 Accurate mod failed.
-> Telescopic Optical Sight [1 HP] : Reduce the difficulty at Long and Extreme range by 1.

"Retaliatory Measures" Vibrosword by Selena [At base, Enc 2, HP 3/3, DMG Br+2, Pierce 4, Accurate 1, Vicious 1, Knockdown, Engaged, Crit 1]
- Br+1 DMG base, Knockdown Quality
-> Superior [1 HP] : +1DMG, +1 automatic Advantage.
-> Mono-molecular Edge [1 HP] : Reduce Crit rating by 1. 2x +1 Pierce Mods
-> Custom Grip [1 HP], - ■ for owner, + ■■ for other people using it. 1x +1 Accurate Mod

"The Law" Shield by Maniac [In-built in Make-up Palette, Enc 1, HP 5/5, DMG Br+3, Concussive 1, Disorient 2, Deflection 3, Defensive 2, Engaged, Crit 5]
- Br+0 base DMG, Defensive 1 base, +1 Defensive, Deflection 3, Integral attachement (Superior)
-> Superior [1 HP, Integral attachement] : +1DMG, +1 automatic Advantage.
-> Weighted head [2HP] : +1 DMG, bludgeoning weapons only. 1x +1 DMG Mod, 1x +1 Concussive Mod.
-> Magnetic Weapon Tether [1 HP] : May recover lost weapon as an incidental as long as within Engaged range. 1x Quick Draw Talent Mod
-> Shield Discharge Pack [1 HP] : Upon successful enemy Melee, Brawl or Lightsaber attack, may spend 2 Threats or 1 Despair to deal 3 strain damage to said opponent. 2x +1 Disorient (Q) mods, +1 Defensive Stance (T) mod

"Antibot" Blaster Pistol by Trast [At base, Enc 1, HP 3/3, DMG 9, Auto-fire, Ion Quality, Pierce 2, Accurate 1, Disorient 3, Long, Crit 3]:
- 6DMG base, Auto-fire, Ion quality, Disorient 1, Increased range (long)
-> Integrated illuminator [1HP], - ■■ due to darkness within Short range, Gives away position. 2x +1 Disorient Mods, 1x Increase quality to Medium range Mod
-> Blaster Actuating Module [1 HP] : +1 Dmg, + ■ Ranged light checks. 2x +1 DMG Mods, 2x +1 Pierce Mods
-> Custom Grip [1 HP], - ■ for owner, + ■■ for other people using it. 1x +1 Accurate Mod.

"An Offer you can't refuse" Stealth 2-VX gun (hidden in Right ring finger) [Enc 0. HP 0, DMG 1, Limited Ammo 3, Poison]
-> ■■■ to notice (■■ from gun and ■ from inbuilt weapon)
-> Raquor Venom (0 dose) : Any sized dose has a Daunting difficulty. The poison Staggers the target for 2 rounds if the target fails the check. In addition, each Threat generated inflicts 2 strain on the target (this ignores soak), and the GM may spend Despair to Immobilize the target for 2 rounds.

"Peace Treaty" shattering knuckles by Julie
[In-built in Retractable Gavel, Enc 1, 0 HP, Br+1 DMG, Sunder, Accurate 1, Knockdown, Disorient 3, Engaged, Crit 4]
- Base Br+1, Sunder, Accurate 1, Knockdown

(CONFISCATED) "Work attire" Customizable Armor by R5-D6 [Enc 7, Soak 3, Ranged Def 1, HP 6/6, Sealable]
- Base Enc 4, Base soak 1, + 1 Soak, + 1 Ranged Defense, +2 HP, Sealable
-> Superior [1 HP] : +1 Soak, -1 Enc.
-> Targeting System [1 HP] : +□ to Ranged attacks at Long and Extreme range. +1 Natural Marksman (T) Mod.
-> Vacuum Seal [1 HP] : Allows the user to ignore the effects of vacuum or poisonous atmospheric environments for up to 10 minutes.
-> Low-friction coating [1 HP] : +1 Melee defense. Add ■■ to Mechanics check to modify or maintain armor. 1x +1 Coordination Skill Mod
-> Integrated Holsters [2 HP] : Increases Encumberance by 4. May holster 2 weapons of Enc 3 or lower that don't count towards Enc. 3x +1 weapon mods. 2x Add ■ to perception checks to notice the weapons (DESPAIR AT CRAFTING : UPGRADE TO OBSERVER ABILITY 1 TIME). 1x Quick Draw mod available.

(BASE) "Business Suit" Reinforced clothing by Riv [Enc 1, 2/2 HP, Soak 1, Def 0, Special Embellishment Coercion, Sealable]
- Base Soak 1, Base Enc 1, 2 extra HP, Special Embellishment Coercion, Sealable
-> Utility Arm [2 HP] : Add 1 Boost to Mechanics checks. +1 Boost Mod, +1 Take 1 Strain for 1 extra free maneuver per turn Mod available.

Kamperdine Custom Tailored Armored Jacket [Enc 1, Soak 2, 0 HP]
Advantage to Charm, Deception, Negotiation


Astrogation with Starmapper Handheld Computer, Galaxy Mapper 2, Intense Focus !roll [pppabbd]

Diplomatic Solution : Charm with Make-up Palette (Specialist Tool : Safety Features. In-built The Law), Sense Emotions, Respected Delegate, BPEA-1A Cascader, Kamperdine Custom Tailored Armored Jacket, Intense focus
!roll [pppppbdd][saa]

Improved Plausible Deniability: Coercion with Iron Grip, Retractable Gavel (Specialist tool : Safety Features, In-built Peace Treaty), Smooth Talker, Sense Emotions, Respected Delegate, Intense focus, Plausible Deniability 3
!roll [pppppabdd][sa]

Computers with Intense Focus, Bypass Security !roll [ppppdd]

Discredit : Deception with SynthVoice (Specialist Tool : Safety Features), Sense Emotions, Respected Delegate, BPEA-1A Cascader, Kamperdine Custom Tailored Armored Jacket, Intense focus, Plausible Deniability 3
!roll [ppppabdd][saa]

Recovering strain with Discipline, Balance, Hard Boiled 1, Rapid Recovery 2
!roll [pppafff][ss]

Known Schematic : Knowledge (Education) with Intense Focus !roll [pppaddd]

Familiar Suns : Knowledge (Outer Rim) with Intense Focus !roll [pppaddd]

Improved Street Smarts. Knowledge Underworld. Street Smarts 3. Intense Focus
!roll [pppadd]

Leadership with Command 1, Symbol of Command, BPEA-1A Cascader, Intense focus
!roll [ppppabbdd]

Mechanics with Solid Repairs x2, "Nailing it to the bed", Utility Arm, Intense Focus !roll [ppppbbdd][sa]

Negotiation with Respected Delegate, Shopping List Notepad (Specialist Tool : Safety Features), Kamperdine Custom Tailored Armored Jacket, Intense focus
!roll [ppppdd][saa]

