Commander Kongu Pleiades by AgentStraggler

Makashi Duelist, Nightsister, Armorer, Executioner, Pathfinder, Shien Expert
Force and Destiny

Threshold 18
Current 0
Threshold 21
Current 2
Ranged 4
Melee 4

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Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0 Enhance
Charm (Pr) X 4 Influence
Coercion (Will) 1 Influence
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 3
Coordination (Ag) X 0 Enhance
Deception (Cun) 2 Influence
Discipline (Will) X 3 Protect/Unleash/Influence, Jerserra's Influence for Fear
Leadership (Pr) 0 Influence
Mechanics (Int) X 0
Medicine (Int) X 0
Negotiation (Pr) 0 Influence
Perception (Cun) X 2 Seek
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 2 Enhance
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 3 Enhance
Resilience (Br) X 0 Enhance
Skulduggery (Cun) 0
Stealth (Ag) X 3
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) X 0
Vigilance (Will) X 1 Seek
Brawl (Br) 0 Enhance
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Pr) X 6
Melee (Br) X 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 0
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) X 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) X 2
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) 0
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 2


Kraken's Saber
Breach 1, Sunder, Disorient 3, Vicious 5
Boot Blade
Inquisitor Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Breach 1, Linked 1, Disorient +4, Sunder, Vicious +8, Unwieldy 3, Add 1 automatic advantage to lightsaber combat checks when engaged with a single opponent. Damage +1, Add 4 automatic failure results to attempts to identify or find the lightsaber.
Crossguard Lightsaber
Vicious +3, Breach +1, Sunder Quality, When attacked, may spend 3 disadvantages from opponent check to cause them to become disarmed. Add 1 automatic advantage to lightsaber combat checks when engaged with a single opponent.
E-11D Blaster Carbine
Ranged: Heavy
Stun Setting


Weapons & Armor

Inquisitor Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Linked 1, Unwieldy 3
Hilt-Masking Kit: Add 4 automatic failure results to attempts to identify or find the lightsaber.
Curved Hilt: Add 1 automatic advantage to lightsaber combat checks when engaged with a single opponent. Defensive +1
Extended Hilt: Damage +1, Vicious +1
Stabilizers: Allows flight, and adds an automatic boost die to saber throw attacks and +1 damage
Custom Grip: Remove 1 setback dice from all combat checks weapon's owner makes using this weapon. Add 1 bonus die. Others add 2 setback dice to use it.

Crossguard Lightsaber: When attacked, may spend 3 disadvantages from opponent check to cause them to become disarmed.
Curved Hilt: Add 1 automatic advantage and boost die to lightsaber combat checks when engaged with a single opponent. Defensive +1.
Extended Hilt: Damage +1, Vicious +1
Tainted Nightsisters Crystal
Damage +6, Damage +1, Critical Rating +2, Breach +1, Sunder Quality, Disorient +3, Vicious +4, Disorient +1
Two Boot Blades

Starkiller's Helmet
Remove 1 setback die from darkness or lack of visibility. Allow the detection of heat sources up to medium range.
Install hands-free comlink in helmet.

Verpine Fiber Ultramesh Armor: This armour produced by the Verpine colony, used by guards, is an excellent light-weight piece of equipment that provides the user with adequate defense when needed. Power up (or down) the armour with a maneuver. When powered up, wearer gains +2 defense. Power armour may run out of power if an opposing character gets 2 advantages or a triumph result. HP. Cortosis quality

Smuggler's Trenchcoat: Used by many smugglers, this coat is useful for keeping items of interest concealed from the authorities, as well as obfuscating one's form which makes it difficult to hit. Checks to find items within trenchcoat requires an opposed check with wearer's Skulduggery.

Can conceal 2 encumbrance worth of items.

Integrated Ascension Gear - Integrated a grapnel launcher, along with a few clips and rappelling equipment. Base Modifier: As an action, make an Average (2 difficulty) Ranged (Light) check to secure grappling hook to an object within medium range. Reel in cord as an action to pull self to object (or other way around if object is unsecured. Can pull someone else along as well with an Easy (1 difficulty) Athletics check.

Personal Gear

Earbud Comlink - Usable at long range.
Noticing the earbud comlink requires a Hard (3 difficulty) Perception check.

