Codename Hel by Bryan912

Hired Gun
Heavy, Gadeteer, Cyber Tech, Marauder,
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 27
Current 0
Threshold 13
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) X 1
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) 0
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 1
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) X 2
Medicine (Int) X 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 4 +1skill+1u+1b+1v-4k
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 1
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) X 2
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1
Brawl (Br) X 0
Gunnery (Ag) X 3
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) X 1
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 1
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 0


VX Sidewinder Repeating Blaster
Accurate 2, Autofire, Cumbersome 4, Exceptional Performance, Jury Rigged Autofire, Reverse Engineered, Pierce 1, Vicious 1
12 (13/L,E)
DC-15a Carbine
Ranged: Heavy
Autofire, Pierce 1, Stun Setting
Mk II EMP Grenade
Ranged: Light
Blast 6, Disorient 3, Ion, Limited Ammo 1
Personal Vibrosaw
Cumbersome 4, Pierce 2, Sunder, Unwieldy 4, Vicious 2
M-8 Combat Knife (Inbuilt weapon)
Accurate 1, Pierce 1
Crafted Grenade (Frag)
Ranged: Light
Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1


Weapons & Armor

VX Sidewinder Repeating Blaster- Carried with attachments (2/5):
•Custom Grip w/ accurate mod
•Electronic Sighting System w/accurate mod
Personal Virbosaw- Armor Attachment
DC 15a Carbine- Holstered
Phase 2 Clone Trooper Armor- Item has been Tinker'd. Worn with attachments (4/5):
• Clone Polarized Electrobinoculars and all mods
• Multi-Band Comlink
• Integrated Holsters and all mods
• Personal Vibrosaw
• Ion Shielding and all mods

M-8 Combat Knife- Inbuilt into Cybernetic arm.
3x EMP Grenades- Holstered
1x Frag Grenade (Crafted)- Holstered

Personal Gear

VX Sidewinder- 7 enc
Phase 2 armor- 1 enc
Exoglove- 2 enc
Verpine Headband- 1 enc
4x Emergency Repair Patch
2x Stimpack
Utility Belt
Load Bearing Gear
Surveyors Bag
MkIII Modular Backpack
Cybernetic Leg (Mod III)
Surge Override Switch
Gank Comm Implant
Neural Recorder
Neuro-Saav Cyborg/Droid Interface
Precision Perception Tool- 1enc
Crafted Cybernetic Arm (Agility), See Notes
Protection Amulet- 2enc, See Notes

Assets & Resources

+9500cr Knight level
+2500cr -10 duty turn in
+5000cr Gank cyborg ability to buy cybernetics.
+1000cr The Malastare Void III
+1000cr Frag 'Em All
+1000cr Much Needed Distraction
+1000cr A Night to Remember
+1000cr Mr. Smith Goes to Coruscant II
+1000cr Defense of Bingsang VII
+1100cr Hitting a Nail with a Sledgehammer
21,275cr /24,100cr

VX Sidewinder Repeating Blaster- 3,350cr
Cybernetic Leg (Mod III)- 5000cr
Surge Override Switch- 500cr
Gank Comm Implant- 125cr
Neural Recorder- 125cr
Exoglove- 2000cr
Clone Trooper Kit- 1000cr
Ion Shielding Attachment- 2000cr
Ion Shielding Mods, Increase ranged and melee defense by 1 against weapons with Ion quality mod- 100cr
Integrated Holsters Attachment- 300cr
Integrated Holsters Mods, 3 holster 1 weapon of encumbrance 3 or lower, 2 add 1 setback to perception checks to notice holstered weapons, 1 innate talent quick draw mod- 600cr
Clone Polarized Electrobinoculars Mods, 1 skill rank perception mod- 100cr
Personal Vibrosaw Attachment- 900cr
Utility Belt- 25cr
Load Bearing Gear- 100cr
Surveyors Bag- 50cr
MkIII Modular Backpack Full Mods- 165cr
3x Military Belt Pouch- 30cr
4x Stimpack- 100cr
2x Field Rations- 20cr
Custom Grip- 500cr
Electronic Sighting System- 500cr
Verpine Headband- 500cr
4x Emergency Repair Patch- 100cr
2x Stimpack- 50cr
Neuro-Saav Cyborg/Droid Interface- 300cr
Precision Perception Tool- 0cr
Precision Perception Tool- 0cr
Crafted Grenade- 35cr
Crafted Cybernetic Appendage (Agility)- 2500cr
Crafted Protective Amulet- 150 cr
Crafted Protective Amulet- 150 cr

