Motivation - Cause
Viren is motivated by his belief in the Jedi Order. He believes that the Jedi Truly are the guardians of the republic and he sees the separatists as a threat to the Order.
Duty - Support
Viren hopes to use his skills in the force and lightsaber combat to help his allies both on and off the battlefield. While in combat he will watch his allies and make an attempt to keep where the fighting is toughest so he can support those who are in the thick of it. In social situations he will keep his ears open for any situations where his knowledge or experience may be useful.
Morality Strengths
Discipline – Rigorous mental and physical discipline comes naturally to the character.
Justice – The character strives for just and deliberate actions in his life, and in his interactions with others.
Morality Weaknesses
Coldness – A cold character doesn’t just desire to rely only on himself, but has nothing but disinterest for anyone else.
Arrogance – It is not enough to succeed; the character also expects others to fall.
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6'2"
Build: Athletic
Hair: mostly Bald (has grown a Padawan braid) with horns
Eyes: green