He was born on his homeworld of Naboo, ejected from his city and shunned by the other cities due to severe infraction of 'disrespect of an elder'. Due to the heavy Empire influence above ground he decided to make a go of his luck in the wider galaxy. Charismatic, social, strong of wit and having characteristics desirable by the opposite sex, he is only held back by the fact that he is a brainless dolt. Other than that he is a likable guy that has used his wit, charm and good looks to make his way.
His father was a well known military hero turned politician, who taught Tobler everything he knows. His father fought in the battle for naboo against the separatists, and worked with the Republic against the separatists. Tobler was born during the time of the Empire, and since the Gungans don't have any valuable resources, and are terrible slaves, they have been generally left alone during the Imperial occupation. While the family is wealthy due to his father's position, it is only relative wealth compared to a generally agrarian society.
It became clear fairly early that Tobler wasn't going to be a pillar of intellectual achievement. But what he didn't possess in intellect he made up for in an overabundance of charm, wit and charisma. He would typically just skirt by, mostly passing his studies. But he was endlessly entertaining and charming, typically considered the teacher's favorite due to his ability to make everyone around him feel important and appreciated. Over time he realized that while knowledge had its place, it was much more important WHO he knew, and what THEY could be encouraged to share, than his own knowledge on any topic.
When "the incident" occurred Tobler was not outright rejected by his family, for they knew more of the situation than most. But such a relatively minor slight is still viewed by Gungan society as a major breach punishable by banishment. Typically the offender will be allowed into a sister city but due to the individual he slighted he was not allowed in any city. So he left Naboo to seek his fortune among the stars, taking only his father's collapsible Gungan shield with him as a parting gift.
Charm and luck has carried him through most of his early adventures. Due to an unusually clever wit, skillful negotiation skills, and general likability, he has had several stints with wealthy patrons. However inevitably he has to move on, either due to a inadvertent fous-pa or 'indiscretion' would lead to a falling out with his employer. Throughout the galaxy there is a long list of females whose still long for his company but it seems that their husbands do not.
He has spend most of his time in the mid and outer-rim worlds, venturing only rarely to the core worlds. He has worked in many capacities, from information broker to difficult-to-fool negotiator, from personal confidant to playboy for the rich. After a time however he found that his heart's desire was to aid in the destruction of the Empire, in whatever way possible.
He is blessed with incredible good looks, a smooth voice, a sharp wit and the almost otherworldly ability to get people to like him. He can turn an angry mob to a laughing crowd, make weak willed women swoon over him, and make every man think he is their best friend. He is very social, able to make others be at ease, even making the lowliest servant feel like they are important and needed. While not money hungry per-se, he does enjoy the trappings of luxury and wealth.
-Tries to keep every encounter social.
-When in combat he tends to hide and shout both encouragement to his team and derisions at the enemy, trying to seed doubt and confusion in the enemies.
-He is a master of psychological warfare.
-Not knowledge filled. “That book work stuff? I never did that, I just talk to people, people always have all the information that you need.” (streetwise, it takes longer but there too many worlds and organizations to keep track of in one's head)
-Does not know he is force sensitive.
-Denies the existence of the force
Has does not have any first hand knowledge or historical knowledge of the Force. He doesn't believe that the force is real, doesn't know what the force is and doesn't have any understanding that he is force sensitive. It just seems that he is usually naturally persuasive and charming well beyond what even a handsome young Gugan should be.
The Force:
Simply, he has no idea that he is Force sensitive, has no interest in the Force or learning about it, and considers it a bunch of made up hooey. All of the manifestations he has seen he attributes to luck, insight, skill or coincidence. His extraordinary ability to read people, or understand someone's hidden emotional state or even thoughts, or the ability to be unnaturally persuasive are all explainable by natural means. "I am just that good," he declares.
Tobler is tall coming in at over 6.5 feet, not including his eye stocks, but this is average for a Gungan. He has the typical lanky body frame, long thin ears and orange colored eyes on eye-stocks. He has skin that is various light brown color with various mild color pigmentation throughout. He is fairly young at 20, but has already lived a busy life.
He has a cool and engaging demeanor, and is considered attractive even by non-Gungan standards.