Xp spending- 460/460
+30xp- The Malastare Void III
+25xp- Frag 'Em All
+30xp- Much Needed Distraction
+30xp- A Night to Remember
+25xp- Mr. Smith Goes to Coruscant II
+35xp- Defense of Bingsang VII
+5xp- 24 hour turn in
+5xp- 24 hour turn in
+15xp- Hitting a Nail with a Sledgehammer

30xp Brawn to 3
30xp Agility to 3

30xp bought Gadgeteer Spec
40xp bought Cyber Tech Spec
40xp bought Marauder Spec

5xp bought 1st rank in Burly
5xp bought 1st rank in Grit
5xp bought 1st rank in Toughened
5xp bought 1st rank in Barrage
10xp bought 1st rank in Durable

5xp bought 2nd rank in Toughened
10xp bought 1st rank in Jury Rigged
15xp bought Armor Master
20xp bought 1st rank in Tinkerer
25xp bought 1st rank in Dedication (Agility)

Cyber Tech:
5xp bought 1st rank in Cyberneticist
5xp bought 1st rank in More Machine Than Man
5xp bought Engineered Redundancies
5xp bought 3rd rank in Toughened
10xp bought 4th rank in Toughened
10xp bought Energy Transfer

5xp bought 5th rank in Toughened
5xp bought 1st rank in Frenzied Attack
5xp bought 1st rank in Feral Strength
5xp bought 1st rank in Lethal Blows
10xp bought 6th rank in Toughened
15xp bought 2nd rank in Lethal Blows
15xp bought 1st rank in Enduring

0xp bought 1st rank in Coercion (Racial)
0xp bought 1st rank in Dicipline (Career)
0xp bought 1st rank in Perception (Specialization)
0xp bought 1st rank in Piloting Planetary (Career)
0xp bought 1st rank in Vigilance (Career)
0xp bought 1st rank in Gunnery (Specialization)
0xp bought 1st rank in Melee (Career)
5xp bought 1st rank in Resilience
5xp bought 1st rank in Ranged Light
5xp bought 1st rank in Mechanics
10xp bought 2nd rank in Mechanics
10xp bought 2nd rank in Perception
10xp bought 2nd rank in Gunnery
10xp bought 2nd rank in Resilience
15xp bought 3rd rank in Gunnery
15xp bought 3rd rank in Perception

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Senator Ken Robb- associated with poacher of rare endangered animals. Does not like Senator Finnel


