Graaddik by MyName1sNobody

Shaman (Consular)
Force and Destiny

Threshold 17
Current 0
Threshold 10
Current 0
Ranged 0
Melee 0

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) 0
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) 0
Deception (Cun) 0
Discipline (Will) X 0
Leadership (Pr) X 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 1
Negotiation (Pr) X 0
Perception (Cun) 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) 1
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 1
Ranged: Light (Ag) 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 1
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 1


M3 Bulwark Blast Shield
Cumbersome 3, Defensive 2, Deflection 2
SSG Mk II Paladin
Ranged: Heavy
Auto-fire, Pierce 1, Stun Setting, Superior
SSG Mk II Paladin - Stun Prod
Disorient 2, Stun Damage


Weapons & Armor

- M3 Bulwark Blast Shield:
Often used by riot or military police, this shield is about the size of a full-grown clone. It has also been used in defense against ship boarding attempts due to its ability to shrug off most weaponry used in these assaults.

- SSG Mk II Paladin:
This SoroSuub built rifle was custom ordered by the republic to equip the senate guards. It is made for ceremonial display but also for real use.
*Has an integrated stun prod

Personal Gear

- Emergency Medpac: They allow to perform a medical check to heal wounds without penalty.

- Med-Aid Patch (x5): May expend a patch when making a Medicine check to heal wounds and gain 1 success and 1 advantage result automatically.

- Stimpack (x4): Using a stimpack heals 5 wounds for the first application, 4 on the next and so on. It takes 24 hours for stimpacks to perform at full effectiveness again, after the last application.

- Bacta, 1L (x3): It accelerates healing rates of normal rest.

- Comlink: This piece of gear is used to communicate between other comlinks. The handheld versions are only viable for extreme distances on planets, reaching up to low orbit.

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Suregon 1 69 When making a Medicine check to help a character heal wounds, the target heals 1 additional wound per rank of Surgeon
Physician 1 69 When making a Medicine check to help a character heal wounds, the target heals 1 additional strain per rank of Physician.

Force Powers

Force Rating
BASIC POWER: Unlike many other Force powers, Heal/Harm has a basic power that can be used in two distinct ways (to heal or to harm). Heal allows the Force user to treat his comrade's injuries, while Harm lets him drain the life from his foes. When a character purchases the basic power Heal/ Harm, he gains access to both Heal and Harm. Each time a character uses the basic power, he must choose whether he is using Heal or Harm, and he receives only the effects associated with his choice. Each upgrade a character purchases improves both Heal and Harm, but some improve each power in a different way.

The basic power for Heal lets a character mend wounds with a simple touch. Heal can only be used by light side Force-sensitive characters. The basic power has one way to spend Force points:
• The user may spend a Force Point to heal a number of wounds equal to his Intellect on one engaged liv­ing creature (including himself). This counts as a use of a stimpack on the affected target (see page 227). This means a single target may only ben­efit from five uses of Heal over a twenty-four-hour period, and his uses of Heal also count against the limit on uses of stimpacks (and vice versa). The user may not activate this multiple times.

The basic power for Harm lets a character drain the very life from a target with a touch. The basic power has one way to spend Force points:
• The user may spend a Force Point to inflict a number of wounds (ignoring soak) equal to the Force user’s Intellect on one engaged living creature. The user gains 1 Con­flict. The user may not activate this multiple times.
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude (2) Spend two Force Points to affect 1 additional target within range per rank of Magnitude purchased.
Mastery Heal: Once per session, spend (4) Force Points to restore 1 target who died after end of user's last turn to life.

Harm: Once per session, when this power kills a target, may restore one engaged character who died this en­counter to life. Each character gains 7 Conflict.
Control Heal: May make a Heal power check combined with a Hard (♦♦♦) Medicine check. If check succeeds, one target who heals wounds also heals one Critical Injury.

Harm: May make a Harm power check combined with an opposed Medicine vs. Resilience check If check succeeds, one target who suffers wounds also suffers one Critical Injury (adding + 10 to the roll per Advantage (x2))
Strength Heal: Spend a Force Point to increase wounds healed by 1 per rank of Strength.

Harm: Spend a Force Point to increase wounds inflicted by 1 per rank of Strength
Range The Range upgrade improves both Heal and Harm in the same way. Spend a Force Point to increase the maximum range at which the Force user can affect targets with this power by a number of range bands equal to the number of Range upgrades purchased. The user may activate this multiple times, increasing the range by this number each time.
BASIC POWER: The most basic form of Foresee allows the character to look into the Force to see vague hints of his near future. These hints may be blurry visual images, brief samples of sound, or simple emotions. The basic pow­er has one way of spending Force points:

• The user may spend a Force Point to gain vague hints of events to come in the next day of his own, per­sonal future. The basic power cannot see further than one day.
Upgrade Effect
Control When making a skill check to determine Initiative, the user may roll a Foresee power check as part of the pool. He may spend a Force Point to gain a Success on the check.
Magnitude [2] Spend a Force Point to increase targets affected equal to Magnitude upgrades purchased
Control When performing a Foresee power check as part of an Initiative check, the user may spend a Force Point to allow all affected targets to take one free maneuver before the first round of combat begins.