Foot Speeder

Slave Circuit
JT-12C Jetpack

Silhouette Speed Handling System Strain
1 2 0 4

Using a stimpack heals 5 wounds for the first application, 4 on the next and so on. It takes 24 hours for stimpacks to perform at full effectiveness again, after the last application.

Assets & Resources

Ship - Dathomir Paramount

RX-69 droid

Stimpack - 5 wound then 4 down. 24 hour recharge

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
(MANEUVER) Summon Item 1 Nightsister Summon or Dismiss a ritually prepared item
(INNATE) Essential Kill 1 Executioner When making a non gunnery combat check, you may add force die no greater than your force rating to the check. You may spend 1 force pip to add an advantage, or 2 force pips to add a triumph (your choice) to the result.
(MANEUVER) Precise aim 1 Executioner Once per round, may perform Precise Aim maneuver. Suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks in Precise Aim then reduce target's melee and ranged defense by that number.
(MANEUVER) Ichor Transfusion 1 Nightsister Once per encounter, you may perform the Ichor Transfusion maneuver to heal any number of strain by suffering that number of wounds +1. The character may instead heal any number of wounds by suffering that number of strain +1
(INNATE) Keen Eyed 1 Pathfinder Remove 1 setback die per rank of Keen Eyed from Perception and Vigilance checks. Decrease time to search a specific area by half.
(MANEUVER) Ichor Reserve 1 Nightsister Once per session as a maneuver, you may suffer 2 strain to increase Force rating by 1 until the end of the encounter.
(INCIDENTAL) Animal Empathy 1 Pathfinder When making checks to handle or tame animals, add force die no greater than force rating to the check. Spend force points to add success or advantage to the check
(MANEUVER) Marked For Death 1 Executioner Take the Marked For Death maneuver, committing 1 force die, add 2 advantage to combat checks against target while force die remains committed, but cannot use this talent again until the original target is incapacitated or the session ends.
(INNATE) Animal Bond 1 Pathfinder Develop long-term bond with single animal of silhouette no greater than half force rating rounded down
(ACTION) Saber Throw 1 Armorer Perform Saber Throw action, make Lightsaber combat check as ranged attack at target within medium range. Adding force die no greater than force rating. Must spend force pips and succeed to hit target. Spend force pips to have weapon return to hand.
(ACTION) Comprehend Technology 1 Armorer Take Comprehend Technology action: make an Average Knowledge (Education) check to use Force rating as ranks in skills to use single item.
(ACTION) Makashi Flourish 1 Makashi Duelist Once per encounter, perform Makashi Flourish action. Make an Average Lightsaber check 1 engaged opponent suffers strain equal to successes and heal an equal amount of strain
(INNATE) Tinkerer 1 Armorer May add 1 additional hard point to a number of items equal to ranks in Tinkerer. Each item may only be modified once.
(ACTION) Makashi Finish 1 Makashi Duelist Take the Makashi Finish action. Perform a Lightsaber combat check against engaged target, adding force pips no greater than force rating. Spend force pips to add +10 to any resulting Critical Injury rolls
(MANEUVER) Imbue Item 1 Armorer Take the Imbue item maneuver; suffer 1 strain and commit 1 force die to grand one weapon, piece of armor, or item an improvement while die remains committed. Suffer 1 strain every round die remains committed.
(REACTION) Reflect 1 Shien Expert When hit by a ranged attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by 2 plus ranks in Reflect
(ACTION) Hunters Quarry 1 Executioner Take Hunter's Quarry action, make a hard survival check to upgrade the ability of all attacks made against a target at long range until the end of the characters next turn.
(INCIDENTAL) Intense Presence 1 Makashi Duelist Spend 1 Destiny Point to recover strain equal to presence rating
(INNATE) Street Smarts 1 Shien Expert Remove setback die per rank of Street Smarts from street-wise and Knowledge (Underworld) checks.
(INCIDENTAL) Sum Djem 1 Makashi Duelist May spend 1 Triumph or 2 Advantage with successful Lightsaber check to disarm opponent
(INCIDENTAL) Quick Draw 1 Executioner Once per round, draw or holster a weapon or accessible item as an incidental
(INCIDENTAL) Intimidating 1 Nightsister May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty of Coercion checks, or upgrade difficulty when targeted by Coercion checks by an equal number. Strain suffered this way cannot exceed ranks in Intimidating
(INCIDENTAL) Improved Parry 1 Makashi Duelist When parrying a hit that generated despair or three threat, may hit attacker once with Lightsaber, Brawl, or Melee Weapon (dealing base damage) after original attack resolves.
(INCIDENTAL) Survivor's Instincts 1 Nightsister Once per session when you suffer a Critical Injury, spend 1 Destiny Point. Then, the attacker must roll two results for the Critical injury and you choose which will apply to you.
(INCIDENTAL) Force of Will 1 Nightsister Once per session, make one skill check using Willpower rather than the characteristic linked to that skill.
(INCIDENTAL) Mind Over Matter 1 Executioner The character may spend one destiny point to recover strain equal to your willpower rating
(INCIDENTAL) Deathblow 1 Executioner After making a successful attack with a non-starship/vehicle weapon, you may spend 1 Destiny Point to add damage equal to your Willpower to one hit of the successful attack.
(REACTION) Resist Disarm 1 Makashi Duelist Suffer 2 strain to avoid being disarmed or have weapon damaged or destroyed
REACTION) Parry 4 Makashi Duelist When hit by a melee attack, suffer 3 strain to reduce damage by (5)
(INNATE) Makashi Technique 1 Makashi Duelist When making a check using the Lightsaber skill the character may use Presence instead of Brawn
(INNATE) Tundra Dweller 1 Pantoran Remove 1 setback dice imposed by cold environmental conditions.
(INNATE) Duelist's Training 1 Makashi Duelist Add 1 Boost Die to Melee and Lightsaber checks when engaged with only 1 opponent
(INNATE) Defensive Training 1 Makashi Duelist When wielding a Lightsaber, Melee, or Brawl weapon, the weapon gains the Defensive quality with a rating equal to ranks in Defensive Training
(INNATE) Toughened 1 Executioner Gain +2 Wound Threshold
(INNATE) Lethal Blows 3 Executioner Add +10 per rank of lethal blows to any Critical Injury rolls inflicted on opponents
(INNATE) Quick Strike 1 Executioner Add Boost Die per rank of Quick Strike to combat checks against targets that have not acted yet this encounter