Perception with Hunting goggles, Uncanny Senses x2, Intense focus
!roll [ppppbbbdd]

Skulduggery with Master of Shadow, Bypass Security, Intense Focus !roll [ppaad]

Stealth with Master of Shadows, Sleight of Mind, Intense Focus !roll [pppbd]

Streetwise with Street Smarts (3), Intense Focus !roll [ppaadd]

Survival with Alderaanian Army Knife, Expert Tracker, Intense Focus !roll [ppaadd][sa]

Interjection with Vigilance, Uncanny Reactions x2
!roll [pppabbdd]

!init pc [pppabb][ss]

Personal Gear

Comlink (handheld) [Enc 0]
Earbud Comlink [Enc 0]
Concealed recorder [Enc 0]
BPEA-1A Cascader [Enc 0]
Veridicator 200 [Enc 1]
SynthVoice [Enc 1]
Retractable Gavel [Enc 1]
Make-up Palette [Enc 1]

Carrying gear:
Cybernetic Cavity [+1 Enc]
Utility Belt [+1 Enc] (confiscated)
Modular Backpack w/ 6 pouches [+8 Enc] (confiscated)

At Base:
Personal Stealth Field [Enc 1]
Load-Bearing Gear [+3 Enc]
Insider's guide [Enc 0]
Hunting goggles [Enc 0]
Ardos Disk [Enc 0]
Cultural Etiquette Manual [Enc 0]
Binders [Enc 0]
Restraining Bolt [Enc 0]
"Business" Glasses [Enc 0]
"Kill O'Clock" Watch [Enc 0]
Shopping List Notepad [Enc 1]
Datapad [Enc 1]
Climbing Gear [Enc 1]
"Tight" Belt [Enc 1]
Anti-Grav Chute [Enc 1]
Symbol of Command [Enc 1]
Alderaanian Army Knife [Enc 1]
Fake ID : Caroline-Emilie Hogsburg-Thyssen [Enc 0]
Fake ID : Diana Venuri [Enc 0]
VX-A Intelligent Toolbox [Enc 3]
"Breaker" Heavy Hydrospanner [Enc 3]
Disguise kit [Enc 2]
Starmapper Handheld Computer [Enc 1]
"Nailing it to the bed" Specialist Mechanics tool [Enc 1]
"Mini Screwing Device" Precision Mechanics Tool [Enc 1]
"The Maker" Simple Mechanics Tool
Training Lightsaber
Tailormade dress (Blue/Red)
Light Blaster Pistol
Heavy Clothing
Mercantiler datapad
Corellian Whiskey (bottle)
Biofeedback System
Cybernetic Mod 0 prototype (left leg), Upgraded to +1 Brawn
Cybernetic Implant Armor

Official Civilian ID (non-backstopped) : Selena Tello, Vice-Secretary to Planetary Coordination on Ondara. Candidate to the Galactic Senate.

Fake ID : Official Civilian ID (non-backstopped)
Caroline-Emilie Prune Félicie Iris Bérangère Hogsburg-Thyssen de la Villardière Theraldsson Bianchi
Noble daughter of the Hogsburg-Thyssen family, Duchess of Van-Dover, of Corellia.

Fake ID : Diana Venuri, Legal Advisor on Contract Law, Business Arbitrator.
Backstopped Business : Venuri & Associates, Law Firm based on Contruum.

Fake ID : Callio Phydos, Bounty Hunter in the Ragnar Syndicate (Avenelle Branch).
ID may be in conflict with the ID of someone with a similar name.
Backstopped in the Ragnar Syndicate HQ on Avenelle. (IN IMPERIAL POSSESSION)

Symbol of Command : 1 boost to social checks to intrtact with the military.

Concealed Recorder : ■■ to Perception checks to notice the character is wearing a recorder

Starmapper Handheld Computer : +□□ to all Astrogation checks. Reduced to □ or none if no connection to the HoloNet.

Hunting goggles : Removes up to ■■ added to all Perception, Vigilance, and combat skill checks due to darkness, smoke, or other environmental effects that obscure vision. +□ to Perception

Insider's guide : +1 Advantage to checks to find a specific location in the designated area (Lantilliian Sector)

Cultural Etiquette Manual : + 1 Advantage to social checks when dealing with designated culture (Hutts)

Ardos Disk : Protection from Hutts (Gorensla Clan, Loyood the Hutt)

BPEA-1A Cascader : Upgrade all Charm, Deception or Leadership checks once

Shopping List Notepad
Negotiation Specialist Tool: Lightweight 7, Compact 2, Safety Features : Add 1 success and 1 advantage to Negotiation checks. Enc 1, ■■ to checks to find it on the wearer's person.

Make-up Palette
Charm Specialist Tool: Lightweight 7, Compact 3, In-Built "The Law" Shield. Add 1 success and 1 advantage to Charm checks. ■■■ to find. ■ to notice weapon. Enc 1.

Deception Specialist Tool: Lightweight 7, Safety Features : Add 1 success and 1 advantage to Deception checks. Enc 1.

Retractable Gavel
Coercion Specialist Tool : Lightweight 7, Safety features, In-Built "Peace Treaty" knuckles.
Add 1 success and 1 advantage to Coercion checks. ■ to notice weapon. Enc 1.

Nailing it to the bed
Mechanics Specialist Tool : Lightweight 7, Safety Features : Add 1 success and 1 advantage to Mechanics checks. Enc 1

Alderaanian Army Knife
Survival Specialist Tool : Lightweight 7, Safety Features : Add 1 success and 1 advantage to Survival checks. Enc 1

Mini Screwing Device
Mechanics Precision Tool : Lightweight 4, Safety Features : Add 1 advantage and remove 2 setbacks from Mechanics checks. Enc 1

Veridicator 200 : Item hidden inside a necklace. □□ to detect lies and omission of important information, □□ to establish target's mental state.

Personal Stealth Field : The user is invisible. Any check to detect him (sound, smell) is done at a Formidable difficulty. The GM may use threats or despairs to make the stealth field flicker.

Hologoggles : Gain a new skill as a career skill (Mechanics).

Anti-Grav Chute : Backpack to stop people from falling.

Earbud Comlink : Long range. Hard Perception check to notice.

VX-A Intelligent Toolbox : Reduces the time required for repairs, crafting. and other Mechanics related tasks by 50%.

Biofeedback System [2 HP] : +4 Strain threshhold. Full body armor only. Modding failed.

"Business" Glasses : Glasses with Sibminiature Holocam. Allows user to take still images and record holos unobtrusively.

"Kill O'Clock" Watch : Garrote Chrono. Retractable garrote. Two upgrades to detect.

"Tight" Belt : Explosives Belt. Average Mechanics to set the charge. DMG 15, Breach 1, Crit 3, Engaged, Blast 5, Lim Ammo 1. Two upgrades to detect.

