See Full listing at:
140xp+10 Duty for xp
Cunning 20/30
Willpower 20/30
Agility 30
Presence 20xp
Knight level+150xp
XP/Credits Earned/Spent:
Starting Night Level:
Sentry-Tough 5xp
Sentry-Reflect 5xp
Niman Disciple 30xp
Nim-NobodyFool 5xp
Nim-Parry 5xp
Nim-Reflect 5xp
Nim-NimanTech 10xp
Lightsaber #2 10xp
Discipline #1 5xp
Vigilance #1 5xp
Foresee Force Power 10xp
Foresee-Control 10xp
Ebb/Flow FP 10xp
Ebb/Flow-Control 10xp
Move Force Power 10xp
Farsight Force Power 5xp
Farsight Control-Details 5xp
Farsight Control-Transparent 5xp
Total Spent: 150xp Credits left: 5cr
10/14/19: +25xp (Unbound Unbroken): Lightsaber #3 15xp, Discipline #2 10xp. +1000cr Purchase Scanner Goggles(150cr), MkIII Pack +3 Pouches (120cr), Earbud Comlink (75cr), Stimpack (25cr)
10/28/19: Crafted Prec.Instrum. by Bero (1 Hour 150cr. 3 Adv for crafter, 5 LS for Advantage, 2 LS for Triumph: 4 Adv for lowered Encumbrance, 1 Triumph for Safety Features, 6 Adv for Compact x3-Enc1)
11/2/19: Crafted Shield William (14Adv: 4 for Defensive 2, 9 for Deflection 3, 1 RTE, 4 hours 10cr-Enc1)(Shadow: Healing Accelerant:1 hour, 300 credits, invigorating 4, clever construction, careful measuring)
11/5/19: Shop(Fabritech x2 40cr)
11/12/19: +15xp: Sentry-Grit 5xp, Farsight-Control-Perception 10xp
+1000cr, +24hr. Shop(3x 15cr MKIII pouches)(BoosterBlue x10)
11/24/19: +10xp: Sense FP 10xp, +1000cr, +24hr
12/5/19: 15xp, 10 duty, 1000cr, 24 hours, +8 Morality. Convert 48 hours to 5xp. Sense-Commit 10xp, Nim-Grit 5xp
12/8/19: Mission:+1000cr, +20xp: Nim-SenseEmotions, 15xp, Move-Strength 5xp. Shop(Thermal Cloak 200cr-Enc2)
12/11/19: Mission Chevin:+1000cr,+24hr, +15xp. Nim-Reflect 15xp
12/11/19: Mission Jeremy: +1000cr, +24hr, +20xp. Nim-Toughened 10xp HOLD 10XP
12/12/19: +10xp from 96hrs. Nim-DrawCloser 20xp
, Shop(Optical Camo Attachment 5500cr)CR Reward(Stun Cloak Enc2)
12/12/19: Mod(OptCamoAttach x2 by F1-X3R 150cr)Craft(F1X3R: Prec Instrument Stealth: 7A2T: Lightweight-4A, SafetyFeatures-3A, SupremeCraft-2T. 150cr 2 hours Enc1)
12/14/19: Mission: +1100cr, +24hr, +20xp Enhance FP 10xp, Enhance-Coordination 5xp, Enhance-Resilience 5xp
12/15/19: 12/15/19: Mission(+1100cr +24 hour, +25xp)Healing(-24hr), Nim-SumDjem 20xp, Hold 5xp
12/25/19: +24hr Xmas bonus
1/1/20: Mission: +24hr, +1100cr, +5xp. (Hold 10xp)
1/15/20: +20. +1100cr +24hr. Nim-Parry 15xp, Convert 96hr DT to 10xp, Nim-Dedication 25xp Willpower, Shop(LowFricArmAttach-750cr)(ShieldRemote-1100cr)
1/17/20: Mission:Jeremy:+20xp, +24hr, +1100cr. Lightsaber #4 20xp
1/28/20: Me:Voidlight +20xp, +1100cr. Sentry-UncannyRx 10xp, Senrtry-Reflect 10xp
2/6/20:Me:LocalYocal +15xp,+1100cr,+15duty+24hr. HOLD 15xp
2/10/20: Corey:Consequences+25xp, 1200cr, 20duty+24hr. Jedi-Padawan 40xp, +10xp from 96hr Pad-Quickdraw 5xp, Pad-Parry 5xp
2/17/20: Me:VortalSmugglers: +20xp, 1200cr, 10duty+24hr. Pad-WellRound 10xp, Coordination #1 5xp, Pad-Toughened 5xp
2/28/20: Me:VortalsMountaineeringPt1: +15xp, +1200cr, +10 Duty, +24hr. Pad-SenseDanger 10xp, Mechanics #1 5xp
3/4/20: Me:VortalsMountaineeringPt2: +25xp, +1200cr, +10duty, +24hr. Pad-ForceRating 15xp, Pad-Toughened 10xp
3/4/20: +5xp from 48hr downtime. Pad-Grit 5xp
(See further updates on Google sheet linked at top of this section)
Total Remaining Credits: 10,350 Total Hours: 40 Total Enc: 13