Force Powers

Force Rating
(ACTION) Protect
The user makes a protect power check and rolls an AVERAGE Discipline check as part of the pool. Spend two force pips to reduce damage from an energy based weapon that hits me or an engaged character by amount equal to Willpower (1) plus 1 per success.
Upgrade Effect
Control - Protect Light side Force users may spend 1 Destiny Point to use Protect as an out of turn incidental once per session
Magnitude 1 Spend 1 force pip to affect 1 additional target within ranger per rank of magnitude purchased
Strength 2 Spend force pips to decrease damage by 2
Range 2 Spend 2 force points to increase power's range by 2
(ACTION) Unleash
The user makes an Unleash power check as ranges attack and rolls an AVERAGE Discipline check for difficulty. If check succeeds and spends two force pips the attack hits. It has a range of short, a base damage equal to Willpower (1), and a critical rating of 4. The user gains 1 Conflict
Upgrade Effect
Range 2 Spend 2 force points to increase power's range by 2
Strength 2 Spend force pips to increase damage by 2
The Force user can move small objects via the power of the force. The user may spend one force pip to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his maximum range. The default maximum range is short range
Upgrade Effect
Strength 4 Spend force pips to increase silhouette able to be targeted equal to Strength upgrade purchase
Range 2 spend 2 force points to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased
Control 3 You can perform fine manipulation of items, allowing you to do whatever you could normally do with your hands via this power at this power's range.
Control 2 The Force user can pull objects out of secure mountings or out of an opponents grasp
Control 1 The Force user can hurl objects to damage targets, by making a Ranged Combat Check combined with a Move Power Check, dealing damage equal to 10 times silhouette.
(ACTION) Conjure
The Force User calls forth a spectral object to their hand, which lasts for a short time. The user may spend force pips to create a facsimile of a brawl or melee weapon anywhere within engaged range. At the end of the user's next turn, this item dissipates. At the GM's discretion, the user can instead conjure a simple tool or useful low-tech item with an encumbrance no greater than 1.
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude 1 Spend force points to increase the maximum encumbrance of the item that can be conjured by 2 per Magnitude upgrade purchased
Duration 1 Commit 1 force die to sustain 1 conjuration per Duration upgrade purchased while it remains at medium range.
The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of others.
SPECIAL RULE: When guiding and shaping thoughts, only force pips generated from dark side may be used to generate negative emotions such as rage, fear and hatred. Only force pips generated from light side may be used to generate positive emotions such as peace, tranquility, and friendliness. Other emotions such as confusion can be generated from either.
The character may spend force pips to stress the mind of one living target they are engaged with, inflicting one strain
Upgrade Effect
Control The Force user may make an opposed Discipline vs. Discipline check combined with an Influence power check. If the user spends force pips and succeeds on the check, they can force the target to adopt an emotional state or believe something untrue, lasting for 1 round or 5 minutes.
Strength When stressing the mind of a target, the character inflicts 2 strain.
Magnitude 2 Spend 1 force pip to increase targets affected equal to Magnitude upgrades purchased
Duration 2 Spend force points to increase duration by number of rounds (or minutes) equal to Duration upgrades purchased
Control When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership, or Negotiation check, the force user may roll an Influence Power Check as part of their dice pool. They may spend force pips to gain successes or advantages (users choice) on the check.
The Force user allows the will of the Force to lead the way to something lost or forgotten.