To sell:
Mercantiler datapad : +□ to negotiation checks for buying/selling goods in designated area (Mid Rim)

2 Specialist Tools (Mechanics)
Utility Arm (Mod 1 failed)

Assets & Resources

Cybernetic Left Leg (Brawn) (1/5) by Bimbsy. BimBiggs All-In-One Tool Kit To Solve Any Problem Plus Premium :
- Astrogation Integrated Tool : Star charts and mini-navi computer on the upper thigh.
- Computers Integrated Tool : Slicer Kit behind thigh
- Mechanics Integrated Tool : Tool Kit behind shin
- Skulduggery Integrated Tool : Tool Kit in foot

Cybernetic cavity (left hip) : Store a Enc 1 Item. Formidable check to spot (2/5)

"Iron grip" Cybernetic Coercion Implant (3/5) (right hand) by R5-D6 [+ 1 rank in Coercion] :
Cybernetic Index and Ring fingers, with the inside of the thumb, palm and wrist implanted. -> Unobstrusive 2 (■■ to notice the cybernetic is installed)
-> Medicine integrated tool : Surgery thread, needles and antiseptic to suture wounds.
-> Stealth 2-VX gun in ring finger (■■■ to detect).

Biofeedback Regulator : +2 Cybernetic implants limit

Surge override switch (4/5) : Reactivate cybernetics once per encounter, with Average Discipline check. 2 Strain per cybernetic reactivated.

DZ-70 "Spinny" Fugitive tracker

CR1 : DZ-70 Fugitive tracker
CR1 : Cybernetic Cavity in her left hip
CR 2 : Ardos Disk (Gorensla Clan, Loyood the Hutt)
CR 2 : Biofeedback system
CR 3 : Cybernetic Upgrade to Cybernetic left leg, +1 Brawn
CR 3 : Superior Attachement for "Diplomacy First"
CR 4 : Implant armor
CR 4 : Superior Attachement for "Work attire"
CR 5 : Veridicator 200
CR 5 : Superior Attachement for "Retaliatory Measures"
CR 6 : Personal Stealth Field
CR 6 : Superior Attachement for "Expressed Reservation"
CR 7 : Hologoggles
CR 7 : Cybernetic Leg (Brawn), Bimbsy Edition
CR 8 : "Lunar Wanderer" Action VI Bulk Transport (
CR 8 : Kamperdine Custom Tailored Armored Jacket
CR 9 : Quad Heavy Laser Cannon for "Lunar Wanderer"
CR 9 : Mobile Listening Post
CR 10 : Shipboard Workshop (Mechanics)
CR 10 : Reclamation Equipement
CR 11 : Low-grav Workspace
CR 11 : Research Records
CR 12 : "Bayten Switch" Kazellis-Class Light Freighter (
CR 12 : BPEA-1A Cascader
CR 13 : Veridicator 2000
CR 13 :
CR 14 :
CR 14 :

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Shooting with "Diplomacy First", 11 base DMG, Superior, Long range, Pierce 4, Accurate 4, Crit 3
Intense focus, Aim, FP Sense 2x Upgrade
!roll [ppppbbbbbdd][a]

Shooting with "Expressed Reservation", 14 base DMG, Superior, Auto-fire, Accurate 1, Extreme range, Pierce 1, Point Blank, Crit 3
Intense focus, Aim, Targeting system, FP Sense 2x Upgrade
!roll [pppbbbdd][a]

Striking with "Retaliatory Measures", 5 base DMG, Engaged, Superior, Pierce 4, Accurate 1, Vicious 1, Knockdown, Crit 1
Intense focus, Aim, FP Sense 2x Upgrade
!roll [pppbdd][a]

Striking with "The Law", 6 base DMG, Engaged, Superior, Concussive 1, Disorient 2, Deflection 3, Defensive 2, Crit 5
Intense focus, Aim, FP Sense 2x Upgrade
!roll [pppbdd][a]

Shooting with "An Offer you can't refuse", 1 base DMG, Limited Ammo 3, Poison (Raquor Venom), Short range, Crit 5
Intense focus, Aim, FP Sense 2x Upgrade
!roll [ppppbdd]

Shooting with "Antibot", 9 base DMG, Auto-fire, Ion, Long range, Pierce 2, Accurate 1, Disorient 3, Crit 3
Intense focus, Aim, FP Sense 2x Upgrade
!roll [ppppbbdd]

Striking with "Peace Treaty", 4 base DMG, Engaged, Sunder, Accurate 1, Knockdown, Disorient 3, Crit 4
Intense focus, Aim, FP Sense 2x Upgrade
!roll [pppbbdd]

Shooting with both "Diplomacy First" and "Antibot": 11 base DMG, Superior, Pierce 4, Accurate 4, Crit 3 // 9 base DMG, Auto-fire, Ion Quality, Pierce 2, Disorient 3
Intense focus, Aim, FP Sense 2x Upgrade
!roll [ppppbbbbbddd][a]

Selena vs Charm, Coercion, Deception : ccccc f

***Shipboard Workshop (Mechanics) [8/20]***

- Reclamation Equipement : Recover 50% of the cost on failed crafting checks
- Low-grav Workspace : Add :Advantage:
- Research Records : May spend :Advantage: :Advantage: to get a blue on future similar checks.

**Research Records**
- Precision Tool
- Specialist Tool
- Shield
- Reinforced Clothing

- VX-A Intelligent Toolbox : Reduce time by 50%
- "Breaker" Heavy Hydrospanner : Add :Advantage:
- "Nailing it to the bed" Specialist Tool w/ Safety features : Add :Success: and :Advantage:
- "Mini Screwing Device" Precision Tool w/ Safety Features : Remove :Setback: :Setback:, Add :Advantage:
- Utility Arm : Add :boostBlank: :boostBlank:

- Energy Pistol (3)
- Shield (2)
- Reinforced Clothing (2)

Int 4, Mechanics 3
Unskilled Assist from Spinny
Intense Focus

roll [ppppbbb][saaaa]