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Burly 1 Dangerous Covenants, pg 32 The character reduces and wielded or carried weapon's cumbersome quality, and encumbrance rating by a number equal to ranks in Burly to a minimum of 1.
Grit 1 EoTE, pg 136 Gain +1 ST per rank.
Toughened 6 EoTE, pg 145 Gain +2WT per rank.
More Machine Than Man 1 Special Modifications, pg 34 Each rank of More Machine than Man increases the character's cybernetic implant cap by 1.
Cyberneticist 1 Special Modifications, pg 34 The character removes K per rank of cyberneticist from his checks to build, repair, and install cybernetic implants. In addition cybernetics and any materials used to craft cybernetics cost the character 50% less. This does not stack with additional ranks of cyberneticicst.
Jury Rigged 1 EoTE, pg 138 The Character chooses one personal weapon or piece of armor per rank of Jury Rigged. Item gain a select benefit. The bonus only applies so long as the character is using the item. If the item is ever lost, or destroyed, the character may apply Jury Rigged to a new personal weapon or piece of armor.
Armor Master 1 EoTE, pg 132 When wearing armor, the character increases his total soak value by 1.
Frenzied Attack 1 EoTE, pg 135 When making a Melee or Brawl combat check the character may suffer a number of strain, then upgrade the ability of his combat check by that number. The number cannot exceed his ranks in Frenzied Attack.
Cyborg 1 Lords of Nal Hutta, pg 96 Ganks begin play with up to two cybernetics that cost a total of 5000cr. Ganks have a cybernetic implant cap of 3+Brawn Rating. Current Cybernetic Count (5/8).
Quick draw 1 EoTE, pg 141 Once per round on the character's turn, he may draw or holster an easily accessible weapon as an incidental, not a maneuver. This talent also reduces the amount of time to draw or stow that usually requires more than one maneuver to properly prepare or stow, by one maneuver. Granted by integrated holsters mod.
Barrage 1 EoTE, pg 132 Add one damage per rank of Barrage to one hit of a successful Ranged Heavy or Gunnery attacks with non starship/vehicle weapons at long or extreme range.
Engineered Redundancies 1 Special Modifications, pg 34 The character benefits from emergency repair patches as if he were a droid. The Character still benefits from stim packs as usual, but can only benefit from a total of 5 stimpacks and/or emergency repair patches per day. Additionally, the character can be healed with the Mechanics skill in the same manner as a droid.
Energy Transfer 1 Special Modifications, pg 34 The character may suffer 1 strain to perform the Energy Transfer maneuver; when he does, he can power up an appropriate unpowered device (such as a datapad, droid, or a door) until the end of the encounter. Alternatively, he can restore ammunition to an energy-based weapon, allowing a character to ignore an "out of ammo" Despair result. The character must have at least one cybernetic installed to perform this maneuver.
Durable 1 EoTE, pg 135 The character may reduce a critical injury result he suffers by 10 per rank of Durable, to a minimum of 1.
Feral Strength 1 EoTE, pg 135 The character deals +1 damage to one hit on all successful Brawl and Melee checks per rank of Feral Strength.
Dedication 1 EoTE, pg 134 +1 to Agility
Enduring 1 EoTE, pg 135 Character gains +1 soak per rank of Enduring.
Lethal Blows 2 EoTE, pg 138 The Character adds +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury roll inflicted on opponents.


She was raised as a foundling after a group of Mandalorian's took revenge on a petty Hutt crime lord that had the bad sense to double cross them. She has been trained to be a warrior since as far back as she can remember. Now fully trained she decides to fight for the Republic in the hopes of making a name for herself. After running into another group of Gank also fighting with the republic she chose to join them, choosing her moniker to fit with theirs adopting the Codename Hel.


Conflict: Squadmates-

Hel can never truly know her colleagues until she has served with them in battle. While she may be a bit cold and distant to non-veterans, she is a true and loyal friend to anyone with whom has proven themselves a capable warrior in her eyes.


Duty: Enemy Demoralization- CR 1, 05

Hel understands that undermining an enemies' psychological ability to wage war is just as important as defeating them in battle. She realizes this, and does her best to ensure that the CIS suffers every defeat on a psychological level. She does this by fostering her unit's notoriety, by leaving a calling card at the scene of every conflict she takes part in. This way she can ensure that her unit's reputation precedes them among the enemy, thereby weakening the enemy’s resolve before a fight even begins. Once a battle is won, she ensures that the enemy knows it’s been soundly beaten.

+15- The Malastare Void III
+20- Frag 'Em All
+15- Much Needed Distraction
+15- A Night to Remember
+10- Mr. Smith Goes to Coruscant II
+14- Defense of Bingsang VII
+15- Hitting a Nail with a Sledgehammer


Despite not knowing her original parents and not remembering much of her culture before being taken in by her new family Hel has taken a particular interest in technology and cybernetics. She is never seen without her armor on. Currently her armor is a faux set of mandalorian armor, but she is hoping to prove herself in battle and earn her proper armor.