The user may spend 2 force pips to gain insight into the general location or direction of a person or object that they know about, regardless of current distance.

The user may spend 1 force pip and succeed at an Average Vigilance check (or opposed Vigilance vs Discipline check) to see through illusions
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude 3 Spend one force pip to gain one additional detail, up to 3
Control Ongoing Effect: Commit one Force Die, Upgrade the ability of Vigilance and Perception Checks once.
When making an Athletics check, the Force user may roll an Enhance Power Check as part of the pool. The user may spend force pips to gain success or advantage (user's choice) on the check
Upgrade Effect
Control Enhance can be used with the Resilience skill
Control When performing a Force Leap, the user can jump vertically in addition to jumping horizontally.
Control Enhance can be used with the Piloting (Space) skill
Control Enhance can be used with the Piloting (Planetary) skill
Control Take a Force Leap action: Make an Enhance Power Check. The user may spend force pips to jump horizontally to any location within short range.
Control Enhance can be used with the Coordination skill
Control You can perform the Force Leap as a maneuver instead of an action
Range Spend 1 force pip to increase power's range to medium
Control Enhance can be used with the Brawl skill
(ACTION) Jerserra's Influence
The Force user can project terrifying visions onto foes, forcing them to face their greatest fears.
The user may spend a force pip to target one character within short range. That character must immediately make an Average Fear Check as an out of turn incidental
Upgrade Effect
Range 1 Spend 1 force pip to increase the power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Control 1 When making a Fear check, the Force User can roll a Jeserra's Influence Power Check as part of the pool. The user may spend force pips to gain success or advantage (user's choice) on the check.
Strength 1 The Force User may spend a force pip to increase the difficulty of the fear check by a number of times equal to Strength upgrades purchased
Mastery 1 Once per session, after a target fails a fear check caused by this power, the Force user may have the target perform one action as an out of turn incidental. The force user gains 3 conflict
Magnitude 1 Spend 1 force pip to increase the number of targets affected by a number equal to Magnitude upgrades purchased (1)
(ACTION) Foresee
The Force user can feel the Force around everything. seeing what is and what will be. The user may spend force pips to gain vague hints of events to come, up to a day into his own. personal future.
Upgrade Effect
Strength 2 Spend force pips to pick out specific details equal to Strength upgrades purchased.
Duration 2 Spent force pips to increase the days into the future the user can see equal to Duration upgrades purchased (2).


4 years old when the Jedi Training Academy came to Kijimi. 5 during order 66. Found Thull's Vault at 16. Went to Dathomir at 18. Currently one of the best swordsman in the galaxy.



Conflict: 1
Strength: Enthusiasm, the character is always ready to try something new, and he approaches all of his tasks, even mundane ones with excitement, he's not one to overthink a situation, lest he miss a great new opportunity.

Weakness: Jealousy, love if not given selfless can quickly turn to jealousy, your personality tends toward envy if love is not reciprocated, or sometimes you simply envy others accomplishments or possessions.


27 Years old

6' tall

57 during exegol

Other Notes

Double Bladed lightsaber shopping list for mods. Hard points: 4

Aliases: Giuseppe Strombolli - chef, Professor Archibald Archimedes - geologist, Jerriford K. Horkrims - businessman, Chadley Firebolt - gambler.

Former crew
Hondo Ohnaka, Sana Starros, Doctor Aphra, and Korlen Skimmer

Ruza- BO



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