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Plausible deniability (passive) - Rank 3 DA p.27 Remove 1 Setback per rank of Plausible deniability from all Coercion and Deception checks
Nobody's fool (passive) - Rank 4 DA p.27, DoR p.103, ND p.33 May upgrade diffculty of incoming Charm, Coercion or Deception checks once per rank of Nobody's fool
Confidence (passive) - Rank 1 DA p.27 May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 per rank of Confidence.
Encouraging words (active) DA p.27 After an engaged ally fails a check, may suffer 1 strain to assist that ally's next check this encounter as an out-of-turn incidental
Discredit (active) DA p.27 Once per encounter, as an action make a Hard Deception check to upgrade the difficulty of a target’s social checks once, plus once for every 2 Adv, until the end of the encounter
Grit (passive) - Rank 4 DA p.27 Gain +1 Strain Threshold
Twisted Words (active) DA p.27 When an incoming social check generates 2 Threats or 1 Despair, may suffer 1 strain to inflict strain to the target up to ranks in Coercion
Supporting evidence (passive) - Rank 1 DA p.27 When assisting an ally with a Charm, Deception, Leadership or Negotiation check, add 1 automatic advantage per rank.
Interjection (active) DA p.27 After another character makes a social check, the char- acter may suffer 3 strain and make an Average ( ♦ ♦ ) Vigilance check. The character may add Successes or Failures to the results of the chosen check equal to Successes on the Vigilance check and Advantages or Threats equal to Advantages on the Vigilance check
Touch of Fate (active) EotE p.277 Once per session, add 2 Boost die to any check
Superior reflexes (passive) EotE p.277 Gain +1 melee defense
Force Rating (passive) - Rank 1 EotE p.277 Gain +1 Force Rating
Dedication (passive) - Rank 5 EotE p.277 Gain +1 to a characteristic. This cannot bring a characteristic above 6 (+1 Agility)(+1 Willpower)(+1 Intelligence)(+1 Presence)(+1 Cunning)
Insight (passive) EotE p.277 Perception and Discipline become career skills
Quick draw (passive) x2 EotE p.277 Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental (1 for The Law, 1 for other)
Uncanny senses (passive) - Rank 2 EotE p.277 Add 1 Boost die per rank of Uncanny senses to all Perception checks
Uncanny reactions (passive) - Rank 2 EotE p.277 Add 1 Boost die per rank of Uncanny reactions to all Vigilance checks
Balance (active) EotE p.277 When the character recovers from strain at the end of each encounter, he may roll his Force rating in Force dice. He recovers additional strain equal to light side points.
Intense focus (active) EotE p.277 Before making a skill check, the character may perform the Intense focus maneuver. Suffer one strain to upgrade the ability of the skill once
Hard Headed (active) - Rank 1 AoR p.148 On any turn in which the character is staggered or disoriented, he may perform the Hard Headed action (this action may be specifically performed even though he is normally barred from performing actions when staggered). He makes a Daunting Discipline check. If he succeeds, he is no longer staggered or disoriented. The difficulty of this check decreases by one per additional rank of Hard Headed, to a minimum of Easy
Hidden storage (passive) - Rank 1 FC p.48 (Left Hip) Hidden compartment for smuggling appropriately sized gear [Enc 1]. Any check to detect this compartment has a Formidable difficulty.
Parry (active) - Rank 1 DoR p.103 When hit by a Melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Parry
Toughened (passive) - Rank 2 DoR p.103 Gain +2 Wound Threshold
Constant vigilance (passive) DoR p.103 May always use Vigilance when making checks to determine intiative
Sleight of mind (passive) -Rank 1 DoR p.103 Add 1 Boost die to all Stealth checks unless the target is immune to force powers
Blackmail (active) DA p.27 When an NPC exceeds his strain threshold, may spend 1 Destiny Point to convince that NPC toperform a single task of choice
Street smarts (passive) - Rank 3 DoR p.103, EotE p.277 Remove 1 Setback per rank of Street smarts from all Streetwise and Knowledge (Underworld) checks
Plausible Deniability (Improved) (active) DA p.27 As an action, make a Hard Coercion check to convince one bystander per rank of Plausible Deniability to depart quietly
Smooth talker (active) - Rank 1 DoR p.103 [Coercion] When first acquired, choose one skill (Charm, Coercion, Negotiation, Deception). When making a check with that skill, may spend a Triumph to gain successes equal to his ranks in Smooth talker
Known Schematic (active) AoR p.73 Once per session, may perform the Known Schematic maneuver; make a Hard Knowledge (Education) check to gain familiarity with a building or ship’s design.
Good Cop (passive) - Rank 2 ND p.33 Spend 2 Adv from a Charm or Negotiation check to upgrade ability of an ally's subsequent social check against the same target a number of times equal to ranks
Master of shadows (active) DoR p.103 Once per round, the character may voluntarily suffer two strain to decrease the difficulty of the next Stealth or Skulduggery check by one, to a minimum of Easy
Improved Street Smarts (active) ND p.33 Once per session, make a Formidable Streetwise or Knowledge Underworld check to learn one clue to resolve the current situation
Trust no one (active) DoR p.103 When targeted by a social check, may choose to suffer one strain to add an automatic failure to the check. If the check fails with a Despair, the character may immediately perform a maneuver as an out-of-turn incidental
Hard Boiled (passive) - Rank 1 ND p.33 When recovering strain after an encounter, may spend Adv up to ranks to recover 1 wound per Adv spent
Expert Tracker (passive) - Rank 1 ND p.33 Remove 1 Setback per rank from checks to find tracks or track targets, Decrease time to track a target by half.
Rapid Recovery (passive) - Rank 2 ND p.33 When healing strain at the end of an encounter, heal 1 additional strain per rank.
Sense Emotions (passive) EotE p.277 Add 1 Boost to all Charm, Coercion or Deception check unless the target is immune to Force powers
Respected Delegate (passive) - Rank 1 CotR p.33 Downgrade the difficulty of social checks made to interact with government institutions outside of homeworld a number of times equal to rank.
Bypass Security (passive) - Rank 1 ND p.33 Remove 1 setback from checks made to disable a security device or open a locked door
Contingency Plan (active) DA p.27 May spend 1 Destiny point to recover strain equal to Cunning
Forager (passive) EotE p.277 Remove up to 2 setbacks from skill checks to find food, water, or shelter. Survival checks to forage take half the time.
Galaxy Mapper (passive) - Rank 2 AoR p.73 Remove 1 setback per rank from Astrogation checks. Astrogation checks take 50% less time.
Rapid Reaction (active) - Rank 2 AoR p.73 Suffer a number of strain up to ranks in Rapid Reaction to add an equal number of successes to initiative checks.
Command (passive) - Rank 1 AoR p.73 Add Boost per rank of Command to Leadership checks. Affected targets add Boost to Discipline checks for the next 24 hours.
Solid Repairs (passive) - Rank 2 AoR p.73 The character repairs 1 additional hull trauma per rank whenever he repairs a vehicle or a starship
Familiar Suns (active) AoR p.73 Once per session, may perform the Familiar Suns maneuver; make a Hard Knowledge (Outer Rim) check to reveal the current type of environment and other useful information

Force Powers

Force Rating
The Force user can sense the Force interacting with the world around him.
The user may spend light side points to sense all living things within short range (including sentient and non-sentient beings)
The user may spend light side points to sense the current emotional state of one living target with whom he is engaged.
Upgrade Effect
Control : Upgrade Difficulty Commit a Force die. Once per round, when an attack targets the Force user, he upgrades the difficulty of the pool once
Duration Sense's ongoing effects may be triggered one additional time per round
Strength When using Sense's ongoing effects, upgrade the pool twice, instead of once
Control : Upgrade Ability Commit a Force die. Once per round, when the Force user makes a combat checks, he upgrades the ability of that check once
Diplomatic Solution
Once per game session, when a combat encounter against one or more sentient creatures is about to begin, the character may spend 2 Destiny Points and make a Daunting (♦♦♦♦) Charm check to turn the encounter into a social encounter instead.
Upgrade Effect
Change Skill May make a Coercion check instead of a Charm check to activate Diplomatic Solution
Reduce Setback Remove Setback from skill check to activate Diplomatic Solution
Reduce Difficulty Reduce the difficulty of the skill check to activate it to Hard
The Force user can move small objects via the power of the Force.
The user may spend Light/Dark side points to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his maximum range. The default maximum range is short range.
Upgrade Effect
Control The Force user can pull objects out of secure mountings or out of an opponent's grasp.
Strength (Rank 4) Spend F to increase silhouette able to be targeted equal to strength upgrades purchased.
Control The Force user can hurl objects to damage targets, by making a Discipline check combined with a Move power check, dealing damage equal to 10 times Sil.
Range (Rank 1) Spend F to increase power's range by a number of range bands equalk to the number of upgrades purchased


Selena Tello was born Diana Sylorn, the daughter of former shipping magnate Kara Sylorn, who managed her business with her husband Moko. Her parents created their empire from scratch on Coruscant, and as a result they were really protective of their daughter, afraid that someone could use her against them and hurt her in the process.

