Lethal Blows |
4 |
Add +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury result inflicted on opponents |
Superb Reflexes |
1 |
Add automatic success to initiative checks |
Grit |
4 |
+1 ST |
Rapid Reaction |
3 |
Suffer a number of Strain up to ranks in Rapid Reaction to add an equal number of successes to initiative checks. |
Quick Strike |
1 |
Add boost per rank Quick Strike to combat checks against targets that have not acted yet this encounter. |
Quick Draw |
1 |
Once per round, draw or holster an item as an incidental |
Improved Quick Draw |
1 |
May use the Quick Draw Incidental twice per round. |
Call'em |
1 |
Do not add setbacks to combat checks due to performing the Aim maneuver. |
Dodge |
1 |
When targeted in combat, may use a Dodge incidental. Suffer Strain no greater that ranks in Dodge to upgrade the difficulty of the attack by that number. |
Sorry About The Mess |
1 |
Decrease the critical rating by 1, to a minimum of 1, against targets that have not acted yet this round. |
Guns Blazing |
1 |
Use the Guns Blazing incidental; suffer 2 strain to avoid increasing the difficulty of a Ranged (Light) check to attack with more than 1 weapon. |
Dedication (Agility) (Brawn) |
3 |
Gain +1 to a single characteristic. This cannot bring a characteristic above 6. |
Spitfire |
1 |
After a successful combined check with 2 Ranged (Light) weapons, additional hits can be allocated to other targets within range of the weapons. |
Natural Marksman |
1 |
Once per session, may reroll any one Ranged (Light) or Ranged (Heavy) check. |
Deadly Accuracy (Ranged Light) |
1 |
When acquired, choose one combat skill. Add damage equal to ranks in that skill to one hit of a successful attack made using that skill. |
Powerful Blast |
2 |
Increase the Blast damage dealt by explosives, explosive weapons, and greanades by 1 per rank of Powerful Blast |
Selective Detonation |
2 |
When using an item with the Blast quality, spend advantage to exclude 1 target that would be affected by the detonation, up to ranks in Selective Detonation. |
Steady Nerves |
1 |
Remove Setback per rank of Steady Nerves from Cool or Skulduggery checks. |
Toughened |
2 |
+2 WT |
Time To Go |
1 |
May spend a destiny point to perform a Move maneuver as an incidental to attempt to move into cover or out of the blast range of a weapon or explosion. |
Enduring |
1 |
+1 Soak value. |
Improved Time To Go |
1 |
When using Time To Go, allow one Engaged ally to perform an out of turn move maneuver as an incidental to move into cover or out of the blast range of a weapon or explosion |
Master Grenadier |
1 |
Decrease the advantage cost to activate the blast quality on any weapon used by 1, to a minimum of 1 |
Last One Standing |
1 |
Once per game session, during a combat encounter, the character may spend 2 destiny points and make a hard resilience check. If he succeeds, he skips his next turn and eliminates all enemy minions in the encounter. The narrative means by which he accomplishes this is up to the player and must be approved by the GM. |
Add Boost |
1 |
Add Boost per rank of add boost to the check to activate Last One Standing |
Increase Effect |
1 |
When triggering Last One Standing, also eliminate rivals up to ranks in Last One Standing. |
Destiny |
1 |
Last One Standing costs one destiny point instead of two. |
Reduce Difficulty |
1 |
Reduce the difficulty of the skill check required to activate Last One Standing to average. |
Point Blank |
1 |
Add 1 damage per rank of Point Blank to one hit of a successful Ranged (Heavy) or Ranged (Light) made while at Short or Engaged Range. |
Side Step |
1 |
Once per round, as a maneuver, suffer strain up to ranks in Side Step to upgrade the difficulty of incoming ranged attacks by that number for the next round. |
Strong Arm |
1 |
Treat thrown weapons as if they had 1 greater Range. |
True Aim |
2 |
Once per round, may perform a True Aim maneuver to gain the benefits of aiming and upgrade the combat check once per rank of True Aim. |