Was a pilot for float farming on Yar Togna untill their Egg Mate lost their life to an unexpected volcanic updraft. With an empty heart and Feeling as if there was nothing left for them on Yar Togna, they departed a few years before the Empire enslaved their planet. They found solace in charting the stars and the planet's fora and fauna. They built up a fair collection of maps and routes around the outer rim. They have a generous amount of connections scattered around that are always willing to collect soul's updated charts and routes.
Sol is living a passive, quiet, life but don't mistake them as a pushover. There's a lot going on behind their motionless eyes and throughout the years they've had numerous small encounters that has decently prepared them for combat situations.
A mix of Wonderlust, expertise and a deep seeded hatred for the Empire motivate Soul.
Overall they find their place is to help, astrologically, assist in exploration and travel with hopes that one day destiny will bring them to a force that'll utilize their information to bring down the Empire.
Emancipation: The character sees slavery and indentured servitude as an abomination that must be undone. He'll go out of his way to aid or attempt to free anyone kept in slavery.
Overthrow the Empire: The character despises the Empire and everything that it stands for. He may or may not be an active member of the Rebellion, but he supports its goals and gives aid and comfort to those against Imperial tyranny.
Oath: After learning what happened to their people Soul swears to get back big against the Empire before they die
Born 30 BBY
Height: 1.82m
Planet of Origin: Yar Togna
Skin color: Tan
Eye Color: Black
Languages: Tognath, Basic