Bezor grew up on a Gank run owned homestead on the Jungle moon of Dxun. From an early age he was involved in the family business of tracking and capturing the various predators on the moon, to be sold to criminal organizations or to whoever pays better.
When he was 17 , Bezor was sent by his Mother and Father on his right of passage to adulthood. He had to survive the night on his own, outside of the homesteads defenses, in an old temple. Bezor made it through the night but was left with major injuries to his throat and voice box. As a reward for completing his trial he was given his first cybernetic enhancement of a respirator complete with a voice box.
Soon after this Bezor left to improve his hunting skill by tracking different kinds of prey across the galaxy, and to advertise his families homestead to other possible clients.
Bezor wears a scavenged old droid commando face plate with a weathered respirator dominating the lower half of his face, while purple eyes shine out of the old droid photoreceptors. An old pair of electrobinoculars have been taken apart and now sit as a headband. His brown armour sits under a weathered and torn camouflage coloured poncho.