Annatt Ma'dall by GuyFleegman

Age of Rebellion

Threshold 11
Current 11
Threshold 14
Current 14
Ranged 0
Melee 0

Placeholder Image




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) X 0
Charm (Pr) 1
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) X 3
Cool (Pr) X 1
Coordination (Ag) X 0
Deception (Cun) X 1
Discipline (Will) 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 3
Medicine (Int) 2
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 2
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) 0
Piloting: Space (Ag) 0
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) X 1
Stealth (Ag) X 3
Streetwise (Cun) 0
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) 2
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 1
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) 1


BlasTech DL-7H Heavy Blaster Pistol
Ranged: Light
2 Hard Points - Has stun setting.
Cryoban Rifle
Ranged: Light
1 HP, Snare 1, Pierce 5, Stun
Kolto Mist Grenade
Ranged: Light
Healing grenade, Blast 6.
2 HP, Pierce 2, Vicious 1


Weapons & Armor

1x Heavy Clothing
1x Black Gloves
1x All Weather Poncho
1x Backpack
1x Re-breather
1x Utility Belt
1x Stealth Body Cam

Personal Gear

1x Handheld Commlink
1x Handlight
1x Hand Scanner
1x Datapad
1x Tool Kit
1x Slicer Gear
1x Medkit
3x Stimpak
2x Data Spikes
1x Signal Scrambler
3x Unknown Rakkatan Medicine Injectors
3x Rakkatan PDA
Moff Clothing & Rank Pins/Misc

Assets & Resources

1x BK-P4K - Wanderer Scout Surveyor
1x Box of Vonium Fuses
1x "Goliath" Ship Access Card
1x Pal's Dataslate

4x R4-1D Droids
12x B1 Battle Droids
1x Damaged KX Droid
Holocron with Belgoroth & TIE Phantom information

Critical Injuries & Conditions

Beguiling Pheromones: By emitting pheromones and altering their skin color, Falleen can affect emotional states of other sentients. Once per check as an incidental, a Falleen may suffer 2 strain to upgrade the ability of a Charm, Deception, or Negotiation check against a living sentient being within short range once, This ability has no effect on targets wearing breath masks or without respiratory systems.


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Code Breaker 1 AoE pg. 99 Remove (Black) per rank and decrease difficulty by 1 from checks to break codes or de-crypt communications.
Technical Aptitude 1 AoE pg. 99 Reduce time needed to complete all computer related tasks by 25% per rank.
Bypass Security 1 AoE pg. 99 Remove (Black) per rank for checks made to bypass or disable a security device or open a locked door.
Defensive Slicing 1 AoE pg. 99 Add a (Black) per rank to enemies when defending computer systems.
Natural Programmer 1 AoE pg. 99 Once per session may freely re-roll a Computer or Astrogation check.


Annatt Ma'dall was born on Faleen, to unfortunate circumstances. His mother and father lived in extreme poverty, their lives ruled over by crime lords. Having had over ten children, with Annatt being the youngest; they could barely adequately feed or clothe any of their children. Having fallen greatly into debt, he only route they could see for the survival of themselves, their family, and their children was to sell several of the youngest to various crime lords and local gang leaders.

Annatt was sold to a group who promptly moved him off world. Barely old enough to remember any of his family, he was tested and trained to be useful to them. They found that he had a unique affinity for mechanics, computers, and technology in general. While not given a formal education of any sort, he was trained as best they could, as well as taught the ways of the underworld.

At around 16 the crime group he was indentured to was attacked and destroyed by a rival group. Annatt was once more sold off into further slavery, even farther away from a home he now barely remembered. He made himself useful, showed off his knowledge and skills, and thus fetched a high price at the next market. The price and his skills impressed an minor official of the Empire who was visiting and looking for some, female company. He had use for someone who could expertly hack systems and help him rise through the ranks, and made that investment instead.

This minor official kept Annatts existence a secret as best he could. Aliens were not looked well upon in the Empire, let alone in slavery to an official, doing his dirty work. Annatt spent many years laundering money, hacking mainframes to obtain incriminating data for blackmailing rivals, shifting funds from the official to his many mistresses without his wife noticing, and a myriad of other shady dealings. The most interesting file he ever found related to something called “The Hand” but security was too tight and the risk not worth the reward. Eventually the official was promoted to a posting on Coruscant itself. Annat kept a close eye on all of these actions, and logged it all, keeping several massive files of evidence; many of them with dead man switches of a sort.

Annatt confronted his owner, and they swiftly made a deal that heavily favored Annatt. He was still mainly kept a secret and in the shadows, but for all intents and purposes was no longer a slave. In fact, as time went on Annatt created quite a small minor crime empire within the bowels of the Empire's bureaucracy using and working with several other minor officials and their flunkies. He was now slicing through data banks for blackmail material that he could use on others. That, or Annatt would skillfully fabricate it. Bribes flowed easily, and a world rife with corruption was open for Annat to exploit to his great comfort. Slowly funds vanished from many accounts and into a few secret ones, that with the fall of the Empire, would be found, frozen, and re-purposed.

As the Galactic Empire fell, Annatt found himself penniless, and without his “shield” the minor official who “owned” him. He was thrust out of the shadows and into the sunlight as the New Republic took over, and his small and comfy crime empire was annihilated. Secret bribes were refused, and with new security systems Annatt found himself locked out, and then quickly locked up. Now he sits in a cell in the New Republic's “Amnesty” program, as technically he had served the Empire; even if he claimed it was under the duress of slavery.

Outwardly Annatt is polite and goes along with all of many requests the New Republic and the program make of him, but inwardly he seethes. His one enduring memory from childhood was the grinding poverty of his family, and the New Republic has reduced him back to that. The slate has been erased and he is back to square one. While the Empire did have downsides, it gave him opportunities he never imagined he would ever have as a slave to criminal gangs. Now Annatt quietly plots revenge and a rise to his old station, or one even greater than before, even if it requires the destruction of this New Republic with their high and mighty morals and ideals.






Annatt Ma'dall is a nondescript Faleen male. Green skin turned pale from always being indoors, short black hair, and civilian clothing ensures that he is almost always able to just 'blend in with the crowd.'

Other Notes

Annatt is nostalgic for the ease in which corruption could flourish in the most surprising areas of the Empire, and the ease with which he could bribe and blackmail his way to a high station (if a secret one). A racist but easily controlled Empire/official is preferable to him than a moralistic Republic/senator. The other thing he is nostalgic for are the old systems and databanks the Empire used to use. Annatt, after decades, could easily glide from data node to data node, slicing what ever juicy information he wanted. The New Republic has updated their systems, improved their security, and changed all of the old codes and programming methodologies that Annatt used to know like the back of his hand.

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