Weapons & Armor
-Sap Gloves-
Enc: 1
HP: 1
Rarity: 4
Price: 50
Type: Brawling
Critical: 5
Skill: Brawl
Qualities: Concussive 1, Disorient 1, Knockdown, Stun Setting
Features: Spotting sap gloves on an individual requires a Daunting (PPPP) Perception check.
Description: "Made in a variety of styles for nearly every imaginable species, they are simply a pair of gloves with heavy plates, alloy pellets, sand, or some other dense, weighty material sewn into the fingers and back of the hand. Relatively innocuous when worn, sap gloves amplify a wearer's punch and act almost like brass knuckles."
-Slugthrower Pistol-
Enc: 1
Rarity: 3
Price: 100
Type: Slugthrower
Skill: Ranged - Light
Critical: 5
Damage: 4
-Concealing Robes-
Rarity: 2
Price: 150
Soak: 1
Features: Add 1S to checks to notice or recognize an individual wearing concealing robes.
Personal Gear
-Field Rations- 4
Rarity: 2
Price: 10
Description: "Personal comlinks are often small, hand-held cylinders capable of communicating over distances into low orbit."
-Stimpack- 5
Rarity: 1
Price: 25
Features: "It takes a maneuver for a character to inject a stimpack in himself or another..Stimpacks are one-use items, and automatically heal 5 wounds. Characters can use stimpacks more than once, but each use heals one less wound (so the second use heals four, the third use heals three, and so on). The sixth stimpack heals no wounds—the character is already oversaturated with the medicine for it to have any effect. It takes a day for the character's body to process the stimpacks and for him to be able to use them at full effectiveness."
Rarity: 1
Price: 50
Features: Increases Encumbrance Threshold by 4.
-Utility Belt-
Rarity: 0
Price: 25
Features: Increases Encumbrance Threshold by 1.
-Comlink (handheld)-
Rarity: 0
Price: 25
Description: "Personal comlinks are often small, hand-held cylinders capable of communicating over distances into low orbit."
-Physician's Kit-
Enc: 2
Rarity: 2
Price: 400
Features: Grants 1B to all Medicine skill checks, and 1A to successful Medicine checks.
Description: "Carried by doctors and healers on backwater worlds, physician's kits are bigger and more comprehensive than their medpac cousins. While some contain the usual technological medical equipment such as mediscanners, diagnostic computers, spray splints, and the like, many users augment the included medical gear and medications with more holistic or natural healing products. It's not unknown for a physician's kit to include all manner of salves, tinctures, poultices, and special bandages made from local flora and fauna.
A physician's kit allows a user to perform relatively complex medical procedures in the field. Like emergency medpacs, physician's kits allow a character to use the Medicine skill without penalty, as per the rules on page 226, and in addition grant 1B to all Medicine skill checks. Also, thanks to their stock of stimulants and other unguents, these kits add an automatic A to successful Medicine checks made while using the kit."
-Forensics Investigation Kit-
Enc: 4
Rarity: 4
Price: 450
Features: Adds automatic 1S to all Perception checks made by the user to spot and gather evidence.
Description: "Essentially a specialized tool kit for crime scene investigations, forensic investigation kits are produced by a number of security companies for use by law enforcement agencies. Whatever their origin, these kits typically contain a number of medical instruments, evidence collection containers, chemical swabs, magnifiers, scanners, multi-spectrum light emitters, marking tools, and different kinds of solvents, adhesives, and specialty chemicals.
When used during the investigation of a crime, a forensic investigation kit adds automatic ☼ to all Perception checks made by the user to spot and gather evidence. It may also count as the right tools for the job when making checks to analyze the evidence gathered (see page 171 of the Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook). At the GM's discretion, this item can also be used for related purposes such as archeological digs."
-Species Database-
Enc: 2
Rarity: 2
Price: 150
Features: Adds 2B to Xenology checks.
Description: "...custom-built datapads loaded with specific biological details of every known species. In theory, such compendiums help operatives avoid injuring a sensitive body part or inadvertently wearing a known allergen as floral decoration. Cynical individuals have noted, however, that such information can also be used for more nefarious purposes. Most species databases also contain cursory cultural notes, but the core focus of such texts is biology rather than historical or societal studies."