The High and Mighty
Characters from this type of background include landed gentry, wealthy business owners, doctors, politicians, and any other position or upbringing that brings with it money, power, and status above that of the common rabble. The character might find themself fleeing their former life with only the (admittedly upscale) clothes on their back and nothing else but their abilities, skills, and will to survive in the unforgiving galaxy.
Fallen Noble
There are millions — perhaps billions — of noble families throughout the galaxy, and quite a few of them have black sheep.
Droid Companion: The character possesses a fondness for a particular droid. This could be a former family servant, their ship's astromech droid, or their trusty protocol droid. This may include a PC droid.
Criminal (5)
This usually means the character is in the employ of, or seriously indebted to, a crime lord or illicit organization of some kind. Explorers working in the Rim often discover their best — and sometimes only — opportunities to employ their skills are by working with one or more criminal groups. Unfortunately, this usually places them in trouble with whatever law-enforcement officials there are in the area, their only protection being those same criminal contacts. Such relationships can become vicious circles that are impossible to break. Consider the Scout who is wanted for too many trips to interdicted planets or the Driver who only avoids incarceration for grand theft because of the influence their criminal employer has with local security forces.
Empathy: Add 1 Setback Die to all incoming Charm or Deception rolls that target the Zeltron.
Pheromones: Zeltrons add 1 Advantage to all Charm, Deception, and Negotiation rolls.