For that reason, Diana was raised in a sheltered environement. The Jedi sensed her affinity with the Force at a young age, but her parents managed to use their relations to bar them from taking away their child. Diana grew up unknowing of this fact, reaching her teenage years living a happy life, working towards becoming a diplomat, and dreaming of joining the Order. She studied a lot, held parties with other rich Coruscant kids, and was known as a kind and sociable girl.

Four months before the fall of the Republic, Diana found out that she had been barred from entering the Jedi, and felt some sort of calling. The Order was the embodiement of everything she thrived to be, a diplomat working for peace in the galaxy. Two weeks later, she found a way to sneak past her parents' surveillance to go to the Jedi Temple, where she was studying a couple of months later when the slaugther of padawans perpetrated by Anakin Skywalker happened. Diana lost a leg that day, cut down by the future Sith Lord ; she avoided death due to the intervention of other Jedis of the temple, managed to crawl back to the streets and reach out to her chauffeur who brought her home.

She was given a brand new Cybernetic Leg implant, due to her parents being friends with the manufacturer. Sadly, her affinity with the Force was common knowledge in the political spheres, and even though she wasn't affiliated with the Order, a bounty was soon issued for her capture.

Diana had to run. She was hidden by her parents for a while, but soon had to escape the planet. Her parents' company and assets were taken away by the newly-formed Empire, Kara and Moko executed. Diana, 16 years old at that time, only had some spare credits, clothing, and a cybernetic leg. She was afraid, out of her depth, and looking for help anywhere she could.

Diana boarded a ship to Nar Shadaa, looking for a contact of her parents, Botaro. On the ship, she met Kalla Nyx, a young Mikkian wannabe explorer that was escaping to the same destination.

Diana found the guy she was looking for, a local scoundrel, who taught her how to live and behave in the criminal underworld. Diana toughened up and learned to use her charm, her wits and her social skills to live alongside the crimelords.

Diana helped people whenever she could, but her means were often limited, as she kept a low profile due to her bounty. She since then goes by the name Selena Tello.

For several years, she worked for Loyood the Hutt, of the Gorensla clan. She managed to get into the Hutt's good graces, through several successful trade deals arranged between the Rebellion and the Gorensla clan. This link has proved useful, as she kept good contact with the Hutt until now. She worked as an informant and an intermediary, using her talents to gather intel and facilitate trade deals for Loyood the Hutt. She kept a longstanding friendship with Kalla, who was working as a hunter for Loyood.

Through her business, Selena came into contact with a Rebel Soldier, Tamor, a few years back, and finally decided to take matters into her own hands and seriously join the fight against the Empire. She flew to Lantillies to meet him, only to learn he had died in an Imperial bombing. Selena has now joined the Alliance, and tries to find her place in this totally new environment.

She lost her life in the Ondaran invasion, dying alongside her husband, Zor Dubem.


***One step beyond***:
The Alliance is understaffed, underequipped and poorer than the Empire. It needs every victory it can get, and should aim to grab any advantage it can, as small as it may be.

Selena realizes that very well. Despite her efforts at sticking to mission goals, the Sector Force's position in the area is still fragile, and the Empire is going strong. She now aims to always go one step beyond the original plan, to always fight for the extra inch, no matter the situation, to ensure the final success of the Alliance.


***Duty : Filling the gaps (1495)***

Selena's drive to accomplish her goals led her to diversify her abilities. She is now a very versatile operative, with the ability to respond to any situation relatively efficiently.

As a result, she prides herself in being able to fulfill any role on any team if necessary, and strives to make sure that missions don't fail due to the absence of a specialist.


Selena is a real beauty, being 5'6'', 38 years old, with attractive features and long blond hair. She is usually clothed with a heavy leather jacket.

Selena has a cybernetic left leg, but it didn't grant her additional kicking or jumping power as it was installed when she was a teenager, and was tuned to match her remaining physical leg. It is a prototype, so difficult to fix. It has recently been upgraded with the strength enhancement system of a Cyberleg Mod II.

Selena is a smart woman, educated due to her upbringing in the higher spheres of Coruscant, and well aware of her charms and social skills. She knows how to handle a gun, but tries to avoid confrontation if possible. She has a temper, likes drinking, and can get grumpy if things don't go her way. She can snap if treated unfairly, or disrespected.

She was an idealist, and tried to let her peaceful ideals lead her decisions, even if that didn't mean much in the Underworld. Nowadays, her philosophy changed. She's always on target, and aims to complete the missions she is given at all costs. Her goal is to allow people all around the Galaxy to live as they see fit, but she doesn't mind getting her hands dirty to achieve that if necessary.

Other Notes

Selena Tello, Female Human

Humans start the game with one rank in two different non-career skills of their choice. They still may not train these skills above rank 2 at character creation (Cool 1, Knowledge : Underworld 1). Initial 110 XP

20 Duty for +15 XP/+1000 Credits
Intelligence 3, Cunning 3, Willpower 3, Presence 3 (120/125 XP)
+10 XP Recruit spec not taken, +10 XP SFL Boost (Total at creation 145 XP)
Free ranks : Charm 1, Coercion 1, Deception 1, Negotiation 1, Vigilance 1, Knowledge (Core Worlds) 1
Starting equipement : Light Blaster Pistol (Alliance Issued), Heavy Clothing (Alliance Issued), Comlink (handheld), Concealed Recorder, Utility Belt, Corellian Whiskey (250 Credits)

Skills (465 XP spent)
▪ Astrogation 1/2, Charm 2/3/4, Coercion 2/3/4/5, Computers 1/2/3, Cool 2, Deception 2/3, Discipline 1/2/3, Leadership 1/2/3, Mechanics 1/2/3, Negotiation 2/3, Perception 1/2/3, Skulduggery 1, Stealth 1/2, Streetwise 1, Survival 1, Vigilance 2/3
▪ Ranged (Light) 1/2
▪ Knowledge (Education) 1/2, Knowledge (Outer Rim) 1/2, Knowledge (Underworld) 2
+1 rank in Coercion from "Iron grip", +1 Coordination from "Work attire"

