Hailing from Csilla, Drezz always had a chip on his shoulder. A scion of the Aristocra, he was subject to hours upon hours of meetings, instruction, and lecture at the hands of people who cared little for him, and much more for licking his mother's boot, a powerful member of the Ascendancy and one blessed with the Sight. When a trade vessel finally made it passed the red tape blockade, it was all Drezz could do to stowaway on the vessel.
Bumming around the galaxy for several years, Drezz found the iron grip of the Empire distasteful and fell in with counter-culture groups. First, it was vandalizing Imperial structure. Then it was inciting riots. When that landed him in jail, he found himself sharing a cell with Idro Haldane, an ex imperial pilot, who had been caught smuggling supplies onto blockaded worlds.
One day, an explosion rocked the prisoner tenement that Drezz lived in. He took a piece of debris to the head in the blast. Drezz awoke to the smiling face of Idro patching up his wounds aboard a quickly fleeing GR-90 freighter. Joining the Rebellion was the easiest thing that Drezz had ever done. First stitching up those coming back from a fight, then sneaking behind lines to steal supplies, then blowing other things up, Drezz found himself with the nickname Vandal, leaving a mark on everything he blows up, or puts back together
Nearly a decade later, Drezz has been shot, blown up, put back together, and everything in between. He is prone to mood swings, and gets debilitating headaches from time to time. It is also advised that you only speak to him from his right side, or he may not hear you. This is unconfirmed, as he may just ignore people coming from his left. To keep himself centered, Drezz tends to keep a garden at whatever base he is stationed at, or a plant in his berth when on the mood.
Sabotage: 0
Drezz doesn't believe that the war is won by killing the other guy. He believes that the war is won by making the other guy unable to fight. To that end, Drezz posits that the explosive charge is mightier than the blaster. Why waste a squadron of fighters to take down an ISD when one charge on the reactor can do the same?
Of course, this manifests in other ways. Supply Depots, bridges, space ports, Propaganda centers, and even hospitals have all been targets for Drezz and his squad before joining Krayt Tactical. This has landed him in hot water many times, and it has only been his skills at asset denial that has saved from a figurative, and possibly literal, terrorist brand. High Command has dispatched Drezz to Krayt Tactical as a last chance, or possibly a way to get him killed on a dangerous mission.
Age: 38 Standard Galactic Years
Height: 6 Foot 1 Inches (185cm)
Build: Thin
Shaggy black blue hair, blue skin, red eyes