Burly |
1 |
Dangerous Covenants, pg 32 |
The character reduces and wielded or carried weapon's cumbersome quality, and encumbrance rating by a number equal to ranks in Burly to a minimum of 1. |
Grit |
1 |
EoTE, pg 136 |
Gain +1 ST per rank. |
Toughened |
6 |
EoTE, pg 145 |
Gain +2WT per rank. |
More Machine Than Man |
1 |
Special Modifications, pg 34 |
Each rank of More Machine than Man increases the character's cybernetic implant cap by 1. |
Cyberneticist |
1 |
Special Modifications, pg 34 |
The character removes K per rank of cyberneticist from his checks to build, repair, and install cybernetic implants. In addition cybernetics and any materials used to craft cybernetics cost the character 50% less. This does not stack with additional ranks of cyberneticicst. |
Jury Rigged |
1 |
EoTE, pg 138 |
The Character chooses one personal weapon or piece of armor per rank of Jury Rigged. Item gain a select benefit. The bonus only applies so long as the character is using the item. If the item is ever lost, or destroyed, the character may apply Jury Rigged to a new personal weapon or piece of armor. |
Armor Master |
1 |
EoTE, pg 132 |
When wearing armor, the character increases his total soak value by 1. |
Frenzied Attack |
1 |
EoTE, pg 135 |
When making a Melee or Brawl combat check the character may suffer a number of strain, then upgrade the ability of his combat check by that number. The number cannot exceed his ranks in Frenzied Attack. |
Cyborg |
1 |
Lords of Nal Hutta, pg 96 |
Ganks begin play with up to two cybernetics that cost a total of 5000cr. Ganks have a cybernetic implant cap of 3+Brawn Rating. Current Cybernetic Count (5/8). |
Quick draw |
1 |
EoTE, pg 141 |
Once per round on the character's turn, he may draw or holster an easily accessible weapon as an incidental, not a maneuver. This talent also reduces the amount of time to draw or stow that usually requires more than one maneuver to properly prepare or stow, by one maneuver. Granted by integrated holsters mod. |
Barrage |
1 |
EoTE, pg 132 |
Add one damage per rank of Barrage to one hit of a successful Ranged Heavy or Gunnery attacks with non starship/vehicle weapons at long or extreme range. |
Engineered Redundancies |
1 |
Special Modifications, pg 34 |
The character benefits from emergency repair patches as if he were a droid. The Character still benefits from stim packs as usual, but can only benefit from a total of 5 stimpacks and/or emergency repair patches per day. Additionally, the character can be healed with the Mechanics skill in the same manner as a droid. |
Energy Transfer |
1 |
Special Modifications, pg 34 |
The character may suffer 1 strain to perform the Energy Transfer maneuver; when he does, he can power up an appropriate unpowered device (such as a datapad, droid, or a door) until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, he can restore ammunition to an energy-based weapon, allowing a character to ignore an "out of ammo" Despair result. The character must have at least one cybernetic installed to perform this maneuver. |
Durable |
1 |
EoTE, pg 135 |
The character may reduce a critical injury result he suffers by 10 per rank of Durable, to a minimum of 1. |
Feral Strength |
1 |
EoTE, pg 135 |
The character deals +1 damage to one hit on all successful Brawl and Melee checks per rank of Feral Strength. |
Dedication |
1 |
EoTE, pg 134 |
+1 to Agility |
Enduring |
1 |
EoTE, pg 135 |
Character gains +1 soak per rank of Enduring. |
Lethal Blows |
2 |
EoTE, pg 138 |
The Character adds +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury roll inflicted on opponents. |