Battle Scar (10 XP)
▪ Hard Headed

Advocate Talent Tree (230 XP spent)
· 5: ■ ■ ■ ■ Plausible Deniability / Nobody's Fool / Grit / Confidence
10: ■ ■ □ ■ Discredit / Plausible Deniability / Nobody's Fool
15: ■ ■ ■ ■ Twisted Words / Improved Plausible Deniability / Grit / Encouraging Words
20: □ □ ■ □ Supporting Evidence
25: ■ ■ ■ ■ Blackmail / Dedication / Interjection / Contingency Plan

Diplomatic Solution Signature Ability (30 + 35 = 65 XP spent)
10: ■ ■ □ □ Change Skill / Reduce Setback
15: □ ■ □ □ Reduce Difficulty

Padawan Survivor Talent Tree (20+140 = 160 XP spent)
· 5: ■ ■ ■ ■ Parry / Constant Vigilance / Street Smarts / Nobody's Fool
10: ■ □ ■ □ Toughened / Sleight of mind
15: □ □ ■ ■ Smooth Talker / Master of Shadows
20: □ □ □ ■ Trust no One
25: □ □ ■ ■ Force Rating / Dedication (Willpower)

Force Sensitive Exile Talent Tree (30 + 220 = 250 XP spent)
· 5: ■ ■ ■ ■ Uncanny Senses / Insight / Forager / Uncanny Reactions
10: □ □ ■ ■ Intense Focus / Quick Draw
15: □ ■ ■ ■ Sense Emotions / Balance / Touch of fate
20: □ ■ ■ ■ Uncanny Senses / Uncanny Reactions / Street Smarts
25: □ ■ ■ ■ Force Rating / Dedication (Agility) / Superior Reflexes

Commodore Talent Tree (50 + 140 = 190 XP spent)
· 5: ■ ■ ■ ■ Solid Repairs / Command / Rapid Reaction / Galaxy Mapper
10: ■ □ ■ ■ Known Schematic / Grit / Familiar Suns
15: ■ □ ■ ■ Solid Repairs / Rapid Reaction / Galaxy Mapper
20: □ □ ■ □ Grit
25: □ □ ■ □ Dedication (Presence)

Skip Tracer Talent Tree (60 + 145 = 205 XP spent)
· 5: ■ ■ ■ ■ Bypass Security / Hard Boiled / Good Cop / Rapid Recovery
10: ■ ■ ■ □ Toughened / Expert Tracker / Street Smarts
15: □ ■ ■ □ Rapid Recovery / Improved Street Smarts
20: □ ■ ■ □ Nobody's Fool / Good Cop
25: □ □ ■ □ Dedication (Cunning)

Senator Talent Tree (60 + 10 = 70 XP spent)
· 5: □ ■ ■ □ Respected Delegate / Plausible Deniability
10: □ □ □ □
15: □ □ □ □
20: □ □ □ □
25: □ □ □ □

Force Power Sense (50 XP spent)
10 : Base Power
10 : ■ □ Control (Upgrade Difficulty)
10 : ■ □ □ Duration
10 : ■ □ □ Strength
10 : ■ □ □ Control (Upgrade Ability)

Force Power Move (65 XP spent)
Base Power (10)
□ ■ ■ □ Strength (10) / Range (5)
□ ■ ■ Strength (10) / Control (10)
□ ■ ■ □ Strength (15) / Control (5)
□ □ □ □

