RE-Bait started as a scrap on our mentors ship and was built by procuring parts from droid's HEX Squad managed to Scrap.
AJAX rebuilt her with Mirshko's blessing and she acts as a 5th member of the Squad.
REBAIT sees herself as a member of HEX squad and loyal to her creator and Leader AJAX.
RE-BAIT is not a republic owned droid and therefor her soul loyalty is to AJAX and by extension HEX.
Though Sentient she will always act in a way that is consistent in what her creator would want.
She also has remote access to AJAX's Hud and can communicate remotely with him VIA the same link that HEX squad has with each other.
Notably Her Key features are her Shield Generator that can be activated with a maneuver and allows her to act as an ADVERSARY-3 upgrading difficulty of all incoming attacks by 3. She can also be used as cover for members of the squad in a pinch.
She also has a retractible turret made from the Arm of the DEKA Droid that With a maneuver can be deployed and sticks outside the Shield.