Graaddik was born on Kashyyyk in 104BBY. He lived the a very normal peaceful life of a Wookiee child, with the exception that he had the gift of the Force. His destiny was set to become a shaman, a sagely healer and protector of his clan. But on the day he returned from his hrrtayyk, the day he would celebrate his passing into manhood and begin his training as a shaman, his village was raided by Trandoshan hunters. They killed most of the village and took many of the young males as hostages. Graaddik was sold into slavery in the spice mines on Kessel. He spent 7 long years in those mines.

Then, one day, an envoy with the Republic, including a Jedi, came in to discuss something with the spice traders. Whatever it was, the spice traders didn't seem to like it and a fight broke out. In the commotion the tunnel Graaddik was in began to collapse. The Jedi used the Force to save him. After the spice traders were all dead, he swore a life debt to the Jedi. The Jedi, a Nautolan Consular named Master Khefu Fora, said he would honor this debt. Master Fora also seemed to notice the Force radiating off of Graaddik.

He took Graaddik back to Coruscant with him, to meet the Jedi Council and declare that he would like to make Graaddik his Padawan. Graaddik said he was honored by the Jedi's offer, but he must decline. He said he wishes to preserve the Wookiee traditions, in honoring both his shaman training and his life debt. The Master Fora said he understands, and will continue to honor the life debt and offer Graaddik some help in his shaman training, if he will accept.

As it turns out Master Fora was an emissary on behalf of the Jedi Order and Galactic Senate. Graaddik’s debt to Master Fora would take him all over the galaxy, in the pursuit of spreading peace. In time they would fight alongside each other in the Clone Wars.

It was in the Battle of Kashyyyk that Master Fora fell to a Sith lightsaber. While his life debt was fulfilled, chose not to stay on Kashyyyk. He knew his path was to continue Master Fora and the Jedi’s message of peace and healing throughout the Galaxy. Graaddik set out to aid the needy, fight oppression, and continue growing on his path as a shaman.


Seeks to bring peace and healing to the war torn galaxy, in honor of the training of his Jedi friend, and to be a healer and protector to those in need, as is his duty as a shaman.

However, he also struggles with anger and hatred toward the Trandoshans, the Empire. He has vowed to stop any who seek to harm, enslave, and oppress the innocent and helpless.



Compassion: The character cares about the tribulations others face, and wants to help those he comes across. His compassion may lead to self-sacrifice in order to aid those who need it

Hatred: The galaxy can be a cruel and heartless place, and compassion can quickly turn to hatred of the individuals or situations that cause others to suffer. When a character’s mind roils with simmering hatred, that hatred may be all too slow to fade.


Graaddik stands 7'1" and weighs in at 300lbs. He has mostly dark brown fur with highlights and patches of lighter brown. He wears a red leather vest and belt, on which he holds emergency medical supplies. Graaddik carries a large plasteel blast shield and an exquisite silver and black rifle, one that was normally reserved for the elite Senate Guard. While he may have the naturally imposing presence of a wookiee upon first glance, spending even a short time with him will reveal a kind hearted being full of curiosity and empathy.

Other Notes

Wound Threshold: 14 + Brawn
Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower

Wookiee Rage: When a Wookiee has suffered any wounds, he deals + 1 damage to Brawl and Melee attacks. When a Wookiee is Critically Injured, he in­stead deals + 2 damage to Brawl and Melee attacks

XP Ledger:
- 30XP: Increasing Intellect from 2-3 in character creation
- 15XP: Add Force Power - Heal/Harm
- 10XP: Add Skill Rank - Ranged Heavy (1)
- 10XP: Added Force Power: Foresee
- 5XP: Heal/Harm Upgrade - Magnitude
- 5XP: Added Talent Rank - Surgeon (1)
- 5XP: Added Talent Rank - Physician (1)
- 10XP: Added Skill Rank - Melee (1)
- 10XP: Foresee Upgrade - Control
- 15XP: Heal/Harm Upgrade - Range
- 10XP: Added Skill Rank - Medicine (2)
- 15XP: Foresee Upgrade - Control
- 5XP: Foresee Upgrade - Magnitude
- 5XP: Foresee Upgrade - Magnitude (2)
- 10XP: Heal/Harm Upgrade - Magnitude (2)
- 20XP: Heal/Harm Upgrade - Control
- 15XP: Heal/Harm Upgrade - Strength
- 20XP: Heal/Harm Upgrade - Mastery

Equipment Ledger:
- 100 Credits: Emergency Medpac
- 100 Credits: Med-Air Patch (x5)
- 100 Credits: Stimpack (x4)
- 60 Credits: Bacta, 1L (x3)
- 25 Credits: Comlink
- 10 Credits: Liquor bottle

Graaddik is returning from a supply run from the Core and are traveling to Klatooine. You've heard that there is a mysterious sickness spreading amongst a local primitive tribe of Klatoonians and want to use your skill in Medicine to help heal the populace. Finding refugee transport from system to system is the cheapest and lowest-profile form of travel, and you now find yourself on a transport from Corellia to Nar Shaddaa, where you hope to find final transportation to Klatooine to help the village.

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