..1 ▪ Gruuba Games : +20xp, +35 Duty (30+5 report), +300 Credits, 24h DT (165 XP / 35 Duty / 1550 Credits).
..2 ▪ Operation Jade Cloak : +20xp, +10 Duty (5+5 report), +300 Credits, 24h DT (185 XP / 45 Duty / 1850 Credits).
..3 ▪ Operation MSE-6 Mouse Droid : +25xp, +20 Duty, +300 Credits, 24h DT (210 XP / 65 Duty / 2150 Credits).
..4 ▪ Operation Now This Is Podracing : +20xp, +40 Duty (35+5 report), +700 Credits, 24h DT, (230 XP / 105 Duty / 2850 Credits). ► CR 1 : Dz-70 Droid, Cybernetic cavity.
..5 ▪ Operation Song and Dance : +25xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +2900 Credits 24h DT, (255 XP / 130 Duty / 5750 Credits). +1 Tailormade dress
..6 ▪ Operation Fête : +25xp, +30 Duty (25+5 report), +400 Credits, 24h DT, (280 XP / 160 Duty / 5900 Credits).
..7 ▪ Operation Troubled Stars : +20xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +400 Credits, 24h DT, (300 XP / 185 Duty / 6300 Credits).
..8 ▪ Operation Missing Persons : +10xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +400 Credits, 24h DT, (310 XP / 200 Duty / 6700 Credits). ► CR 2 : Ardos Disk, Biofeedback system.
.... ▪ Crafting Session : Mobile Supply Depot : +5 Duty, (330 XP / 205 Duty / 6700 Credits).
..9 ▪ Operation Acquisition Dyonix : +25xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +500 Credits, 24h DT, (355 XP / 225 Duty / 6980 Credits).
10 ▪ Operation Turf War : +20xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +500 Credits, 24h DT, (375 XP / 245 Duty / 3480 Credits).
11 ▪ Operation Worth : +25xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +500 Credits, 24h DT, (400 XP / 270 Duty / 780 Credits).
.... ▪ Krayt bread article : +5 Duty (400 XP / 275 Duty / 40 Credits).
12 ▪ Operation Iced Tea: +25xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +500 Credits, 24h DT, (425 XP / 295 Duty / 540 Credits).
.... ▪ BreakBank Mountain article : +5 Duty (425 XP / 300 Duty / 540 Credits). ► CR 3 : Cybernetic leg, Superior Attachement.
13 ▪ Operation Pepper Jack : +20xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +600 Credits, 24h DT, (445 XP / 325 Duty / 1140 Credits).
14 ▪ Operation Idle Hands : +15xp, +40 Duty (35+5 report), +600 Credits, 24h DT, (460 XP / 365 Duty / 1740 Credits).
15 ▪ Operation Stormy Night : +20xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +600+1200 Credits, 24h DT, (480 XP / 385 Duty / 2490 Credits).
16 ▪ Operation Spider Bite : +25xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +700+3500 Credits, 24h DT, (505 XP / 410 Duty / 4680 Credits). ► CR 4 : Implant armor, Superior Attachement
17 ▪ Operation Mirror Mirror : +15xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +700 Credits, 24h DT, (525 XP / 430 Duty / 1070 Credits).
.... ▪ Operation Business Trip (GM) : +20xp, +15 Duty (545 XP / 445 Duty / 570 Credits).
.... ▪ Tannenburg article : +5 Duty (545 XP / 450 Duty / 570 Credits).
18 ▪ Operation Source Hunter : +20xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +700 Credits, 24h DT, (565 XP / 475 Duty / 1260 Credits).
19 ▪ Operation Intellectual Property : +25xp, +15 Duty, +700+3500 Credits, 24h DT, (590 XP / 490 Duty / 4547 Credits). ► CR 5 : Veridicator 200, Superior Attachement
20 ▪ Operation Malachite Lance : +25xp, +30 Duty (25+5 report), +800 Credits, 24h DT, 615 XP / 530 Duty / 1622 Credits).
21 ▪ Operation Stab in the Dark : +25xp, +30 Duty (25+5 report), +800 Credits, 24h DT (640 XP / 560 Duty / 2422 Credits).
22 ▪ Operation Puppet Master : +25xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +800 Credits, 24h DT (670 XP / 580 Duty / 872 Credits).
23 ▪ Operation Anti Fowl : +25xp, +20 Duty, +900 Credits, 24h DT (695 XP / 600 Duty / 1772 Credits). ► CR 6 : Personal Stealth Field, Superior Attachement
24 ▪ Operation Taco Truck : +20xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +900 Credits, 24h DT (715 XP / 625 Duty / 902 Credits).
25 ▪ Operation Emancipation Arsenal : +25xp, +10 Duty +900 Credits, 24h DT (740 XP / 635 Duty / 1502 Credits).
26 ▪ Operation Iron Vulture : +25xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +900 Credits, 24h DT (770 XP / 655 Duty / 1342 Credits).
27 ▪ Project Cookie Cutter : +20xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +900 Credits, 24h DT (795 XP / 670 Duty / 2242 Credits). Battle Scar : Hard Headed
28 ▪ Operation Broken Shackles : +25xp, +20 Duty, +900 Credits, 24h DT (820 XP / 690 Duty / 3142 Credits).
29 ▪ Operation Stuck in Traffic : +25xp, +20 Duty, +1000 Credits, 24h DT (845 XP / 710 Duty / 4142 Credits). ► CR 7 : Hologoggles, Cybernetic Leg Bimbsy Edition
30 ▪ Operation Solo : +20xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +1000 Credits, 24h DT (865 XP / 730 Duty / 5142 Credits).
31 ▪ Operation Bronze Fulcrum: +25xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +1000 Credits, 24h DT (895 XP / 750 Duty / 5652 Credits).
32 ▪ Operation Black Spot II: +25xp, +30 Duty (25+5 report), +1000 Credits, 24h DT (920 XP / 780 Duty / 5342 Credits).
33 ▪ Operation Flyboys: +25xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1000 Credits, 24h DT (950 XP / 795 Duty / 6392 Credits).
.... ▪ Operation Scholar's Mate (GM) : +20xp, +10 Duty, +300 Credits, 12h DT (975 XP / 805 Duty / 6692 Credits). ► CR 8 : Lunar Wanderer, Kamperdine Custom Jacket
.... ▪ Operation Hard Bargain (GM) : +20xp, +15 Duty, +300 Credits, 12h DT (995 XP / 820 Duty / 6517 Credits).
34 ▪ Operation Gavel: +25xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1100 Credits, 24h DT (1020 XP / 835 Duty / 6717 Credits).
35 ▪ Operation Huttball Sidelines 2: +25xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +1100 Credits, 24h DT (1050 XP / 855 Duty / 7692 Credits).
36 ▪ Operation We be winging it: +25xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +1100 Credits, 24h DT (1075 XP / 880 Duty / 8792 Credits).
37 ▪ Operation Hamstring: +25xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +1200 Credits, 24h DT (1100 XP / 900 Duty / 2192 Credits). ► CR 9 : Quad Heavy Laser Cannon, Mobile Listening Post
38 ▪ Operation Huttball Glory I: +25xp, +30 Duty (25+5 report), +1200+3500 Credits, 24h DT (1130 XP / 930 Duty / 6892 Credits).
39 ▪ Operation Kerbal Part III: +20xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +1200 Credits, 24h DT (1155 XP / 955 Duty / 8092 Credits).
40 ▪ Operation Mountain Climber: +25xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1200 Credits, 24h DT (1180 XP / 970 Duty / 7292 Credits).
41 ▪ Operation Grave Keeper: +25xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +1200 Credits, 24h DT (1205 XP / 990 Duty / 3092 Credits).
42 ▪ Operation Backups Singer: +25xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +1300 Credits, 24h DT (1235 XP / 1015 Duty / 4392 Credits). ► CR 10 : Workshop, Reclamation Equipment
43 ▪ Operation Huttball Glory 2: +25xp, +30 Duty (25+5 report), +1300 Credits, 24h DT (1260 XP / 1045 Duty / 5647 Credits).
44 ▪ Operation Looking Glass: +20xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1300 Credits, 24h DT (1280 XP / 1060 Duty / 6947 Credits).
45 ▪ Operation Space Road Trucker: +20xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +1300 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1300 XP / 1080 Duty / 8247 Credits).
46 ▪ Operation Calling Card: +25xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1300 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1330 XP / 1100 Duty / 4797 Credits). ► CR 11 : Low-grav Workspace, Research Records
47 ▪ Operation Hot and Heavier: +25xp, +25 Duty (20+5 report), +1400 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1355 XP / 1125 Duty / 1400 Credits).
48 ▪ Operation Parlay: +25xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1400 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1380 XP / 1140 Duty / 2800 Credits).
49 ▪ Operation Bastion Shopping: +25xp, +15 Duty, +1400 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1410 XP / 1155 Duty / 3990 Credits).
.... ▪ Operation Beach Bodybag (GM) : +20xp, +10 Duty, 300 Credits, 12h (1430 XP / 1165 Duty / 3290 Credits).
50 ▪ Operation Baseline: +25xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +1400 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1460 XP / 1185 Duty / 4690 Credits).
51 ▪ Operation Sightline: +20xp, +15 Duty, +1500 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1480 XP / 1200 Duty / 6190 Credits). ► CR 12 : Bayten Switch, BPEA-1A Cascader
52 ▪ Operation Within Reach: +25xp, +20 Duty, +1500 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1510 XP / 1220 Duty / 7690 Credits).
53 ▪ Operation Durasteel Artificier: +20xp, +20 Duty, +1500 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1530 XP / 1240 Duty / 6390 Credits).
54 ▪ Operation A Bold Request: +25xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1500+1650 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1560 XP / 1255 Duty / 9440 Credits).
.... ▪ Operation Newsflash (GM) : +20xp, +15 Duty, 300 Credits, 12h (1580 XP / 1270 Duty / 9740 Credits).
55 ▪ Operation Fresh Voice: +15xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1500 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1595 XP / 1285 Duty / 11240 Credits).
56 ▪ Operation T'raiding Places: +20xp, +15 Duty, +1600 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1620 XP / 1300 Duty / 12840 Credits). ► CR 13 : Veridicator 2000
57 ▪ Operation Message Maker: +25xp, +10 Duty, +1600 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1645 XP / 1310 Duty / 10940 Credits).
58 ▪ Operation Quasimodo: +25xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1600 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1670 XP / 1325 Duty / 12540 Credits).
59 ▪ Operation Amber Lightning: +25xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1600 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1700 XP / 1340 Duty / 14140 Credits).
60 ▪ Operation Commander of Staves: +25xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1600+11700 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1725 XP / 1355 Duty / 27440 Credits).
.... ▪ Operation Daft Funk (GM) : +20xp, +15 Duty, 300 Credits, 12h (1745 XP / 1370 Duty / 28190 Credits).
61 ▪ Operation Membership: +20xp, +15 Duty (10+5 report), +1600 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1765 XP / 1385 Duty / 28290 Credits).
62 ▪ Operation Hollow Smile: +25xp, +15 Duty, +1700 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1790 XP / 1400 Duty / 29890 Credits). ► CR 14 :
63 ▪ Operation Wella's Wares: +20xp, +5 Duty, +1700 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1810 XP / 1405 Duty / 12870 Credits).
64 ▪ Operation Onyx Dagger: +20xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +1700 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1830 XP / 1425 Duty / 16270 Credits).
....▪ Operation Sharin' is Kiryn (GM): +15xp, +15 Duty, +300 Credits, 12h DT (1845 XP / 1440 Duty / 13495 Credits).
65 ▪ Operation Joint Venture: +25xp, +20 Duty (15+5 report), +1700 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1870 XP / 1460 Duty / 15195 Credits).
66 ▪ Operation Fighting Fires: +25xp, +15 Duty, +1700 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1905 XP / 1475 Duty / 16895 Credits).
67 ▪ Operation Declaration: +25xp, +10 Duty, +1700 Credits, 24h+12h DT (1930 XP / 1495 Duty / 18595 Credits).