Other Notes

Downtime Gains and Spending:
+24= The Malastare Void III
+24= Frag 'Em All
-1= Crafting Precision Perception Tool
-1= Crafting Precision Perception Tool
+24= Much Needed Distraction
-24= Full Healing.
+24= A Night to Remember.
-1= Crafting Grenade
-1= Crafting Cybernetic Arm (Agility)
+24= Mr. Smith Goes to Coruscant II
-1= Crafted Protective Amulet
-1= Crafted Protective Amulet
+24= Defense of Bingsang VII
-48= +5xp turn in
-48= +5xp turn in
+24= Hitting a Nail with a Sledgehammer
Downtime Bank: 42

Clone Polarized Electrobinoculars: adds 🟦 to sight-based Perception checks and removes up to one ■ from perception checks due to distance Or low-light conditions. 1 Skill (Perception + 1) Mod.

Ion Shielding: Increase soak by 3 against weapons with Ion quality. Increase ranged and melee defense by 1 against weapons with Ion quality

Integrated Holsters: 1 Holster 2 Weapon(s) up to Encumbrance 3 Mod. 2 Add ■ to Perception checks to find stored weapons Mods. 3 Holster Weapon up to Encumbrance 3 Mods. Innate Talent (Quick Draw) Mod

Personal Vibrosaw: The personal vibrosaw can quickly cut through most materials. Exact details are up to the GM’s discretion, but a vibrosaw can typically cut a hole large enough to move through in common durasteel doors and wails within two to three rounds, With reinforced doors or titanium plating taking correspondingly longer. A personal vibrosaw can be used as a weapon with the following profile. Melee, Damage +4, Critical 2, Range engaged, Cumbersome 4, Pierce 2, Sunder, Unwieldy 4, Vicious 2.

Custom Grip: 1 Remove 1 ■ from all attack checks when using this weapon Mod. Anyone other than owner adds ■■ to combat checks using this weapon. 1 Quality (Accurate 1) Mod

Electronic Sighting System: Allows shooter to aim as an incidental once per round at short range. Decreases the difficulty of Perception checks to locate the shooter in low light conditions by 1. 1 Quality (Accurate 1) Mod

Reverse Engineered- Item was granted +1 HP.

Exceptional Performance- The character wrings extraordinary performance from the item being worked upon. If
a mod or attachment on the armor generates □ or removes ■ on a check. It instead generates □□ or removes ■■ instead.



Protective Amulet: While active, the talisman allows the user to ignore environmental effects such as fire, acid, and corrosive atmospheres. They always act as if in a standard gravity field and may breathe normally even underwater and in a vacuum. Weapons with the Burn quality do not count as having that quality when used as part of an attack against the user. Crafted Qualities- Hidden Purpose: Add ■■ to any checks made to determine the talisman's true function, Cumbersome: The talisman is awkwardly fashioned. Increase its encumbrance by 1.


Precision Perception Tool- Remove ■■■ from all Perception checks when using this item. Safety Features: Add automatic Advantage to Perception checks. Crafting Profile: 9adv, 2 tri- Lightweight 4, Exceptional Performance, Safety Features, Supreme Craftsmanship.


Crafted Cybernetic Appendage ( Arms Agility)- 1 Characteristic (Agility) Mod, Unobtrusive: Add ■■■■ to checks to determine that the character has the cybernetic installed, Integrated Tool: Can make checks with the Computers skill. At GM discretion, this cybernetic counts as having the right tool for the job for this skill

Cybernetic Legs Mod III- 1 Characteristic (Agility) Mod.

Gank Comm Implant- Characters with Gank comm implants can communicate silently with each other at ranges of up to several kilometers. Since these implants do not use audible information exchange, they cannot be used to communicate with a normal comlink. Likewise, due to the unique nature of these devices, it is virtually impossible for anyone without the implant to listen in on others' comm implant communications, though comm jammers can disrupt their signals. The messages sent via Gank comm implants are not auditory, so effectively communicating requires the users to share a language.

Neuro-Saav Cyborg/Droid Interface- Allows access to hidden information in a droid's memory banks when linked. When attempting to access information that a linked droid does not want revealed, Computer checks may be upgraded once.

Neural Recorder- Make an Easy (◆) Discipline check to recall any information experienced while recorder was running. Can copy recordings to common types of external storage devices.

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