Etirveti by Kazagantheus

Scoundrel, Force Sensitive Exile, Healer
Edge of the Empire

Threshold 11
Current 0
Threshold 14
Current 0
Ranged 3
Melee 3




Skill Career? Rank Roll Adj.
Astrogation (Int) 0
Athletics (Br) 0
Charm (Pr) X 2
Coercion (Will) 0
Computers (Int) 0
Cool (Pr) X 2
Coordination (Ag) X 0
Deception (Cun) X 1
Discipline (Will) X 0
Leadership (Pr) 0
Mechanics (Int) 0
Medicine (Int) X 3
Negotiation (Pr) 0
Perception (Cun) X 0
Piloting: Planetary (Ag) X 1
Piloting: Space (Ag) X 4
Resilience (Br) 0
Skulduggery (Cun) X 0
Stealth (Ag) 0
Streetwise (Cun) X 1
Survival (Cun) 0
Vigilance (Will) X 0
Brawl (Br) 0
Gunnery (Ag) 0
Lightsaber (Br) 0
Melee (Br) 0
Ranged: Light (Ag) X 2
Ranged: Heavy (Ag) 0
Knowledge: Core Worlds (Int) 0
Knowledge: Education (Int) X 0
Knowledge: Lore (Int) 0
Knowledge: Outer Rim (Int) 0
Knowledge: Underworld (Int) X 1
Knowledge: Warfare (Int) 0
Knowledge: Xenology (Int) X 0


Eti's Talus Blaster
Ranged: Light
Disorient 1, Stun Setting
Eti's Tenloss Ion Blaster
Ranged: Light
Ion, Stun Damage


Weapons & Armor

Personal Deflector Shield
Smuggler's Trenchcoat
Talus Ironworks XL-2 "Flashfire" Light Blaster Pistol
Tenloss IDX-9 Ion Stunner

Personal Gear

Assets & Resources

Critical Injuries & Conditions


Name Rank Book & Page Description
Twi'lek Desert Affinity When making skill checks, remove a setback die due to hot or arid conditions.
Quick Draw Once per round, may draw or holster one weapon or item as an incidental.
Uncanny Senses Add a boost die per rank of Uncanny Senses to all Perception checks
Convincing Demeanor Remove a setback die per rank of Convincing Demeanor from Deception or Skulduggery checks.
Sense Danger Once per session, remove 2 setback dice from any 1 check.
Street Smarts Remove a setback die per rank of Street Smarts from Streetwise or Knowledge (Underworld checks).
Sixth Sense +1 Ranged Defense
Force Rating x2 +1 Force Rating
Dedication x2 Gain +1 to a single characteristic (Agility). This cannot bring a characteristic above 6.
Superior Reflexes +1 Melee Defenses
Healing Trance Commit a force die. For every full encounter the force die remains committed, heal 1 wound per rank of Healing Trance.
Physician When making a Medicine check to help a character heal wounds, the target heals 1 additional strain per rank of Physician.
Grit Gain +1 Strain threshold.
Knowledgeable Healing When healing an ally, spend 1 Destiny Point to heal additional wounds equal to ranks in Knowledge (Xenology).
Calming Aura When an opponent targets the character with a Force power, reduce pips generated by 1.
Natural Doctor Once per session, may reroll any 1 Medicine check.
Improved Calming Aura Spend a maneuver and suffer 2 strain to extend the effects of Calming Aura to up to Willpower allies within Short Range.

Force Powers

Force Rating
The user may spend a pip in order to make a target at up to short range unable to perceive a chosen person or object of silhouette 1 or smaller. Until the beginning of the user's turn, the target cannot see or sense the hidden person or object.
Upgrade Effect
The character may attempt to guide, shape, and even twist the thoughts and feelings of others. Special Rule: When guiding and shaping thoughts, dark pips create negative emotion and light pips create positive emotions. The character may spend a pip to stress the mind of one living target he is engaged with, inflicting 1 strain.
Upgrade Effect
Range Spend a pip to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Control When making a Coercion, Charm, Deception, Leadership, or Negotiation check, the Force user may roll an Influence power check as part of his dice pool. He may spend a pip to gain a success or advantage (user's choice) on the check.
When making an Athletics check, the Force user may roll an Enhance power check as part of the pool. The user may spend a pip to gain either a success or an advantage (user's choice) on the check.
Upgrade Effect
Control Enhance can be used with the Piloting (Space) skill
Control Enhance can be used with the Piloting (Planetary) skill
Control Enhance can be used with the Brawl skill
Control Enhance can be used with the Resilience skill
Control Enhance can be used with the Coordination skill.
The Force user bolster his ally with renewed vigor or saps his foe of vital energy. Heal: Spend a pip to heal a number of wounds equal to Intellect from an engaged living creature (including the user). The user may not activate this multiple times. Harm: Spend a pip to inflict a number of wounds equal to Intellect (ignoring soak) on an engaged target. The user gains 1 Conflict. The user may not activate this multiple times.
Upgrade Effect
Control Heal: Spend a pip to remove 1 status effect from target. Harm: The user may spend a pip to heal wounds equal to wounds inflicted on target. Healed character gains 1 conflict.
Control Heal: May make a Heal power check combined with a 3p Medicine check. If check succeeds, one target who heals wounds also heals 1 Critical Injury. Harm: May make a Harm power check combined with an opposed Medicine vs. Resilience check. If check succeeds, one target who suffers wounds also suffers 1 Critical Injury (adding +10 to the roll per 2 advantages).
Range x2 Spend a pip to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Mastery Heal: Once per session, spend 4 pips to restore 1 target who died after end of user's last turn to life. Harm: Once per session, when this power kills a target, restore one engaged character who died this encounter to life. Each character gains 7 Conflict.
Magnitude x3 Spend 2 pips to affect 1 additional target within ranger per rank of Magnitude purchased.
Control Heal: If no dark pips were used, target heals strain equal to wounds healed. Harm: If any dark pips were used, user heals strain equal to wounds inflicted.
Control Heal: Heal additional wounds equal to ranks in Medicine. Harm: Inflict additional wounds equal to ranks in Medicine.
Strength x2 Heal: Spend a pip to increase wounds healed by 1 per rank of Strength upgrades. Harm: Spend a pip to increase wounds inflicted by 1 per rank of Strength upgrades.
Upgrade Effect
The Force user can move via the power of the Force. The user may spend a pip to move one object of silhouette 0 that is within short range up to his maximum range. The default maximum range is short range.
Upgrade Effect
Magnitude x4 Spend a pip to increase targets affected equal to Magnitude upgrades purchased.
Strength x4 Spend a pip to increase silhouette able to be targeted equal to Strength upgrades purchased.
Range x3 Spend a pip to increase power's range by a number of range bands equal to Range upgrades purchased.
Control The Force user can pull objects out of secure mountings or out of an opponent's grasp.
Control The Force user can hurl objects to damage targets, by making a Discipline ranged combat check combined with a Move Power check, dealing damage equal to 10 times silhouette.
Control The character can perform fine manipulation of items, allowing him to do whatever he would normally with his hands via this power at this power's range.





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