1680h downtime. 1152h traded for 120 XP. 191h shopping. 198h crafting. 72h traded for 15 Duty.
19 hours remaining.
264 hours R&D. 205h remaining. 47h crafting Project Shush.

Bought :
- Load-Bearing Gear, Modular backpack w/6 pouches, Disguise kit = 365 Credits
- BPEA-1A Cascader = 1620 Credits
- Biofeedback Regulator = 2400 credits
- Insider's Guide, Cultural Etiquette Manual, Mercantiler Datapad, Hunting goggles = 910 Credits
- Shopping List Notepad = 400 Credits
- Ryshcate Cake = 10 Credits
- Raquor Venom (5 doses) = 675 Credits
- Surge Override Switch = 1000 Credits
- Anti-Grav Chute = 450 Credits
- Brothel bathroom = 40 Credits
- Datapad, Climbing Gear, Earbud Comlink, Binders, Restraining Bolt = 260 Credits
- Symbol of Command = 100 Credits
- Makeup and Hairdo Case = 400 Credits
- Con/Vince Voice Modulator = 400 Credits
- Full ID = 125 Credits
- Gunner Droid Brain +2 Mods by Riv, Encrypted Computers +2 Mods by Riv = 10000 Credits
- Zor's Folly Gavel = 400 Credits
- Slicing Computer = 5000 Credits
- VX-A Toolbox, Breaker Heavy Hydrospanner = 2750 Credits
- "Selena's Wrench" Specialist Tool = 1000 Credits
- "Mini Screwing Device" Precision Tool = 150 Credits
- Crafting attempts for Project Shush = 2700 Credits
- Auction on Guiding Light Station = 947 Credits
- Lunch meal during Op. Bastion Shopping = 210 Credits
- "Alderaanian Army Knife" = 1600 Credits
- Starmapper Handheld Computer = 3500 Credits
- Callio Phydos ID = 1500 Credits
- Official Civilian ID = 100 Credits
- ATA fully modded = 7000 Credits
- Smuggled Compartements = 4200 Credits
- Autopilot Droid Brain = 6000 Credits
- Vrik doing stupid stuff = 500 Credits
- Lantillies Starport fee = 1000 Credits
- Transportation on Lantillies = 20 Credits
- "Nailing it to the bed" = 400 Credits
- "Make-up Palette" = 800 Credits
- "VoiceSynth" = 400 Credits
- "Retractable Gavel" = 1200 Credits
- Comlink (handheld), Earbud Comlink, Concealed Recorder = 275 Credits

Sold :
- Enhanced Optics Suite = 1312 Credits
- Threat Monitor = 375 Credits
- Integrated Scanner = 800 Credits

500 Credits on "Work attire" customizable armor by R5-D6
-> +2850 Credits for Targeting System, 50 Credits for modding
-> +950 Credits for Vacuum Seal
-> +750 Credits for Low-friction coating, 50 Credits for modding
-> + 0 Credits for Biofeedback System (CR 2 Reward), 50 credits for failed modding
-> +300 Credits for Integrated Holsters, 500 Credits for modding
-> +1750 Credits for Enhanced Optics Suite, 50 Credits for modding
-> +1000 Credits for Integrated Scanner, 50 Credits for modding
-> +750 Credits for Threat Monitor, 150 Credits for modding
Total : 9700 credits

0 Credits for "Diplomacy First" Blaster pistol by Trast
-> +500 Credits Blaster Actuating Module, 200 Credits for modding
-> +500 Credits Custom Grip, 50 Credits for modding
-> +500 Credits for Electronic Sighting System, 50 Credits for modding
Total : 1800 Credits

0 Credits for "Antibot" Blaster pistol by Trast
-> +200 Credits for Integrated Illuminator, 150 Credits for modding
-> +500 Credits for Blaster Actuating Module, 200 Credits for modding
-> +500 Credits Custom Grip, 100 Credits for modding
Total : 1650 Credits

50 Credits on "The Maker" simple Mechanics tool by Selena
Total : 50 Credits

400 Credits on "Retaliatory Measures" Vibro-sword by Selena
-> +1000 Credits for Mono-molecular Edge, 100 Credits for modding
-> +500 Credits for Custom Grip, 50 Credits for modding
Total : 2050 Credits

750 Credits on "Iron Grip" Coercion Cybernetic Implant by R5-D6
-> +300 Credits for "An Offer that you can't refuse" Stealth 2-VX gun
Total : 1050 Credits

40 Credits on "The Law" Shield by Maniac
-> +250 Credits for Weighted Head, 100 Credits for modding
-> +250 Credits for Magnetic Weapon Tether, 50 Credits for modding
-> +800 Credits for Shield Discharge Pack, 150 Credits for modding
Total : 1640 Credits

1800 Credits for "Expressed Reservation" Blaster rifle by Maniac
-> +250 Credits for Forearm Grip, 100 Credits for modding
-> +1750 Credits for Augmented Spin Barrel, 200 Credits for modding (2/4 successful)
-> +250 Credits for Telescopic Optical Sight
Total : 4350 Credits

20 Credits for "Peace Treaty" shattering knuckles by Julie
Total : 20 Credits

25 Credits for "Business Suit" Reinforce Clothing by Riv Prator
-> +4000 Credits for Utility Arm, 200 Credits for modding
Total : 4225 Credits

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