# XP :
+255xp : Race 100xp, Duty 5xp, Knight 150xp
# Characteristics :
-100 xp : Agility 70xp, Intelligence 30xp.
# Career Skills :
Clone : +1 Resilience, +1 Knowledge (Warfare), Kamino Training : +1 Physical Training talent.
Ace : +1 Astrogation, +0 Cool, +0 Mechanics, +0 Perception, +1 Piloting (Planetary), +1 Piloting (Space), +1 Gunnery, +0 Ranged (Light).
Pilot : +0 Astrogation, +0 Piloting (Planetary),+1 Piloting (Space), +1 Gunnery.
#Starting Skills :
-40xp : Cool 5xp, Mechanics 5xp, Piloting (Space) 15xp, Gunnery 15xp.
#Starting Talents :
#Total Spent :
Ace - Pilot - (Base Spec) - (Talents : 115xp)
□ □ □ ■ - (5xp) - Let's Ride
□ □ □ ■ - (10xp) - Rapid Recovery
□ □ ■ ■ - (30xp) - Grit - Natural Pilot
□ □ ■ □ - (20xp) - Tricky Target - Defensive Driving
□ ■ ■ □ - (50xp) - Dedication - Toughened - Brilliant Evasion
Ace - Rigger - (xp) - (Talents : xp) Mechanics, Resilience, Knowledge (Underworld), Gunnery.
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Gearhead - Larger Project
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Signature Vehicle
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters - Bolstered Armor
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Customized Cooling Unit - Gearhead
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Tuned Maneuvering Thrusters
Commander - Squadron Leader (xp) - (Talents : xp)
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Defensive Driving
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Quick Strike - Situational Awareness
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Full Stop - Defensive Driving
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Form On Me - Tricky Target (Free)
□ □ □ □ - (xp) - Dedication
Starting Credits : 10500cr (Base 500cr, Duty 1000cr, Knight 9000cr)
Spent : 10410cr
(9900cr) - Katarn-class Commando Armor :
Defense 1 | Soak 2 | Price [R] 6,500 | Enc 1/4 | HP 2/3 | Rarity 7
- Biofeedback System 3,300+100cr 0 HP2 R5 Force and Destiny Core Rulebook:200
Increase characters strain threshold by 4 while wearing this armor.
MOD : 1 Innate Talent (Rapid Recovery) Mod
• Insulated Bodysuit: Add □□ to Resilience checks to resist environmental effects. Removes up to ■■ added to checks due to environmental effects.
• Vacuum Sealed: Allows user to ignore the effects of vacuum, toxic or poisonous atmospheric environments for up to 6 hours.
• Integrated Scanners: The user benefits from a General-Purpose Scanner and an Enhanced Optics Suite. Removes up to ■■ added to Perception, Vigilance and combat skill checks due to darkness, smoke, or other environmental effects that obscure vision and adds □ to perception checks made to detect movement or hidden enemies.
• Communications Suite: The user benefits from a 3-MAL Secure Comlink. This comlink transmits up to medium range on the planetary scale. Encryption adds ■ to any check made to intercept and unscramble the signal. Monitoring a standard clear frequency on civilized worlds can add □□ to Knowledge checks related to current events or conditions at the GM's discretion
• Modular Backpack: Increases the users encumbrance threshold by 6. The user benefits from a Modular Backpack Frame with one unit of the user’s choice. Can hold one additional unit beyond the first.
- Verpine Headband 500cr Enc1 R6 Strongholds of Resistance:115
The wearer is not incapacitated by exceeding his strain threshold. Instead, for each strain he suffers over his threshold, he also suffers 1 wound. As long as his strain exceeds his threshold, wearer is disoriented.
Disoriented : A disoriented character adds ■ to all checks he makes.
- Military Belt Pouch : 10cr E0 R0